#ERC721C (programmable, on-chain royalties), #ERC6551 (token-bound accounts), and #ERC4337 (smart contract wallets) are emerging primitives that add new innovations to on-chain gaming, media, and social.
1/8 Here’s some helpful info to know (video shorts):
2/8 Programmable on-chain royalties #ERC721C (not yet an official standard though)
3/8 Problems with prior royalties standard (#EIP2981) - not enforceable on-chain
4/8 Token-bound accounts #ERC6551 - NFT owner controls an individual wallet tied to an NFT, wallet could potentially be a smart contract in the style of #ERC4337
(Not yet an official standard though)
5/8 Smart contract wallets #ERC4337 - more security features and better onboarding features for smart contract wallets like #ERC6551
#HongKong, one of Asia’s biggest international financial centers, *today* just formally approved retail trading of #crypto assets. Effective 1 June 2023.