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May 22nd 2023
If you are using the term "small boats" as a code to dehumanise desperate, vulnerable human beings then you actively siding with the likes of Suella Braverman and those promoting repression and protofascism in Britain.
Please don't! ImageImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
May 5th 2023
Who is @RWMaloneMD Robert Malone

Besides the inventor of the mRNA Gene Therapy back in the 1980s and working with DARPA and the CIA for years - who is he really?

He won't answer my questions, has blocked me and many others for the same reason and so we are left to guess. Image
Does he look like the "every man" to you. Does he look like he is connected to your lifestyle?

Does his written admission look like that of someone who suffers from psychosis as HE describes it?

Who is Robert Malone indeed, Bob. Image
Bob, refuses any debate whatsoever about his 3 year failed rsponse to the #WarOnHumanity, and the #CrimesAgainstHumanity - in exactly the manner you would expect if he were #ControlledOpposition or worse a #ControlledAsset, which would explain his refusal to engage in civil publi
Read 5 tweets
May 5th 2023
He's definitely a #ControlledAsset, #ControlledOpposition, who suffers from #InstitutionslIndoctrination and thus #ChronicMassFormationPsychosis as does the entire medical community. The lines are definitely blurred. BUT, the vaccines and the virus are both #BiologicalWeapons Image
being used to depopulate and sicken the entire world. If you support vaccines I'll be happy to debate you on that front.

Just because @RWMaloneMD is a coward who can't swallow a dose of his own medicine doesn't mean he's wrong about the vaccines.

He's sick and shows all the sig Image
ns of a delusional and broken man. When you can't face the truth you block it, or deny, avoid and ignore it, convincing yourself you are above it. That shit won't cut it anymore.

He is the epitome of #PavlovsDogs in human form as #FaucisHumans. He can't help who he became as he
Read 11 tweets
Apr 30th 2023
People understand a lot more than you seem to give them credit for. Imagine - if you can - that 111M people didn't buy into the whole mask fiasco or vaccine mandates from day one.

How many more "regular citizens" (maids and carpet cleaners) do you need before you take the approp
riate steps to start a movement?

DAY ONE @stkirsch - more than 900 days ago you had access to 111M willing Americans with which to start a digital revolution and yet today, you still can't get past your own psychosis to do what needs to be done. Apparently everyone wants
recognition, 15 minutes of fame and exploit this opportunity for their own personal financial gain than to just put an end to the #CrimesAgainstHumanity. If you were sincere about stopping these crimes you would have used technology LONG AGO when I explained the process to you in
Read 28 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
In a 93-tweet thread I made the case there NEVER was an "Operation Northwoods" back in 1962. In this continuation thread I argue "Operation Northwoods" was PROPAGANDA designed in 2001 to divert attention from ISRAELI complicity in both JFK & 9/11
In the previous thread, I showed how Oliver Stone's JFK (1991) popularized idea JFK was assassinated by "the military-industrial complex" (MIC) b/c he refused to invade Cuba in 1962, was set to withdraw from Vietnam & wanted to end the Cold War. LBJ gave MIC what it wanted!
James Bamford's Body of Secrets came out in April 2001 - five months BEFORE 9/11 - introducing the world to “Operation Northwoods” that Bamford claimed “may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government"
3/ ImageImage
Read 89 tweets
Aug 4th 2022
A K-W writes:
As a grateful beneficiary of the excellent Public Health Service in France - accessible, affable and quick to act I watch the systematic, and Tory ideology driven, death by a thousand cuts to justify privatization, of the NHS with dismay!
To make matters worse there appears to be the “general” indifference of a general public that seems to accept that “clapping” for the NHS is equivalent to “fighting” for the NHS!

Don’t be “gaslighted”!
Healthcare is a right not a privilege!
Anything but Tory!
Read 4 tweets
Jan 29th 2022
A pal made good points re: people (or is it a bot? It has some red flags) like Emma:
1.) As @delbigtree pointed out at @dchomecoming, "For those of you that say 'I did what I had to to protect my job', know that that was the same argument made by the Nazis"
@unhealthytruth @delbigtree @dchomecoming 2/x
Statements like @Emma12816's are esp dangerous because they perpetuate the false notion that it's ok to comply under certain circumstances. And it's not. Period.

There are many folks who know better but who got the jab or a forged certificate, justifying it the same as Emma
So, many such folks use the Parent or Job card to justify compliance when actually they're careerists &/or lazy &/or want the advantages of compliance.

Don't misunderstand me; not saying that Emma (or the bot?🤣) wasn't sincere about wanting to see her parents . . .
Read 9 tweets
Aug 16th 2021
Absolute B.S. this is the American #UniParty Abomination
"The Appearance of No Plan" was always the Plan

Read 9 tweets
May 29th 2021
Sure thing #pinktiekevin but what about the #EvilGOP Bush Family Crime Cartel #globalistpsychopaths Iraq Doctrine? Image
#KevinMcCarthyIsATraitor #MitchMcConnellHatesAmericans

So the Luntz Republican response to a rogue nation's global biowarfare is a stern letter to Nancy... WOW!

Pretty harsh, hope you sent flowers with it to lessen the sting... ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Jul 12th 2020
Thread #Agenda2030

Connect the dots...

Watch the video as well, please:

#Agenda2030 #UnitedNations

Goal 1 + translation
#Agenda2030 #UnitedNations

Goals 2, 3, 4 + translation
Read 19 tweets
Oct 24th 2019
💣 SmokingHowitzer💣

Trump could shoot someone and escape prosecution, his lawyer argues

Words such as “devastating” & “bombshell” hardly do justice to the congressional testimony of Amb Taylor.

This wasn’t a smoking gun.

It was a smoking howitzer.
💣 Howitzer2💣

Taylor’s testimony devastated all of the excuses and evasions made by Trump’s die-hard defenders.

Matt Gaetz and his Coalition of the Stupid (COTS) stormed impeachment proceedings to 'demand transparency' — except that's not what it's really about
💣 Howitzer3💣

Dozens of the COTS brought in cell phones,”

“They not only brought in their unauthorized bodies, they may have brought in the Russians & the Chinese w/ electronics into a secure space, which will require that the space at some point in time be desensitized.”
Read 68 tweets
Oct 22nd 2019

Trump has more reason than ever for genuine alarm

The House Will Impeach Trump For Abuse Of Power

“The leader of the free world?

More like the caddy for the Bad Boys of Global Disorder.”

Erdogan rolled him twice in the past wk.

Putin has Trump’s ear/obedience.

As Trump careens from one series of foreign policy disasters looming impeachment investigations, & failed trade war blunders, @GOP are beginning to see the writing on the wall.

America isn’t doing a lot of winning, & not amount of Trump Tweets will change that.

“Trump is submerged in a sea of political troubles, all of his own making.

It becomes harder & harder to blame all of his troubles on PBO/Deep State or whatever conspiracy du jour is lighting up the FB groups where his supporters tell themselves pretty lies.”
Read 60 tweets
Oct 20th 2019

HRC email probe finds no deliberate mishandling of classified info

Barr freaks & doubles down on trying to prosecute the investigators who were doing their jobs protecting our nation from all enemies foreign & domestic.

Review of Russia Inquiry Grows🙄

The review, led by John Durham, has focused on former investigators who are frequent targets of Trump.

Growing number of GOP struggle to defend Trump on G-7 choice, Ukraine and Syria

Trump Baffles With Claim to Have Taken Control of Mideast Oil —the plan all along

‘Bribery’ is right there in the Constitution. Trump could be impeached for that.

Evidence in case against Giuliani’s South Florida associates includes 50 bank accounts

Rep. Elijah Cummings to lie in state at U.S. Capitol before funeral in Baltimore church🕊
Read 50 tweets
Aug 21st 2019
⚠️No Words⚠️

Trump admits his trade war could lead to recession but says ‘I have to do it’

Trump says that Dem-voting Jewish Americans are either ignorant or ‘disloyal’😱

The US just entered a great-power arms race in a big way

Trump renews call for RU to be readmitted to G-7
⚠️No Words2⚠️

RU company accused of attempting to interfere in the 2016 election could face trial in April

Russia Tells Nuclear Watchdog: Radiation From Blast Is ‘None of Your Business’

Another tax cut for the wealthy.

Trump Says He Has Authority to Reduce Capital Gains Taxes
⚠️No Words3⚠️

A Newspaper Banned In China Is Now One Of Trump's Biggest Defenders

The Epoch Times, a newspaper with links to the Falun Gong movement, is the purest outlet of the Trump movement.

Trump has a devastating record on LGBTQ rights. Don’t deny the truth
Read 54 tweets
Aug 2nd 2019


Qatar is finalizing plans for spy plane project in #LeningradLindsey’s South Carolina

The project led by Qatari-owned firm Barzan Aeronautical, has been in the planning stages for the last several years.

Qatari officials have visited South Carolina

TX GOP Will Hurd will not seek re-election

North Carolina Republican Operative Indicted in Connection With Election Fraud

Pelosi says Trump should ask ‘slumlord’ Jared Kushner about Baltimore

Rep. Elijah Cummings’ Baltimore Home Burglarized #ReadTheCummingsReport

Barrack’s Colony Capital brought in Saudi Arabia's Public Fund when it invested in digital infrastructures such after Trump's election.

CC worked with Digital Bridge to form a $4B investment vehicle & since June, Colony agreed to acquire Digital Bridge.
Read 70 tweets
Jul 24th 2019

Mueller 8:30 am edt

Flynn's former biz partner Bijan Kian guilty

AFG asks why Trump claims US could wipe it 'off the face of the Earth'

Epstein’s Financial Trail Goes Through Deutsche Bank

Mar-A-Largo member Gao Wengui Accused of Spying for Beijing

Epstein used the bank’s private-wealth division to hold & manage assets connex to him, clients or entities he was affiliated with for years #Vrablic

Mueller’s COS will join him & will testify in the pm.

Sanders WH Campaign Hit with Federal Labor Complaint

Facebook warns flaw in Messenger Kids app let children chat with strangers

9/11 First Responders Fund Clears Senate and Heads to Trump

Expert Witness Claims North Carolina Voting Maps Intentionally Gerrymandered

Senate confirms Mark Esper as defense secretary
Read 63 tweets
Jun 4th 2019

Queen Elizabeth: "As we face the new challenges of the 21st Century, the anniversary of D-Day reminds us all that our countries have achieved together." #EpicShade

Trump meets Queen at Palace after bemoaning lack of Fox News & insulting HRH PH’s wife.


Trump meets Queen at Palace after bemoaning lack of Fox News & insulting HRH PH’s wife.

As Melania boarded AF1 on Sunday evening, she wore a $4,400 (£3,500) Gucci dress emblazoned with images of Tower Bridge, the Big Ben clock tower and a double-decker bus.😳🤣

George Nader, key witness in Mueller inv’n, linked to Trump’s transition team, charged with transporting child pornography #SeychelleMeeting #Broidy

EG:”Donald Trump allowed our nation to be represented by a man who trafficked videos of torturing three-year olds.”
Read 80 tweets
Mar 20th 2019

Multiple 💣incoming.

All signs point to v.1 go based on the rising hysteria on the R.

RR is still hanging out.

Cohen redactions = ongoing inv’s + subpoenas

Barr won’t risk possible charges for TT

If buried, Mueller’s rpt w/b told via 100s of indictments.🤗

Trump's Shady Scheme to Keep Jon Bon Jovi from Buying the Buffalo Bills

The plan involved a covert political operative who worked with Putin, a double amputee, a settlement w/ TX A&M, & a failed bid that opened up the opportunity Trump's presidential run.

Nunes files suit b/c his fee fees are hurt to silence oppo in vio of 1A.

Yet “RW are being silenced" Op is in full swing (projection) &

“TRANSLATION: The feds have uncovered the vast criminal GOP internet-enabled cybercrime enterprise.”

#Kavanaugh op exposed ^^
Read 77 tweets
Mar 19th 2019

Trump tweeting insanely; the drumbeat of counter-narratives building

Mueller Rpt v.1 at end of week?

Broidy Indictment imminent? It would be an excellent example to illustrate TeamTreason’s utter corruption & fuqqery.

Trump Kids & Kush-leverage?

We’ll see.

The TT Moscow project is significant because it shows Trump was chasing a lucrative business deal in Russia at the same time that the Kremlin was conducting a hacking & propaganda campaign to boost his candidacy and harm/suppress HRC’s appeal to voters.

The project also coincided w/ Trump’s glowing comments about Putin & his questioning of US sanctions against Russia.

If the project was completed, TrumpOrg could have received hundreds of millions of dollars from Russian sources in licensing fees & other revenues.
Read 82 tweets
Mar 15th 2019

FB’s Data Deals Are Under Criminal Inv’n.

The CO’s were among more than 150, including Amazon, Apple, Microsoft & Sony, that had cut sharing deals w/ FB re user data scraped w/o user’s consent

House Votes, 420-to-0, to Demand Public Release of Mueller Report.

Trump has issued what seems to be a warning of armed attack against his political opponents, telling Breitbart that “it would be very bad, very bad” if his supporters in the military, police & a motorcycle group were provoked into getting “tough.” #TrumpIsScared

NXIVM leader Keith Raniere, awaiting trial on racketeering, sex slavery & other charges, now faces addt'l charges: Possession of child pornography, and sexual exploitation of a child--engaging in sex acts with her to produce visual depictions
Read 59 tweets

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