the UK's fascist tory govt is CHOOSING to facilitate the extraction of profit to the top 10% rather than show *ANY CONSIDERATION WHATSOEVER* to the working population
@docrussjackson@karamballes just appalling (the deaths aren't mentioned in the report - but reading it made me think of austerity & everything else the 99% have been subjected to over the last 13 yrs!)
I don't know how I came across this, but I'm absolutely gob-smacked!
This is a detailed, lengthy, University of Bath report on just one #TuftonStreet "think tank" & how it intertwines with all the wheels & inner sanctums of govt
whilst its head office is in Millbank, this detailed report blew my mind - read it & think of all the so called think tanks that influence tory policies
this report shows how they could *all* potentially be inter-related