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Former SIGINT Analyst. He/him Deep State Operative™️ Alleged Antifa Leader™️ POG LEG REMF™️. Astronaut Diaper™️. Vampire™️. May be spying on you right now
Twitter author Profile picture Saffire Fairfax Profile picture 2 subscribed
Sep 26, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Holy nutsack Batman I just read the whistleblower complaint and it is absolutely fucking bonkers, it shows a concerted effort by @RudyGiuliani to surreptitiously make contact with Ukraine to discuss investigating @JoeBiden long before AG Barr perjured himself in front of Congress and it also shows a premeditated and concerted effort by @realDonaldTrump staffers to conceal the true nature of the “routine” phone call to Ukraine and once word started to get out about the calls true purpose a concerted effort to restrict access to the call as much as humanly
Aug 4, 2019 30 tweets 15 min read
And here’s a thread of prominent right wing figures inciting violence against immigrants with their rhetoric about “invasion” or “replacement”, keep in mind that the #elpasoshooter used the same or nearly the same language in his manifesto. I archived everything too First from @realDonaldTrump:
Jun 10, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
Long thread incoming:

Here's my read on you after spending 4+ hours perusing through your 8700+ Leaked Discord messages and seeing the shit you are up to now: You grew up poor in Kentucky, thanks in large part to your dad who was tweaked out on meth. Your mother had to become very assertive and controlling since your dad was out getting high forcing her to fulfill both parental roles to do her best to keep you off of drugs and to keep your family together. To deal with that type of stress your brother turned to the very thing that destroyed your dad
Jan 21, 2019 17 tweets 8 min read
Lets do a thread on the #buildthewall bulshit l have been seeing floating around. First and foremost @realDonaldTrump a multitude of times that Mexico would pay for the wall, despite trying to say he didn’t mean it. (Thank you @globalnews for the vid) He is blaming this shutdown on @SenSchumer @SpeakerPelosi and @TheDemocrats when back here in reality Chuck Schumer offered him $25 billion for the wall which he turned down and tried to leverage it to kill family sponsorships and the visa lottery as well:…
Dec 14, 2018 4 tweets 4 min read
And here we have the best and the brightest in the #MAGA crowd threatening violence, murder and insurrection on The_Donald, @reddit remind me again why that sub is still live? Someone was kind enough to archive it:
Nov 29, 2018 18 tweets 15 min read
.@lilbirdmanrg1 I notice your profile says your original account got banned, wonder why? Let’s take a quick look shall we? These maybe?
Nov 26, 2018 29 tweets 13 min read
Let’s do a thread debunking the abject bullshit the #MAGA crowd is spreading about immigrants shall we? First off to the “request asylum legally” crowd: The law on asylum is very clear on this, the only requirement to request asylum is you be physically be present in the United States:…
Jun 21, 2018 6 tweets 3 min read
I’ve been thinking about the reunification of immigrant kids with their families and the feds saying there was no plan to reunite them. I think they can’t, literally lack the capability to. Reunification was never the plan and I bet they acted as such and have been keeping Minimal to no records of what child and parent belong together both because reunification was never the plan and because they were so overwhelmed by the policy necessitating every child be separated that it was maybe names and a photo at best, no family history, no other info
Jun 18, 2018 24 tweets 10 min read
So I keep seeing people buying into the administrations bullshit that this is an old “law” that needs to be fixed. First off it is not and never has been a law:… Second off @TheJusticeDept announced the policy change referring all improper entry cases to DOJ:…
Apr 25, 2018 15 tweets 6 min read
Been seeing a lot of bullshit being spread about guns recently. Let’s take a look into some of the claims passed as fact and dumb arguments masquerading as intelligent. #VetsForGunReform First off is that Democrats/leftists make up most mass shooters:… Second one: “criminals don’t follow the law”. Well fuck it then we might as well have no laws then is that it? Laws are meant to deter crime and give us a mechanism to punish those who break the law.
Feb 15, 2018 9 tweets 4 min read
This needs to fucking stop. I’m god damn sick and tired of hearing about the most recent mass shooting or school shooting. 15 fucking children were slaughtered in their school today because the fucking @NRA and insane #2ndAmendment types(not all) push back against every common sense piece of #guncontrol. After fucking #vegasshooting the @NRA opposed banning bumpstocks like the fucking cowards they are. They talk a big game but when it comes tome to actually do something they do shit except say “it’s not the time to politicize this” or
Feb 4, 2018 11 tweets 5 min read
(Thread) I’ve made some disjointed comments and tweets on how the @DevinNunes memo is bullshit, let me put it all in one thread for easier consumption. The #FISAMemo is 100% bullshit. First off I see the #ReleaseTheMemo and #QAnon crowd pushing this narrative that the dossier invalidates the entire investigation, it doesn’t. The investigation was actually triggered by Papadapolous drunkenly running his mouth to an Australian diplomat:…
Jan 31, 2018 22 tweets 10 min read
(Long Ass Thread)The past few days have been a rollercoaster. The @DevinNunes memo, McCabe forced out of the @FBI and @SpeakerRyan calling for a “cleanse” of the FBI. This is the beginning of a new Night of the Long Knives, although instead of executions it is political assassination. Make no mistake(and I truly hope I am wrong about all this) this is the latest in a long string of actions by @realDonaldTrump and the @GOP to hold onto power, if they can control all three branches they have almost absolute power which is what they want.
Dec 2, 2017 5 tweets 3 min read
(1/?) I think this might be the final nail in the @realDonaldTrump presidency’s coffin. Flynn has pled out now, that means he’s flipping on people and I doubt Mueller’s team would accept a deal for small fish. Couple that w/ @nytimes dropping this today:… (2/?) These emails seem to show the campaign nervous about sanctions and even discussing how to ease tensions. Enter Mike Flynn, who met with Kislyak to discuss sanctions then lied about it. Then we have @realDonaldTrump dropping this gem: