(photo credit: #actuallivingscientist @AnneWHilborn, Dr. John Carroll (snr.unl.edu/aboutus/who/pe…), Dr. Hernandez (warnell.uga.edu/people/faculty…) & @conservationorg (pygmyhippo.uga.edu/index.html))

Image used by permission of @PPricklepants

ASIA: That doesn't sound scary at all. At all. #2018MMM
ANNE: Maybe, cheetahs are fast at the undignified exit if things go south. I've seen one get pushed off a kill by some aggressive vultures (I was so ashamed). Though in this pic retreating from a hyena is perfectly honorable #2018MMM

Ah! Here's our other combatant, the cheetah, trotting in stage left. Actually, can they even see each other? #2018MMM
Our cheetah hunts mostly during the day, however here it is being all active at night & once again ruining my fieldwork plans.
He looks a bit jumpy too though #2018MMM
ANNE: *nods*. They're jerks. Karen Laureson found lions killed 57% of cheetah cubs in Serengeti .
ASIA: Uh the cheetah isn't really paying attention right now...it's...it's going to trot right into the hippo. #2018MMM catsg.org/cheetah/05_lib…

ASIA: Uh oh.
ANNE: *gestures frantically for the cheetah to go the other way*
ASIA: OH! The cheetah's leaping away, must've just noticed the hippo...But it's not leaping far enough away. Uh...#2018MMM
ASIA: Whoa, the hippo is not stopping.
ANNE: That hippo is mad.
ASIA: Really mad.
ANNE: The hippo has knocked the cheetah down. I repeat, CHEETAH DOWN... #2018MMM

ANNE: There's a reason cheetah researchers try hard not to get attached to their study animals.
ASIA: Can the cheetah come back from this? #2018MMM
ANNE: THE HIPPO HAS BIT THROUGH THE CHEETAH'S CHEST. *whispers* I can't watch any more
ASIA: There's so much BLOOD! It's squirting in pulses *snaps fingers* That means it hit an important artery. #2018MMM

ASIA: Nope. No way. Ugh, and the hippo is still trampling the cheetah. It's dead, for Pete's sake. Can we...okay, we're going to cut to commercial. This is too