CEO UIDAI has been granted permission to make a presentation at 2.30 pm. Petitioners allowed to put their questions in writing on Tuesday.
A-G continues reading from ID4D world bank report.…
With absolutely no sense of irony, A-G now reading the bit on the necessity and the greatness of purpose limitation in a data protection regime...
A-G says that as of today both enrolment and auth services are free.
DYC J points out that as far back as Aug 2009 it appears the need for legislation was felt. Asks why it...
Bench rises for lunch.
PPT at 2.30.
CJI unhappy with the projector angle. Being adjusted. But the rectangular slide has taken a shape of a different quadrilateral on the screen though.
1. Introduction
2. Technology
3. Privacy safeguards and Contrast with smart cards
4. Short movie on security.
All ids are limited in their own way. EPIC for example cannot be given to children.

Dr. Pandey explains that they will have to use other modes of auth like OTP or Demographic authentication.
(Me thinks: each finger will atleast have one mole and each mole may have some Avogadro number of molecules? Should you then not take it into account?)
And the 2048-bit encryption. Says 256 is the standard..but Aadhaar has a much superior hardest to break 2048-bit encryption standard.

Pandey asserts it is not possible. Says all machines are STQC certified and software are all UIDAI provided.
Pandey says:
People who took money for enrolments.
People whose demographic data quality is very bad etc.
Sikri J does not look convinced that 49000 would be this way.
Pandey says some of them also registered a tree or hanuman etc earlier...says they used to trust enrolment operators a lot earlier but they no longer do and have more stringent quality control.
CEO says even infants can have aadhaar. We don't check for 182 day limit. There is an eyeroll in many of the lawyers in court.

Pandey says for children even aanganwadi workers can double up as aadhaar enrolment operators. Sikri J asks if they take Parental consent. Pandey says all legal compliance has to be taken care of.
For others he says they can....
Sikri J wants to know how does one know that one's biometric has changed. Says there are so many technically illetare and illiterate people and how they know when to update.
Says how QR code in the aadhaar card itself has some smartness built into it. Flashes the QR code in his aadhaar card!
Pandey answers in the negative but says they constantly advise ministries that on the ground there will be exclusion if they solely depend on aadhaar auth. Which is why in law, ..
DYC J asks if there is official data of denial of service, Pandey says no.
Sikri J asks about shopkeeper appropriating the grain by saying biometric mismatch.
Pandey says atleast now we have proof that it is the ration shopkeeper is caught. Earlier he could not be.
DYC J and Sikri J unconvincedly look on.

Pandey says only the biometric match software is licensed from foreign companies. World's best companies in that industry he says.
Says that these algorithms are their IP just like how Microsoft has IP in Windows.

Says in 1.5 years no request for biometrics from govt for anyone!
DYC J asks about meta data. Pandey says he will come to know.