Japan decrease mitigation guidance,
entrance regulations,
but keeps internationaly in high inprecise classification for #SARSCoV2 for BSL3Z & BSL 2
🧐 5/
hospitals are lifting masking requirements bc governments say #COVID19 isn't a PHEIC
ignoring medical basic rules of nosocomial infections prevention guidelines
please tell me
WHY we wore high filtration masks prepandemic in HC
to prevent airborne crosscontaminations for TB?
'Masking not only helps protect the health-care provider,but also helps prevent the spread of viruses to other “very fragile patients” in the hospital"
“I actually can’t imagine seeing my patients without a mask on".'
projet de loi sur la qualité de l’air dans nos écoles pour nos enfants & le personnel enseignant
ce projet de loi,en collaboration avec plusieurs personnes de qualité
est l’aboutissement de cette volonté de protéger nos plus vulnérables
@ RougeMatisse 💙 journalhorizon.com/les-liberaux-d…