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Aug 30th 2022
1) Pregnancy is a significant sociocultural event in human society.

It marks the sacred connection between one generation and its offspring.

This is what most people think.

Let me tell you why its not --> through the lens of evolutionary medicine.
2) Pregnancy is actually a vicious battle between two partially related genetic entities --> the mother and its fetus.

Neither side shows mercy or takes prisoners.

We will focus on the battle for fuel at the fetomaternal interface in this Tweetorial.
3) First of all --> the physiology.

The pregnant female usually experiences reset homeostasis --> with fasting blood sugar (FBS) gradually falling till the week 12 --> then it stabilizes till term.

But PPBS shows sharper, more sustained rise, along with rising insulin levels!
Read 33 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
1) Morning sickness --> another pearl from evolutionary medicine.

Nausea and vomiting (n/v) in early pregnancy are so common --> they are regarded as almost physiological.

But could they have an evolutionary benefit?
2) Firstly, its not called morning sickness anymore.

Its n/v of pregnancy aka NVP.


Because it takes place at all times of the day and night.
3) We have a graphical representation of the usual course of NVP here.
Read 16 tweets
Dec 6th 2019
Controlling the speed and trajectory of evolution with counterdiabatic driving -- a TWEETORIAL 0/n #evolution #mathonco #mathevo #physics #quantumcomputing…
#Evolution is the most fundamental biological *mechanism - and drives change over time across all the kingdoms of life. We are getting better and better at *predicting* its outcomes, and *harnessing it* (directed evolution), but we haven't previously had any *control* over it 1/n
in work w\ @D4N__ we took advantage of sequential application of selective pressures in a math model to *steer evolution* & relied on taking limits (as time -> infinity) to understand where populations equilibrated in genotype space 2/n… @PLOSCompBiol
Read 13 tweets

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