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Jan 27th 2023
5 YEAR PLAN: Today @KC_RHA released strategy to “Dramatically Reduce Unsheltered Homelessness.” Agency says there will be “measurable, accountable success.” But it’s based on failed “HOUSING FIRST” policy. No requirements for drug addiction and mental health treatment. #Seattle
COSTS NEARLY 12 BILLION BUCKS: @KCCReaganDunn blasting @KC_RHA 5 year plan essentially saying the agency is focused on funding the wrong things. Says it will be a failure and black hole for tax payers. #Seattle #KingCounty #Bellevue #Kirkland #Redmond #FederalWay #Kent #Renton
MARC DONES’ BABY: Here is the Executive Summary. #Seattle #KingCounty
Read 8 tweets
Mar 30th 2021
‘Matt #Gaetz Is Said to Be Investigated Over Possible Sexual Relationship With a Girl, 17’

‘An inquiry into the Florida congressman was opened in the final months of the Trump administration, people briefed on it said.’

‘Rep. #Gaetz Under Investigation for Alleged Sexual Relationship With 17-Year-Old Girl: NYT’

‘Rep. Matt #Gaetz eyes early retirement from Congress to take job at Newsmax’

Read 102 tweets
Feb 25th 2021
The #Pandemic Modellers Have a Conflict of Interest Problem | 11 Feb 2021
- Edmunds also happens to be the spouse of someone who, at least until April 2020, was an employee of #GlaxoSmithKline and held shares in the company…
'#GSK 'Edmunds speaks often to reporters about the deadliness of the new variant. He tells them a "disaster" would happen if lockdowns are eased soon, because what first must be done is to "#vaccinate much, much, much more widely than the elderly."
Be wary! SAGE expert stuns GMB with new findings on 'much more deadly #Kent #Covid strain' | Jan 25
- '#GSK' John Edmunds has warned Britons to be wary of the Kent Covid strain, after new evidence shows it is "significantly more risky" than the old strain…
Read 12 tweets
Jan 2nd 2021
@KentBylines @willfurnell #ForeverEuropean
Adrian writes: “I am a European who was born in England, lived for many years in Europe, became bi-cultural and bi-lingual, married a European wife and raised two European children. Yesterday was the end of the European dream for the nation of my birth.
@KentBylines @willfurnell Here is the poem that I wrote yesterday after seeing this free-running fox when out walking.

The Kent Fox, New Year 2021

There's no New Year for Mister Fox
It's just another winter day
No frontiers with their gates and locks
To steal his space and time away

Europeans together.
@KentBylines @willfurnell The springtime breeze and autumn gales
Observe no calendars or dates
The rhythmic trek of wolves and whales
Ignore men's flags and nation states.

At Kent's white cliffs her chalky hills
Beneath the sparkling waves advance
To rise and roll unfettered forth,
Read 7 tweets
Dec 26th 2020
#UnitedKingdom #Kent #Coronavirus

After thousands of negative corona rapid tests in the Kent border region, most truck drivers were able to cross the border into France after standing still for days. "In the meantime, 15,526 # coronavirus tests have been carried out,"
tweeted British Transport Minister Grant Shapps on Saturday afternoon. "Only 36 positive results that will now be verified."
Only drivers with a negative Corona test result are currently allowed to cross the border from England to France by sea or through the tunnel because of a mutated virus variant. On Friday evening, around 3,000 trucks were still standing in a traffic jam,
Read 4 tweets
Dec 22nd 2020
The #Kent lorry debacle was not caused by Brexit. But it is very Brexity. Why? Firstly, because it shows once again the lack of preparation that has become a hallmark of Brexit, and of this government in particular. Even before the new covid variant was officially announced
there were already lorries building up at the ports. It would have been obvious that France and other EU countries would want to close their borders off to travellers coming from UK who might carry the new covid variant.
Yet the U.K. did not liaise with the French beforehand as to how to prevent blockages, because a Brexit UK government would never do that with the foreign countries that have in effect become our imaginary enemies, especially the bloody French. Boney! Macron! Same thing!
Read 11 tweets
Nov 27th 2020
I’m increasingly convinced that #Kent is heading for an open revolt.
Even before #Brexit, there was already discontent about proposed house building in many parts of the country.…
Decades of over-priced and unreliable train services have left the county’s 100s of 1000s of commuters in a constant state of expensive and exhausted frustration.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 24th 2020
Meanwhile in #France,
"the peak of this second wave is over"

(according to the President in his Adress to the Nation):
Wait... "the peak is over" doesn´t mean "it´s back to normal"!

Confinement will only fall on December 15,
if there´s less than 5.000 new cases a day.
(today it´s ~9.000).

France is disappointed.🙁

Although they certainly can make it happen.
Meanwhile in #Switzerland:
(excess mortality of the second wave is significant)

Good news: fastest decrease in infections happens in the worst hit areas now.
Read 2817 tweets
Sep 24th 2020

Brave #Kent Free Forces fought off numerous attacks by Tories in the N & W under General Johnson near Chatham and counter-attacked in the SW toward Farage Battalion in Sussex. Johnson's allies attacked by sea, have been repulsed with heavy casualties. Image
#Farage forces in Sussex were scattered by the counter-attack mainly from his own units firing on allies or shooting themselves in the foot.

A spokesperson for Colonel #Farage stated "We are not retreating, we are advancing in an alternative direction..." Image
Generalissimo Johnson has declared that the #Kent Rebels will be crushed "if we just believe enough in The Final Victory".

His troop morale is said to be low, anticipating a Putsch by Reich Commander Gove. ImageImage
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Aug 21st 2020
My UK #staycation first stop! 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
Leeds Castle, Kent. ImageImageImageImage
2nd stop
Reading Isaiah at Canterbury Cathedral, Kent.
#staycation 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 #uk Image
How beautiful is constantly pulling aside while driving on English villages and towns’ narrow roads and then wave to each other when cars cross? 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🚙👋🏻🏡🏠
Read 16 tweets
Aug 21st 2020
The #UKGovernment Torture Report

This is a very short overview of what the #UKAuthorities have done in the case.

#PraiseTheLORD #PraiseGod #Borisjohnson #Downingstreet #PritiPatel #UKParliament #Dailymail
In 2005, I set up a business selling CDs, namely mixtape CDs after graduating from Uni.

In 2006, my home was raided & my business was stopped. They said the CDs I was selling were in breach of copyright.
It was a complete shock as the exact same CDs I was selling were prevalent on most high streets and supermarkets. They were selling in their thousands in places such as #Tesco & #HMV. And #Woolworths were the actual UK Distributor of these CDs.
Read 91 tweets
Aug 10th 2020
Refarding #Farage's 'videos' of migrants landing in #Kent:

The 'St Margaret's Bay' one he posted (just to pick one example) shows a different coastline in the background.

The 7 onboard suddenly become 4 then 11. Image
Video of them 'on the beach' after 'wading to shore' shows them bone dry from waist down.

Video of them walking away has them mostly wearing different clothes. And they appear to have suddenly gotten taller.

How many others are faked or composed of clips from elsewhere reused ? Image
If there truly is an ''INVASION !!'' of boats ''SEVERAL TIMES A DAY !!" then why would #Farage need to create a mini compilation of bits 'n' pieces of other vids - possibly from other countries, other years - to post ?

Lying is in his nature, it the only tool he has. Image
Read 4 tweets
Aug 9th 2020
THREAD. Some home truths and perspective on the negative #refugee media stories and alarming UK Government rhetoric on this issue. Some numbers and facts below to prove point, but let's remember we are talking about human beings here. It should not have to come to this. 1/9
📌85% of world's 79.5 million forcibly displaced people are hosted in developing countries. Not #Europe. Not #Kent.

📌40% of forcibly displaced people and 51% of refugees are #children. These children are seeking protection. They are not stealing jobs or services. 2/9
📌39% are hosted in just 5 countries. The UK is nowhere near this list (more below).

📌68% of those seeking protection come from just 5 countries experiencing oppression or conflict. Google them. 3/9
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Jul 7th 2020
As #COVID19 cases are found to spread, #Melbourne (city of ~5 million) tries to contain them by going into #Lockdown.
(The interview features the idea of a dedicated #Quarantine building - that would actually help, I guess)...
"People acting as if the pandemic was over was 'not the answer, it is part of the problem' ".

"The virus had leaked from postcodes already under the stay-at-home orders to other parts of #Melbourne."
(and beyond, it is feared).
Due to #Melbourne's outbreak, neighbouring South Australia is about to completely close it's borders to #Victoria.

(Nearly) no exceptions. And those essential few who are allowed in, will have to wear facemasks the entire time...
Read 2915 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
Vorpommern-Greifswald district (where rejections of #Gütersloh residents took place, yesterday)
has specific rules:
"Those who return from international risk areas (out of Germany) or whose Corona-Warning App has alerted them, need to report to authorites" Image
In fact, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's Corona-ordinance really prohibits entry of people from international risk areas AND german risk areas as well.
It's just not prominently featured on their websites.

(Overlooked that myself, hence deleted earlier tweet)… Image
People from #Gütersloh district may have to scrap all their holiday plans anyway...

An official #Lockdown is just being announced for the entire district.
(for one week, as of now)
Read 2556 tweets
May 8th 2020
Today is #VEDay when we remember the end of the war in Europe. Eric Ravilious never survived to see that Peace, & for his wife Tirzah, it left her a widow. War always means Lost Lives, unfulfilled paths, but Ravilious left behind such a legacy, so let’s see some of it from #WW2
At the beginning of #WW2 Eric Ravilious joined the Royal Observer Corps whose job it was to spot for enemy planes & had a vital role in the Battle of Britain. He painted this Observer’s Post in 1939. Original in @higginsbedford collection.
Ravilious was then given an Honorary Commission in the Royal Marines and was appointed an Official War Artist. In 1940/41 he did a lot of work in #Kent & #Sussex. This was entitled Bombing the Channel Ports (1941) and shows a Sound Mirror in #Kent. Original in @I_W_M collection.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 28th 2019
TRAVEL: Don't forget #OperationBrock is starting this morning on the #M20 ahead of the #Brexit deadline #kmfmtravel
TRAVEL: The #M20 is still closed coast bound due to overrunning roadworks ahead of #OperationBrock which is coming into force today #kmfmtravel
TRAVEL: These are the queues on the #M20 coast bound this morning as you approach J7 where the motorway is closed due to over running roadworks in preparation for #OperationBrock #kmfmtravel
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Jun 11th 2019
Flash flooding overnight, after two months of rain fell in just a few hours. I’m in #Snodland #Kent @GMB - as weather warnings are issued for other parts of the UK, with much more rain forecast over the next few days. #BritishSummerTime
Locals here in #Snodland say there’s been nothing like this for at least 40 years - the radar shows massive amounts of rainfall over last 24 hours, spreading from South East across England and Wales. #WeatherWarning #Floods @GMB @metoffice
Flood Fashion. #Kent
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Jul 11th 2018
My #countryhousepic today shows Sissinghurst Castle #Kent in the late 18th century. The great courtyard house was pulled down, probably in the 1790s, leaving only the gatehouse tower and outer court buildings that survive today.
The great house of Sissinghurst was built in two phases for Sir John Baker (d. 1558) and his son Sir Richard (d. 1594). The long range which greets visitors today dates from the 1530s (but was extended in the C17); the tower behind is of c.1560.
In the mid 18th century, Sissinghurst Castle was used as a prisoner of war camp for French sailors and soldiers captured during the Seven Years War. One of them drew a bird's eye view of the castle
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Nov 10th 2017
Today we are celebrating ten years since our high speed train depot opened in #Kent. Follow today's event on this thread
.@HitachiRailCEO welcomes guests to Ashford
.@Se_Railway MD David Statham says tourist numbers to #Kent have risen to 890,000 a year thanks to the high speed trains
Read 6 tweets

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