being used to depopulate and sicken the entire world. If you support vaccines I'll be happy to debate you on that front.
Just because @RWMaloneMD is a coward who can't swallow a dose of his own medicine doesn't mean he's wrong about the vaccines.
He's sick and shows all the sig
ns of a delusional and broken man. When you can't face the truth you block it, or deny, avoid and ignore it, convincing yourself you are above it. That shit won't cut it anymore.
wasted his entire life on a lie, "a sham," as he puts it. But what is shameful and where I cannot empathize with his situation is how he never reconciled or changed his behavior, he just did more of the same.
He long ago blocked me for repeatedly asking for a debate and calling
out his hypocrisy. If anyone suffers from #ChronicPsychosis it is the guy who admits it in writing then claims he does not suffer while claiming the rest of us do.
And you are right, he thinks he's our #GoodDoctor, when in fact he is a #Brownshirt. He can hide in a corner and cr
y in private but that doesn't stop us from exposing him for his central role in bring about these #CrimesAgainstHumanity.
And again if you think theres nothing criminal taking place you're not much better off than him.
The virus has 3 strains of patented HIV encoded in it. I'd
like anyone to square that circle.
Removing #HCQ and #IVM whether they are curative or not, they are more safe and effective than Tylenol who is currently in a class action lawsuit but still available is a fucking crime. It violates our #AntiTrustLaw, a felony crime. And
Fauci should have been arrested and prosecuted 3 years ago when he orchestrated all this bullshit, ignoring two State Department warning from our embassy in China telling hima lab leak was imminent in HIS lab if he didn't act immediately.
So just because Robert is #ControlledOpposition doesn't mean much of what he states NOW, when it is too late, isn't true.
They killed Kary Mullis in August 2019 because he spoke out against Faucis HIV planned epidemic in the 1980s. He's the developer of the PCR tests Fauci relie
d on to lie to the masses. So I can't tell whether because of your hatred for Malone you simply go in the opoposite direction but would be glad to debate you if you do. The vaccines and the Virus are the same thing. POISON. Experimental #mRNAGeneTherapy and we're the guinea pigs.
@DrAseemMalhotra is there ANY chance you have been captured? Is there the slightest chance that the patterned behavior by 100s of 1,000s of doctors all behaving in precisely the same way is a clear indication that you all suffer from #InstitutionalIndoctrination, that you all suf
fer some degree of psychosis, a #ChronicMassFormationPsychosis that inflicts ourmedical community more than ANY other. Is it possible you are all in denial, evidenced by your avoidance and ignorance of anyone who asks for a public debate on the matter. Allany of you have done is
remain fragmented as you were taught to do and seek approval, recognition and NOW as you pivot, write books, launch podcasts, grovel for more money from us, write papers, produce films, testify, tweet, launch substacks and on and on, never once coming together to #ActDifferently
4. Why, if your ilk covers misinformation can none of you EVER engage in #CivilPublicDebate when you have an #OpenInvitation to do so which would allow you to expose the "misinformation of the fringe."
It just seems that if you had any truth or facts on your side, you'd be all too happy to sit down and broadcast through your media the factual evidence that would embarrass anyone who you claim never has any evidence. When you don't you lose all credibility.
It wasn't hard to do what I was doing in the mid-1980's when Fauci began committing these crimes against our children. So the real question is as a doctor WTF were you for the past 40 years.
Where were you when it would have mattered? Why are you simply attempting to cash in now
Were you oblivious - as a doctor - to these facts as innocent children were being poisoned and murdered, by a slow profitable soft-kill for the past 40 years. Or did you know but not care until it came to roost on your doorstep.
This is because they know we have the memory of a drunk gnat.
The fact that you continue to get played for such a complete fucking fool is what is unreal. Everything you are going through 100s of million have been through since the 1980s when Fauci started with HIV. Fast forward
to today and those of us who don't suffer from #MassFormationPsychosis like @RWMaloneMD does and who tried to help you understand what would and would NOT work in this #WarOnHumanity were shunned because of your arrogant hubris. You are a putz who doesn't know the first fucking t
hing about what's going on and/or what to do. You are a go along to get along unconscious controlled asset and a fine specimen that demonstrates #PavlovsDogs, only as #FaucisHumans. They6 phase in and phase out their crimes over time so TIME, was our weapon and you never once use
They stole $6.2 trillion under Trump, Trillions more under Biden.
The Bush #TooBigToFail bank bailout was $750B and was considered a financial catastrophe and somehow we're supposed to believe they are out of money with 10X that amount? DoD fails 5 audits.
Someone try and explain this away #FFS
So who arrests the entire government when they are corrupt on the wholesale level.
There is no one left that is not a criminal. They are all silent and/or acting as if this is normal.
Apparently they can just dress up any old bag lady and parade her out to the American public and we'll buy whatever line of bullshit they feed us, through her.
SHEESH we're a stupid lot and getting what we deserve obviously. We have zero leadership and @RobertKennedyJr
inated to do it. If people followed Ahmed's handwritten advice, which I do and more and haven't seen a doctor in 45 years for any "health" reasons, doctors would be out of business in large part.
You would all be holistic alternative healing professionals and not part of the ver
y system of corruption that you now have been FORCED to speak out against because finally they - THEY - drew a line in the sand you can't cross. Instead of killing people slowly over a lifetime they finally came after us at-scale and that was just too much for SOME of you, the re