Dont forget this guy
He acted permanently against prevention measures in germany
Against mask-mandats,
against Ag- & pcr tests.
He & most german medical boards of orders & organisations as like
Tegnell, Balloux, ... & so many other physicians! 2/
Dont forget this guy
He perverted his metier
He distorted the message
about clean air, airfilters, masks beeing an aerosol specialist
Perfide enough to be RT by the upper guy
Those germans claim
airfilters & mask are dangerous bc they nebulized particles on the filter🤬 3/
Go to
put into a word like
Sars, mask, corona, covid, filter, freedom 🤡
Do this on accounts
Friedrich Löffler Institute
Hamburger Uniklinik & Stadt
Family picture isnt complete😳 6/
Dont forget
these physicians
broad immunity after omikron infection
Getting infected
to prevent infection🤡
->herd immunity 🫣 7/
So political criteria was only
not to crash down health care system
Never the aim was to prevent population getting infected from rapid mutating airborne
biosafety level 3 zoonotic biohazards
This was a personal shocker 😡
Order of dental board distorted national test mandat saying no patient test necessary
😱 9/
You wont find any risk managment on german boards of medical organisations for airborne pathogens
prevention guidance
No awareness of silent transmission
& prevention of crosscontaminations
Many heard wrong droplet message from who
This was intentional
remind 10/
Realize this guy
on the right
is the highest german military representant of germany since yesterday
He was the head of corona task force and rarely wore a mask
Only vaccins strategy
=>Great Barrington Declaration
Their short thought strategy is to prevent riots & to smooth economy
To wear masks at hospital should be standard to prevent nosocomial infections like washing hands and cleaning surfaces. When will media grasp, that infection control is a workplace and patients right issue?
Will media title hospitals disinfect intervervention material next?😜
Wenn sogar die @ bzga_de
Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung auf ihrer Homepage schreibt
Auch infizierte Personen, die überhaupt nicht erkranken, können andere anstecken.‼️
#MaskUp KN95 😷
Das Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 wird hauptsächlich über virushaltige Partikel übertragen, die von infizierten Personen beim Husten und Niesen, aber auch beim Atmen, Sprechen und Singen freigesetzt werden.
Je nach Partikelgröße und Eigenschaften werden Tröpfchen und Aerosole unterschieden, wobei der Übergang zwischen beiden Formen fließend ist.
Was aktuell abläuft seit geraumer Zeit ist ziemlich Vieles schräg ...
"Überhöhte ärztliche Honorare", wie dreist ist das bitte?!
Ist das der Grund, dass die Stiko und die @kbv4u alles daran setzen diesen Impfschutz sovielen wie möglich vorzuenthalten?