I saw illegal banking and fraud schemes between Canada and Germany happening around Waterloo Region. I brought this to police & city and was told it was third party hearsay. International media coverage on it is here.
I saw all this. I presented it to the clerks office and Police. I tried to present it to the Ontario Municipal Board during hearing #PL071044 which I launched against this same developer.
I made a website to share with the Ministry of Labour and Ministry of Environmental showing area work place infringements in construction areas. My efforts resulted in 39 charges and 309 stop actions for issues I saw like this one.
They tried to sue me for 2 million. We settled out of court and two years later I took them to the Ontario Municipal Board and won my concessions. Then I lobbied for anti Slapp laws which were passed. waterloochronicle.ca/news-story/612…
Handy article re: Germany & China's economics. My view you have Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew of the house of Saxe Coburg Gotha & Ghislaine Maxwell's husband who was linked to Siemens & Voith, both German firms. Follow the money. politico.eu/article/german…
Canada’s history was linked to land grants given to German Mercinaries who fought for Britain in the American Revolution & Civil War. View 52 minutes into this video for that history. I am an Acadian of Caraquet. My people were slaves in modern Canada. nfb.ca/film/tintamarr…
There is a reason why Ghislaine Maxwell’s dad Robert Maxwell parked his money in St. John NB. Canada never quashed the Jersey Fifedoms. cbc.ca/news/canada/ne…
Glencore, Russian Mob, oligarchs and the family of Ghislaine Maxwell were all funnelling money through Jersey Feifdoms like La Have and La Hougue. institutionalinvestor.com/article/b1qwpn…
John W Dick was raised in Canada as a Mennonite in Canada became director of media giant Liberty Global. He lived on a property that gave him the right to kill servants. This is unreasonable. theguardian.com/world/2020/mar…
Land grants were given after the American Revolution & Civil War but the deportation of Acadians was illegal and Queen Elizabeth, US & Canada admits the Acadian Nation still lawfully exists.
The Peace and Friendship agreement did not give away the Mi’kmaw land rights. It is Mi’kma’ki land. As Acadian Metis I am of the line of Henri Membertou. Acadians are the Mi’kmaw Métis. cbc.ca/news/canada/ne…
Vatican Concordat of 1610 formed the First Nation on North America. My ancestral grandfather Henri Membertou ratified it. Our wampum is with the Vatican and UN. Hereditary Chief Augustine and Chief Sylliboy are holding the wampum of it here.
We were of the Order of Christ system. The Pope Francis is the head of that today. He aught to know of us.
One cannot hide history under a bushel forever.
The Act of Settlement hid non Protestant & Roman Catholic history that predated 1701. It is hidden from view unless they were renegotiated with Britain to become the numbered treaties. Two Row Wampum was renegotiated. I spoke to Mulcair about that one here.
If we want to stop corruption we need the full truth about the history of Canada released. As it stands the Canadian foundation is weak and it invites corruption. cbc.ca/news/business/…
Canada serves British Empire and it’s Supremacy of God Clause binds it to a Protestant Church. Canada and UK are bound to Oliver Cromwell policies and New England Company objectives. Religion was used for Colonialism and to justify discrimination.
Federal jurisdictional people & unceded are not equal to the Provincial or British Interests so this is an anti competitive abuse of dominance that violated both Peace & Friendship treaty and Treaty of Utrecht rights. The Jersey solution didn’t work @Pontifex
We have over inflated housing values, land banking & empty houses jacking up prices plus bitcoins & Jersey tax evasion where folks borrow to buy shorts in loans that can never be repaid. Hedge funds are massive & trust funds are monopolizing boards. I see nothing but inflation.
“A loan that everyone knows from the beginning is not going to be repaid…is not a loan.” Loomer says. “Even if it technically was a loan, Canada has debt forgiveness rules that could apply.”motherjones.com/politics/2021/…
We cannot abide by international laws of Nationhood without the acknowledgement of the actual Nationhood here in the land. Canada policy wise lacks foundation and they hide the truth. cbc.ca/amp/1.4129935
We need to stop the rich from looting. We need true reconciliation efforts and the history released to build on facts not fiction. The people of the land remain here and we need tax justice to advance a just recovery. dailyhive.com/canada/rich-ca…
Big business culture, if the risk of getting caught doing a crime is fiscally less than the profits that can be made in knowingly violating policies, some companies choose to break the law. Here is one example: nationalobserver.com/2017/09/08/ana…
The Alberta Energy Regulator cost of reclaiming inactive oil & gas wells & abandoned facilities totalled more than $30.6 billion. Source: Alberta Energy Regulator Liability Management Programs Results Report Liability Run ID: Liability Run Date: 38958 September 02, 2017.
Canadian Petition e-3983 calling for a royal commission inquiry on Canada’s corporate railway police, hired to investigate fatalities & injury for CN and CP rails. What are the implications of Canadian firms with police powers in the U.S? petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/De…
Jersey fiefdoms we’re not quashed when Canada formed. My family were kept as slaves in modern Canada because of that. View 54 minutes into this National Film Board of Canada movie called Tintamarre - On the Trail of Acadians in North America. nfb.ca/film/tintamarr…
Over 30 years ago, a company in Saint John NB owned by Robert Maxwell — the late British billionaire media mogul and father to #GhislaineMaxwell — was found to have defaulted on a $100 million loan after his death. cbc.ca/news/canada/ne…
The Jersey tax havens link to Canada and are associated with the Channel Islands which are is the worst place for tax evasion. bbc.com/news/world-eur…
@UNAIDS Sub-Sahara faces environmental racism, displacement of people and lack of regard for rights because of the toxic culture of colonialism and resource extraction. In Canada it remains a systemic issue. canadiandimension.com/articles/view/…
Virus was used by colonialists to kill since the days of Jeffrey Amherst. He gifted small pox blankets taken from infirmaries to give to people from Acadia to Standing Rock. It killed many of my ancestors. umass.edu/legal/derrico/…
Nazi’s Ewen Cameron and Heinz Lehmann were part of a eugenics program operating out of McGill University.
Big Pharma prioritizing profits over saving lives. Racist inequalities are undermining progress towards ending Aids. Sub-Saharan Africa has more than half of all new infections, with girls & women facing new infection rates 3 times higher than men. theguardian.com/global-develop…
32 African countries have laws criminalising same-sex relations, and this often stops LGBTQ+ people accessing sexual and reproductive health services. Poverty, racism, inequality and lack of education and health care funding “combine to crush people”. theguardian.com/global-develop…
UNAids suggest that girls who completed secondary school were 50% less likely to become infected with HIV as they were less vulnerable to patriarchal power dynamics and poverty than their counterparts. theguardian.com/global-develop…
My Acadian people are still on our own land grant land and of Henri Membertou’s line in the Vatican made nationhood that was verified with Queen Elizabeth’s apology admitting deportation was illegal. US law, Treaty of Utrecht, Vatican and UK acknowledged it.
I am of the lines of Membertou kept like slaves to the Charles Robin Jersey Fishing Company. medium.com/nine-by-five-m…