Oleksandr Valchyshen Profile picture
#MMT Ph.D.-ing @UMKC (2019-), research fellow @GISP_Tweets, M.S. @LevyEcon, formerly Ukraine economist @ING_news, 20yrs exp in Ukraine private financial sector
Feb 28, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
The issue here for too long ppl got this Russia developing story at face value:

- my letter to @FT editors in Apr 2018 is here, it was never published on their pages

- I’ve been arguing along theses line since 2015 while writing in Ukrainian & English This piece of early 2016 in Ukrainian was handed to many quite top ppl in the 🇺🇦 private financial markets industry and even to the ppl who have in charge of economic reforms in 🇺🇦 such as today’s econ advisor of office @ZelenskyyUa

No feedback followed

Feb 25, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Sanctions are rather weak — direct action what is needed to support Ukraine against destructive Russia This thread 🧵 is illustrate my claim 👇

In the spring 2018, when the West put additional layer of sanction on Russia, I wrote a letter to the editors of @FT. It’s short alexvalchyshen.medium.com/letter-to-the-…

Jan 15, 2020 13 tweets 9 min read
Aside of #MMT debate btw Galbraith and Rogoff @GaidarForum2020, there is another interesting event taking place in #Russia.

This is an appointment of new prime minister of Russian government Mikhail #Mishustin.

And this thread is my understanding of the development.

Just quite recently @FT published a brief profile on Mishustin in this long-read article 👇

2/ https://t.co/Kic5CYkCIU
Nov 8, 2019 10 tweets 7 min read
@PetroBilyan Дякую за натяк на царську Росію й Столипіна та його переписку із Толстим.

Я використаю цю аналогію для пояснення.

В Україні наразі питання «ринку» землі мало чим відрізняється від аналогічного питання майже 100 років тому в царській Росії. 👇

1/ @PetroBilyan Використаю іще раз слова Гершенкрона про царську Росію

(а) просунуті ланки суспільства—як й зараз в Україні—мали повну свободу пересування й запозичення передових ідей 👇

(б) ЦР активно розвивалась вже наприкінці 19ст адже приєдналась до золотого стандарту

Jul 25, 2019 7 tweets 6 min read
#Tolstoy & #MMT connection

In 1886, great Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy published a non-fiction piece called 'What Then Must We Do?'.

There is a chapter on #money, which in effect sounds very much familiar and close to the #MMT motto -- #taxes-drive-money.

1/4 Tolstoy: "Any money is getting accepted between people only when they are forcefully demanded to be delivered by everybody. When every person needs money to redeem herself/himself from violence, only then money will obtain stable exchange value..."

2/4 #Tolstoy & #MMT connection
Mar 20, 2019 31 tweets 34 min read
@INETeconomics By a chance, the article saying #MMT "theorists ignore how their policies could hurt developing countries" places #Ukraine currency #hryvnia (notes of 20 hryvnia's) as its cover picture.

@INETeconomics Btw, another time when #MMT-related literature opted by a mere chance to associate itself with #Ukraine's currency was the book 'Can "It" Happen Again?' written by Hyman Minsky (2nd ed published in 2016).

This time there is a jar of coins 5 kopecks each (5 #копійок).
