A/ Ian Warren worked for UKIP in 2013/14 (Warren’s own statement & Guardian article Nov 2104).
B/ IW started work for LP Nov 2015 (same Guardian article). IW says on the the GE 2015. Left in May.
C/ He next Reports that he worked on the Owen Smith Leadership Campaign. That ended c 12 Sept 2015. So he has been doing LP related work from at least Nov 15 to mid Sept 2015.
D/ in the same Newsweek Article dated April 2016 he describes how he sent out surveys to LP members so as to understand the personality profiles of different LP voters.
What was in the covering email & what email address was used?
E/. To send out surveys to LP members it seems highly probable that the LP must have permitted access to the LP membership database.
What controls both security and contractual are placed on access and limiting access & application of intelligence gained?
E/ Because by November 2015 Richard Tice of Leave EU is on the platform with Banks, Liz Bilney (Leave EU CEO & Banks RH woman), CA/SCL’s Kaiser & Gunster.
Tice says that they have commissioned Pollster Ian Warren to assist in the understanding of the Lb voter for campaign
F/. Here is the link to the video suggesting that 2 months after Warren has been working with LB (“the party he loves”) on leadership campaign. He is back working alongside Leave EU/ Banks/ UKIP/CA and Gunster.
G/. From emails from Ian Warren produced by Kaiser to the DCMS committee and by Wigmore to Patrick we can see he is delivering on the profiling of LB voters FOR Leave/ Banks/CA/UKIP team by Jan Feb 2016.
Oddly he’s copying in a trade union and Kate Hoey too. (See JJ Patrick)
H/. From the accompany reports and emails you can see that the datafields are pretty rich AND discuss personality profiles of different types of LP voters.
To what extent did the surveys carried out by Warren for the LP leadership or elections provide the intelligence?
I/ As Chris Wylie explained re FB data, once CA had captured it & then remodelled it into their own database you can then destroy the original data whilst retaining the intelligence output in a new database.
Here is 1 of Warren’s Leave/Banks Reports
J/ To summarise.
Warren has spent a lot of time at least between 2013 and 2016 supporting work for or with a party UKIP that is in opposition, supposedly to the party he says he loves (LP). Assisting them in increasing vote share.
K/ In between he does at least 2 chunks of LP related work. Including getting Survey data from LP members to help model LP voters against personality
Would they be happy to find that intelligence gained from this exercise would be applied to Leave EU/ UKIP related work?
L/. What WAS the understanding of those who completed the survey?
What controls were in place?
What did the LP know?
By Nov 2015 that he was back working with Banks?
That by April 16 he was talking about those LP member surveys?
M/. Why did not Ian Warren mention these surveys and the work that he did on LP members and voters, or the fact that he worked on LP leadership campaigns right up to Sept 2015 in his response yesterday?
N/. What investigation has LP undertaken about the use by Warren of intelligence collected by Warren whilst working with LP for the benefit directly or indirectly of Leave EU/ Banks/ UKIP?
Did they check for security breaches?
If not why not?
So there are a LOT of unanswered questions apart from the use of the LP database and membership database itself.