Kanskje @Universitetavis kunne tatt opp tråden og luftet studien fra @Griffith_Uni med relevante forskere, om det fins mulighet til å replikere studien?
4/ «…maskinen som kommer til Trondheim kan brukes klinisk, dvs. til å undersøke pasienter som vanlig rutine, og til forskning.
Enn så lenge kan 7T maskinen i Trondheim kun benyttes til å ta bilde av hodet og kne når den installeres, men flere typer avbildning vil komme…»
– The Norwegian 7T MR Center is located in Trondheim, NORWAY. As a #NORBRAIN node it is a national infrastructure in neuroscience research
– 7T MR is phase 2 of the NORBRAIN consortium for national neuroscience infrastructure
What do aluminium sulfate water poisoning, Gulf War Syndrome, World Trade Centre Syndrome, the neurological disease #ME, the post infection disease(s) #LongCovid and poisoning of Iranian school girls have in common?
A British #psychiatrist claiming ‘mass sociogenic illness’!
2/ Does the psychiatrist, Sir Simon Wessely, project his own catastrophic thinking to all ‘grey’ areas in health science transforming them into black and white?
What cannot be explained immediately can be explained through the old ‘hysteria’ hypothesis?
3/ Thank you @LongCovidAdvoc for this summary on the knighted psychiatrist’s ‘work’!
Despite Wessely repeatedly #blaming media for fueling the affected persons’ ‘mass psychogenic illnesses’ #media has seemingly been satisfied reporting this instead of performing #journalism