Communism, who's core values spew from Marx & Engels' Communist Manifesto is Talmudic.
Did you now that?
The Marxist plight in America right now is exactly what happened in Tsarist Russia when the Bolsheviks moved in early 20th century and killed upwards of 50MM Russians.
The Bolsheviks took over and killed off the smartest first.
Now think about all the academic fools in the US who fell for the #mRNA gene manipulation bioweapon. Think about how schools nationwide mandated vaccination and how school age toddlers are now on the schedule.
Did you now the tagline Fraternity, Liberty and Equality is not only Marxist but also Freemasonic?
The #Zionist plan for #GreaterIsrael is nothing more than the revival of the boundaries in the Levant controlled 4k yrs ago by Communist Masonic Pharaohs. #GreaterEgypt
Take a look at your US #RomanCult government and discover for yourself how many have dual citizenship with Israel and are in fact Talmudic orthodoxy.
🛡️#T3 - COVID BLOOD CLOTS REVISTED @P_McCulloughMD explains how CV19, not the vaccine, creates blood clots. The hardest hit being those with 2+ infections.
McCullough branded #AAPS sent out an email this morning with this latest info. I included the pdf below.
+2 #AAPS emailed me this today describing how #SarsCoV2 exaggerates blood-clotting response leading to clots in the lungs, brain, other organs and large arteries like the aorta. @P_McCulloughMD is named in this report.…
✅#SarsCoV2 has blood clotting mechanism built in
✅#mRNA exacerbates/causes #BloodClots
📢@CDC LIED! - said we "can't get #CV19 if vaxd"
✅Vaxd people still get CV19
✅mRNA reacts w/ CV19 increasing mortality rates
✅Virus - made in a lab
✅mRNA - made in a lab
🛡️#T3OccultAstrology CHINA TAKES TAIWAN 2025
USA #ChipsAct: Resulting from a decision by the #PriestKings negotiating since 2017, Taiwan's public transfer to China giving the US time to relocate assets.
{Taiwan's US chip factories come online by 2026}
2022 controversy surrounding Taiwan and actions of US/CCP political influencers.
Biden Signs ChipsAct 8-9-22
Nancy Pelosi had just arrived back from her August 2/3 visit where she solidified the contract to surrender Taiwan and give go ahead to Biden.…
This tumultuous time is reflected in Taiwan's Natal chart where immense pressure is building due to generational influences from heavy malefic planetary alignments to crucial natal positions. This is the destiny of Taiwan. It will be assimilated back into China and soon (2025)
Anyone can see the world has gone mad.
Our matrix is insane. Why?
Since antiquity, the ruling families have practiced strategic inbreeding programs to sustain their wealth and power, from Pharaoh to King Charles III and everyone in between.
Its no secret the ancient Egyptians used this practice during many of their dynastic periods. The most famous being King Tut, the offspring of the famous androgynously portrayed monotheist, #Akhenaten and his sister. Tut also married his sister.…
Hapsburg Holy Roman Empire was so inbred for centuries that ruling heads of state suffered from low intelligence, mental issues and physical deformities ranging from inability to walk straight like King Tut, enlarged tongues - inability to eat/talk and the famous #HapsburgJaw
This #DavosAgenda co-conspirator foments false hope to the good people of Ukraine. She knows damn well RU will be back in a few weeks time to finish the job.
If you think Putin has been defeated here, you're sorely mistaken. You watch to much TV!
I'll keep track and revisit.
Putin has 200k troops being trained and relocated as we speak. The weaponry they bring is far superior. First week of December will reverse this Davos controlled narrative.
The #PriestKings love #GenZ because they suffer the most severe mind control brainwashing of any previous generation in human history. This generation will lead #GenAlpha into transhumanism and beyond.
These two generations will destroy the USA.
🛡️#T3OccultAstrology - PERFECT STORM
You've been forewarned.
✅Many cycles are converging at this point in time.
✅We know what @wef global influencers have planned.
✅We know they use astrological timelines.
Global headlines to increase into next weeks BIG cycles listed below
Let this sink in! @FedEx craters under the weight of what we already knew was a recession. But your government changed the definition of recession so you wouldn't freak out. Well, that cat's out of the bag.
This on top of looming RR strikes.
"or something worse"~ Jamie Dimon
Here's the big picture for year 2022 focusing on September and October from multiple points of reference.