Unlike Andrew Neil, I haven't got the luxury of being Chairman of an establishment magazine which represents its billionaire-owner's interests.
Nonetheless, we need to talk about Andrew Neil's climate change stance & history of working for overseas-based billionaires.
Here's Andrew Neil in 2013, asking: "Is the whole global warming schtick over?"
Global warming is, as kids know, the long-term heating of Earth’s climate due to human activity, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere.
And here's a testy & revealing exchange following Neil's bizarre question, between journalist Andrew Neil & climate expert Bob Ward, who has served as policy & communications director of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change & the Environment at the LSE since 2008.
Here's Numpty Neil repeatedly embarrassing himself in 2014 & 2015, making the oh-so-funny banal joke that every moronic pub bore makes: 'It's snowing - so much for that global warming nonsense!' Ho ho ho.
Some of the highly selective 'evidence' Neil cited in 2013/14, including from well known climate sceptic John Christy, is used to imply global warming is a myth.
In 2019 Christy gave a presentation to the #TuftonSt-based climate science denial group, Global Warming Policy Forum.
In September 2020, lured by Dubai-based billionaire's & multimillionaire's money, Neil announced his exit from the BBC to become chairman of the toxic ideologically extreme shit-show known as GB News.
I'm sure he felt much more relaxed about writing tweets like this:
Within the first week, presenters on the Dubai-based investment firm funded GB News had already interviewed two commentators associated with the UK’s main climate science denial group, #TuftonStreet's Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF).
In his high profile interview with Rishi Sunak, Andrew Neil repeatedly asked the then Chancellor about the “eye-watering” costs of meeting the UK’s net-zero target. In a sign of things to come, Neil must have 'forgotten' to mention or ask about the costs of not reaching net-zero.
GB News is of course funded by Dubai-based investment firm Legatum, founded by billionaire Christopher Chandler, who in 2002, along with his brother, were the fourth largest investors in Russian state-controlled gas company Gazprom.
This 2020 exchange with that equally popular TV presenter, Philip Schofield, showcases all reactionaries' formulaic rhetorical manoeuvre.
Having spent decades mocking climate science, Neil feigns surprise when asked if he's a climate change denier - it was "bizarre" he says. 🧐
In the follow-up tweet he does what every single conspiracy theorist & ideological extremist does - he plays the victim, & falsely accuses the 'MSM' of 'closing down debate', when these fuckers puke out their unhinged toxic bullshit ALL DAY EVERY DAY ON MULTIPLE MSM PLATFORMS.
Neil was once the proud face of GB "News", but after leaving he describes its Dubai-based funders as a “quite ideological” “Ukip tribute band”. No shit. 10 of GB News’s 31 hosts made on-air statements in 2022 rejecting/challenging the scientific consensus. theguardian.com/media/2023/may…
Shortly after “quite ideological” Andrew Neil left GB "News", he said journalists are “basically the PR department of Greenpeace” when it comes to reporting on the climate crisis, & accused the likes of #ExtinctionRebellion of “nonsense scaremongering”.
In October 2021, a month after announcing he wouldn't be returning to “quite ideological” GB News, Neil was tweeting another “quite ideological” right-wing media platform, Guido Fawkes, who just happened to characterise @SkyNews's climate reporting as "DOOMSDAY" reporting.
Last year, rather than celebrating the mixed but welcome news that *some* parts of the Great Barrier Reef had the highest amount of coral cover since monitoring began 36 years ago, the #Spectator predictably attacked the "climate doomsters".
Anyway, draw your own conclusions about a man who lives in France, who has worked closely with authoritarian regimes, & has spent much of his life mocking climate science & climate activists while representing the interests of foreign/non-dom billionaires.
#Spiked has always debated the scientific consensus on global warming. In 2013, Rob Lyons of Claire Fox’s Academy of Ideas, told Spiked’s readers that the climate crisis was ‘a myth’ because, there ‘is 50% more ice in the Arctic than last year’.
Years later, like Andrew Neil, Spiked tacitly admitted climate change may be a problem, amending its stance from denial to downplaying outcomes. It recently published an article celebrating the benefits of global warming, while advocating use of more fossil fuels, shale gas coal.
Scratch the surface & there's just a relatively small number of well-connected people, who work for a network of linked & influential organisations, & who spend their lives pumping out toxic shit into people's minds in exchange for billionaires' money.
A small densely inter-connected homophily of political actors who share media platforms & cooperate with think-tanks, campaign groups & ‘educational charities’ wage the 'war on woke'.
#Spiked is #1 & #GBNews the #2 'anti-woke' media outlets.
Recently, a group of academics and cultural commentators have framed wokeness as a pseudo-religion.
Hayek, in 1973, foreshadowed this by calling social justice a ‘quasi-religious superstition’ that ‘has no meaningful place in a social order organised around a market economy’.
This framing was resurrected by controversial American academic John McWhorter & developed into a full ‘taxonomy’ of ‘woke religion’ by ex-PR Michael Shellenberger, & acadmic Peter Boghossian who "violated ethical guidelines on human-subjects research".
The IEAis a Paris-based autonomous intergovernmental organisation, established in 1974, that provides policy recommendations, analysis & data on the entire global energy sector.
Its 31 member & 11 association countries represent 75% of global energy demand.
The IEA is hardly some green zealot organisation as it has often been criticised for systematically underestimating the role of renewable energy sources in future energy systems such as photovoltaics and their cost reductions in favour of nuclear and fossil fuels.
Advocates of #degrowth say that addressing the #climatecrisis requires nothing less than a fundamental rejection of the whole principle of continuous economic growth as a policy objective.
The concerns of #degrowth advocates have, slowly but surely, moved from the fringes of Europe’s policy debate to at least being granted a hearing in the EU institutions. European parliamentarians recently organised the second iteration of a conference entitled “Beyond Growth”.
Green MEP Philippe Lamberts says he faced “quite a lot of pushback from the [European] Commission” at the first “Beyond Growth” conference in 2018. The attitude then, he says, was “if I didn’t believe in growth, I should find another job”. Five years on, it is a different story.
The Grift is Strong with TalkTV & GB News regular & conspiracy nut, Lois Perry, director & sole shareholder of CAR26, & a representative of Laurence Fox's Reclaim UK.
She's tweeted climate change is a “scam” & “there is no climate emergency”.
Perry is a former PR who worked with her husband Richard Hill, who has an, er, a 'colourful' background. In 2013 it was revealed that Nigella Lawson was the "victim of vicious smear campaign by former Charles Saatchi publicist Richard Hillgrove".
And on 3rd March 2017, "convicted tax fraudster & PR professional Richard Hillgrove was declared bankrupt after failing to pay a £24,500 personal tax bill." A previous conviction came after Hillgrove PR failed to pay nearly £90,000 in VAT & PAYE payments between 2011 & 2012.
Many have argued that Turkey has never had a more ultra-conservative and misogynistic parliament than it does now. Two radical Islamist fringe parties have joined the national assembly on Erdoğan’s side.
His AKP has not only brought the New Welfare party (YRP) into its alliance, but also nominated four senior members of the Kurdish Free Cause party (Hüda-Par) under its parliamentary candidate list. All four were elected to parliament on 14 May.
The Free Cause party is closely affiliated with Kurdish Hezbollah. Free Cause calls for gender segregation in schools and has argued that state services for women, such as healthcare or education, should only be rendered by female employees.
Ben Lawrence was arrested at the Let Women Speak Posie Parker event in Hyde park. Turning Point UK were quick to claim he's a "Jewish patriot... attacked (by "ANTIFA") in what appears to be an antisemitic hate crime".
Who is he, & is this a reasonable characterisation?
Quick caveat/bit of salient context - I have some very close, decent, intelligent, compassionate & very left-wing female friends on both sides of this debate.
I know I won't be alone in this, but it does make me somewhat sensitive to the polarising rhetoric around this issue.
Posie Parker claimed Ben was 'attacked & subsequently released by the police'. Others claim he was 'arrested for violence'.
The Telegraph published a story with a photo of him, captioned "Police make arrests after scuffles during a counterprotest by trans activists at a rally".