Here is the claim from @BillyZhong229 the lead author, who seems to be a student (his twitter is less than a year old).
It's propaganda reinforcing the "Antimicrobial stewardship" dictat:
What were "COVID-19 national restrictions"?
Well I did this analysis back in Feb showing the HUGE GAP between normal cyclical antibiotic prescriptions and the actual prescriptions during COVID - when GPs were told to stop prescribing antibiotics to the elderly and give them #midazolam instead.
When .@OpenSAFELY publish, you can't verify anything. They did the same when @bengoldacre published a study showing that #hydroxychloroquine didn't help in COVID, in the Lancet after the Lancet had already published fraudulent data on the same subject.
But don't think you're allowed to view that data. Oh no, @TheLancet damn well learnt their lesson from being exposed publishing fraudulent studies in the #surgisphere scandal and made sure that Goldacre's paper was shut down tight.
And don't think @OpenSAFELY's data sharing has become any more transparent.
The opposite. Locked down tighter, but if you're a foreign PhD student with no publication history - no problem.
TPP is a Chinese company. Nothing wrong with that. Good for them. They have a bona fide 18-digit Chinese business registration, otherwise known as a "Unified Social Credit Indicator"
They have access to all the OPENSAFELY data.
But that's not all.
OPENSAFELY is funded by Wellcome (#BigPharma's slush fund) and Matt Hancock's infamous HDRUK.
HDRUK was the group convened to skim your health data under the leadership of Nicole Junkermann - of Jeffrey Epstein and Panama Papers fame.
So, 3 months after we first exposed the #midazolam and #3tablets scandals - where the elderly were denied antibiotics for their post-viral pneumonia and euthanised instead "because muh COVID"....
An unverifiable paper appears from this bunch telling us there is nothing to see.
No problem.
I'm sure Ben, Victoria Palin and Billy (Xiaomin) Zhang will be keen to show their probity in this paper.
And kudos to Victoria Palin btw, the supervising author on this paper. Victoria had never published a first author paper before 2019 and is now a supervising author.
And thank you for helping get everyone vaccinated Vicky!
Fortunately Vicky is an expert in Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS), which is the propaganda that was used in 2019 to lay the groundwork for denying antibiotics to the elderly in 2020.
Well done Vicky, you did your job to the letter. #3tablets
The gift that keeps on giving. #Opensafely is one big nepotistic Pharmafest.
➡Sander van der Linden.
➡David Spiegelhalter.
➡University of Cambridge Winton centre (psyop central command) @FeeRedfern@profnfenton@jengleruk
Their CEO is Andy Thorburn, who was Digicel's CEO. Digicel famously "won" the contract for telecom services after the #Haiti earthquake. Friends of the Clinton Foundation.
For the record this is the second paper from the same group, essentially trying the same propaganda move - suggesting that antibiotic prescribing increased in 2020, contradicting the public data.
According to the repository the last output for this was 6th April. Which means the paper had to be written after that, revised, resubmitted and published by 15th May. Pretty good going. Usually this would take about 8-12 weeks.
Just a note that the Victoria Palin in the vaccination promotion shown above from 2020 could be a different Victoria Palin from our Opensafely supervising author who appears to have seen this thread, and instead of coming to the defence of the data...
Has blocked me. Oh well.
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@Yale could be up to their necks in the biggest HIPAA scandal since @UChicago
This is how the scam appears to have worked.
Harlan Krumholz owns a patent for managing health data through an app. "Hugo health" was the middle man providing the app to bait people claiming to be vaccine injured to join a study called LISTEN. But it was essentially being run on behalf of Pfizer/Janssen who paid him $3m in "research grants".
Thousands of injured signed up but only 241 patients were used in the "study" of which the publications were irrelevant and showed nothing other than "the vaccines saved millions of lives" bla bla. Nothing helpful for the vaccine injured at all.
But the bombshell - the data that they provided was able to be sold off to anyone they wanted to. It was in the consent form that most people didn't read. The data was held on which has now gone. It was NOT HIPAA compliant.
How did we know that's servers were not HIPAA compliant?
Yale told the participants in a email in July 2024 (attached).
So where did all that health data go?
Was it sold off to the highest bidder or used in a blackmail campaign against vulnerable people who were vaccine injured and couldn't work? (Like those that have targeted our accounts recently)
We don't know. But you can be damn sure that Yale knows, and took secret action to remedy the situation having already taken millions of dollars from pharma to run studies that undermined the vaccine injured.
That is why there is so much animosity suddenly being directed at the vaccine injured. They want to bury this story.
Yale could be in very big trouble.
They deserve a hashtag.
@Yale @UChicago For those confused, please understand what a "limited hangout" is here. While you are rejoicing on the scraps of Daily Mail fodder, the pharma companies' new narrative is enshrined by those very articles.
@jsm2334 I have 3 new questions:
1⃣ why didn't you appear on the Razzaghi paper using your data?
2⃣ is your data synthetic?
3⃣ what is the binomial probability that 18/20 of a university's research team come from a group that comprises 2% of the US population, if all groups are equal?
@jsm2334 For those confused... The original thread on #OHDSI - the data curators claiming an impossible 96% efficacy rate for a type-mismatched vaccine against infection - is here.
Match to BGH [NM_180996.1]: (114/226bp)
So there are 112 bp in the BGH PolyA cassette which are not in the BGH gene transcript, and presumably make that cassette as efficient as the SV40 PolyA as described in Goodwin 1992...
@DiedSuddenly_ @JesslovesMJK @Kevin_McKernan Also note the "ribbon" pictures after nearly two years have none of the diatheses seen in the other images. Totally clean. After 499 days. 🙄
Sorry but this is not a believable study.
1⃣ ORCID ID record for Lee is blank, she is not a molecular biologist (& address does not validate)
2⃣ No ethics approval despite clinical samples (blood and semen - seriously?)
3⃣ Vials were incubated for a year without bacterial or fungal growth - these people have never done cell culture.
4⃣Quoting #Sashagate as a source in scientific paper is a massive red flag
My view reading this is:
This paper was submitted to the IJVTPR to discredit it because it's one of the few journals that allows criticism of pharmaceutical companies.
I'm happy to reconsider if you can find a valid publication record for Young Mi Lee at that address.
@DiedSuddenly_ A bowling alley?
I can't find any record of "Hanna Gynecologist Clinic" using that provided address either.