CHANGING NARRATIVE: We see it on 3rd Ave+Little Saigon daily. City leaders must now admit it’s an addiction crisis. Every encampment is littered w/drug paraphernalia. Out of record 310 homeless deaths last year, majority were #fentanyl related. #Seattle
-70% fentanyl related.
-18 homeless people died by homicide.
-35 homeless people died from natural causes.
-10 homeless people died from hypothermia or exposure.
ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY: "Harm reduction" lobby is adding fuel to America's drug epidemic. Unlimited needles, foil,+supplies to get high. But little intervention or requirements for addicts to get treatment. And this industry is profiting handsomely. #Seattle
IT'S THE DRUGS STUPID: Resilient small biz owners like @RohanJoseph12 huge part of 2022 narrative. Fed up with #Seattle's drug addicts disrupting biz, he's documenting every single encounter and now PERSONALLY trying to change the culture on his street.
HUMAN TRAGEDY: #Chinatown-ID continues to UNFAIRLY shoulder burden of crime, drug addiction,+ homeless crisis. This past September, I documented numerous instances of addicts injecting in front of kids. @GovInslee@kcexec@MayorofSeattle@kc_rha #Seattle
DRUG CITY: The drug epidemic is so bad in #Seattle, I now carry Narcan since I encounter addicts daily. In October, guy was "tweaking" on drugs in traffic near Lams' Seafood on King St. He refused help. @GovInslee@MayorofSeattle@kcexec@SeattleCouncil
EVERY HOMELESS ENCAMPMENT: Back in October, I caught up with these fellas in SODO. Why are we allowing HOMELESS addicts to die on our streets? We are losing a GENERATION. Where is the intervention? @GovInslee@kcexec@MayorofSeattle@KC_RHA@seattledot
SEATTLE'S UNENDING DRUG CRISIS : I spent months REPORTING on 3rd Ave. in downtown Seattle+Little Saigon. Despite efforts by @MayorofSeattle and @SeattlePD, open air drug dens/black markets are THRIVING. #Seattle@GovInslee@kcexec
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THAT'S A WRAP: Evening of Antifa folks dressing up as FAR-LEFT ninjas ended near #Seattle's East Precinct. Messaging started w/Tyre Nichols chants, but then went off rails as usual, ripping on @amazon and capitalism. @RebelNewsOnline reporter @KatieDaviscourt targeted all night.
DUDE HAS ISSUES: This fella is a well know far-left activist and Antifa sympathizer. Goes to many protests. My presence apparently triggers him.😂He just can’t help himself and always tries to intimidate me. #Seattle
LAST YEAR: This is the dude who started harassing me all night. Spotted me at Space Needle and finally went away when we got to the East Precinct. Guarantee I will see him again at an Antifa led protest. #Seattle
CLOSE CALL: Once again, #Seattle crews cleared tents along 3rd Ave & Cherry St, block away from City Hall. I usually go back to see if anyone returned. Today, a deranged AXE WIELDING man came charging at me. Officials have to STOP this from coming back. @MayorofSeattle@GovInslee
DANGER TO COMMUNITY: As I have reported before, area's been cleared dozens of times. But many are not homeless and stay nearby at @DESCSeattle's Lyon building or Morrison. They set up "trap tents" to sell or do drugs. Worst kept secret. @MayorofSeattle@KC_RHA@kcexec#Seattle👇🏽
BACK IN NOV 2022: New Year same issues at 3rd Ave & Cherry St, one of most problematic areas in city. Many say they are not homeless. They admit to living in nearby @DESCSeattle properties like Morrison+Lyon building. Just set up tents to chill. #seattle
5 YEAR PLAN: Today @KC_RHA released strategy to “Dramatically Reduce Unsheltered Homelessness.” Agency says there will be “measurable, accountable success.” But it’s based on failed “HOUSING FIRST” policy. No requirements for drug addiction and mental health treatment. #Seattle
PROTEST STILL ON: @safeLynnwood says 1pm protest on Sunday will be in front of Dat Dental clinic where OPIOID CLINIC is scheduled to open January 30. Neighbors say they were never against treatment for addicts. It was always about the location. #Lynnwood
COMMUNITY OUTREACH PLAN: Despite massive neighbor and business pushback in #Lynnwood, @WADeptHealth@GovInslee pushing ahead against the will of the majority of people in community including Alderwood Boys & Girls Club and entire @lynnwood City Council.
COLLUSION? As many of you know, my job is to ask tough questions and hold public officials accountable. Few days ago, @jasonrantz first reported on King Co. morgue running out of space due to fentanyl overdose deaths. I contacted @KCPubHealth PIO James Apa. Here’s his response.
MY INQUIRY TO DOW CONSTANTINE: Last week, I also reached out to @kcexec’s media handler Chase Gallagher about the Federal Way homeless motel and King County’s involvement. Here’s Chase’s response below. Notice any similarities to Apa’s?🙃
COMMON DENOMINATOR: Back in September, I confronted King County Executive Dow Constantine over community concerns about his HOMELESS MEGAPLEX. His media handlers tried to block me but I chased him down to get answers for #Chinatown-ID. Things haven't been the same between us.🙃
@DESCSeattle@SeattlePD@GovInslee@MayorofSeattle@kcexec DESC PROBLEMS: #Seattle's first homicide of year on Jan. 2 happened inside CANADAY HOUSE. @DESCSeattle properties deal w/high rates of complaints and 911 calls. Units house formerly homeless, drug addicts, and people struggling w/mental health issues.
COMPLAINTS STACKING UP: Homeowners near @DESCSeattle's Clement Place("HOUSING FIRST"model) documented numerous problems caused by SOME residents. Fights, drugs, attempted burglary. Neighbors claim DESC building managers ignoring them. #Seattle