Image: Richard Dighton, @britishmuseum (BM), 1852,1116.559
Between roughly 1818-1828, Richard Dighton did a series of profile portraits of men in Regency London's high society. Most were etchings, and the BM has digitized many prints held in its collection--they are worth your time if you're interested in Regency society, style, and art.
Nov 25, 2022 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
The Stallburg in Vienna.
An elegant 16th Century building on the edge of the sprawling Hofburg palace. It housed the royal art collection and the royal stables.
It was also home to Austria's most efficient intelligence organization.
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The late-Renaissance building with an inner courtyard surrounded by arcades was multi-functional: it housed the royal stables, guest apartments, the royal art collection, and an armoury. In fact, the ground floor is still used as the stables for the vaunted Lipizzaner Stallions.
Nov 15, 2022 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
Castlereagh Creeping the House of Lords, or the Story of a Misidentified Portrait.
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2 artists captured the proceedings against Queen Caroline in the #HouseofLords in 1820, and both include #ViscountCastlereagh. Let's start with James Stephanoff.
Stephanoff shows Castlereagh perched on a staircase, watching from a small window. The 1823 key for Stephanoff's work identifies this figure as "The Marquis of Londonderry [Castlereagh], who usually took his station on the stairs leading to the gallery during the investigation."
Aug 12, 2022 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
#OTD in 1822, #ViscountCastlereagh, Foreign Secretary and Leader of the House of Commons, died by his own hand.
Thanks very much to those of you who have followed my #Castlereagh200 threads, looking at Castlereagh's career through the lens of mental health.
I was at a loss for how to mark the day after spending the last 2 years writing the research article on which all these tweets are based.
Maybe something more reflective is fitting.
I had always been interested in Castlereagh from a diplomatic and political standpoint...
Aug 10, 2022 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
In the last few months of #Castlereagh200 threads we've covered a lot of ground, looking at many stressors that put Castlereagh's #MentalHealth at risk.
Now that we're only days from the bicentenary of his death, let's look at some conclusions.
First, the stress on Castlereagh was cumulative and pervasive. The downward spiral that he experienced in the weeks preceding his suicide was only the final chapter in a story that had been developing for yrs. The overlap between the professional and the social made it worse.
Aug 8, 2022 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
As we turn the corner into the week of August 12, I want to focus this #Castlereagh200 🧵 on a final area of #MentalHealth risk connected to the workplace: job insecurity.
If you've been following these #Castlereagh200 threads, you may call that I'm drawing from a risk framework that forms the basis for my upcoming article on Castlereagh and mental health. See the attached table, adapted from Boini, 2020 and Gollac et al, 2011.
Aug 3, 2022 • 17 tweets • 5 min read
For the next #Castlereagh200 thread, let's look at value conflicts.
Value conflicts contribute to chronic stress, and are a serious risk factor in #MentalHealth.
What kind of value conflicts did Castlereagh face throughout his career as a public servant?
Value conflicts can be internal (e.g. an individual having to choose between competing values at a personal level) or external (e.g. an individual's personal values conflicting with a competing value system in their professional or social environment).
Jul 21, 2022 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
For the next instalment of my #Castlereagh200 threads looking at the career of Viscount Castlereagh through the lens of #MentalHealth, let's turn to another factor that has a significant impact on one's level of chronic stress: autonomy.
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In this context, autonomy refers to one's ability to influence the pace, organization, or outcomes of their work. Ultimately, greater autonomy allows individuals to manage their work in ways that mitigate stress, improve well-being, and lead to greater pride in the outcomes.
Jul 17, 2022 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
Following from my last #Castlereagh200 thread, which covered the personal attacks on Castlereagh in media, it makes sense to examine 2 other stressors that increased the emotional demand on Castlereagh: fear and emotional discordance. 1/
Given the level of scorn heaped on Castlereagh in the radical press, it was predictable that these writings and imagery would inspire some to action and there was no shortage of threats to the Foreign Secretary's personal safety.
Jul 15, 2022 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
Continuing with my series of threads for #Castlereagh200, looking at #ViscountCastlereagh's career through the lens of #MentalHealth. Let's turn to the second major area of risk for chronic stress in the workplace: emotional demand. 1/
CW: suicide, violence
Specifically, I want to focus on a stressor that is important in politics: tension with the public. Research has shown that jobs where there is sustained tension with the public (e.g. public hostility) have higher levels of chronic stress, contributing to poor mental health.
Jun 29, 2022 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
The question for today's #Castlereagh200 thread: How did the interaction between social and professional spheres of life increase the risk to Viscount Castlereagh's #MentalHealth? 1/
The cumulative stress related to work can be reduced when a person has a number of elements in their life, and distinct separation between them--often termed ‘self-complexity’ (e.g. hobbies/interests/responsibilities that are separate from work, co-workers, and the workplace). 2/
Jun 22, 2022 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
Next in my #Castlereagh200 series: What structural factors in govt contributed to the chronic stress on #ViscountCastlereagh while he was Foreign Secretary and Leader of the House of Commons? 1/
Reminder: chronic stress is a key factor in poor #MentalHealth, so structural factors that are organizationally ingrained and exacerbate stress are particularly problematic. 2/
Labour intensity (the volume, pressure, and complexity of work), and working time (length and unpredictability of working hours) are well-recognized in biographies of Castlereagh, so I'll zero in on a specific element: the consistent pressure on Castlereagh over a long period. 2/
In my last thread, I looked at how medical practitioners through the 19thC understood stress, and particularly the work of Charles Mills. 1/
Today, I'll use a passage from Mills's 1884 study of mental overwork among 'professional and public men' to consider Castlereagh's behaviour preceding his suicide on August 12, 1822--changes that bear strong similarities to what Mills identified as acute nervous exhaustion /2
Apr 24, 2022 • 16 tweets • 5 min read
Using a modern framework to examine #ViscountCastlereagh's exposure to #MentalHealth risks raises historiographical questions. The way we experience chronic stress may not be the same way that those in the 18th/19thC experienced it. 1/
We have to consider broader historical understandings of #stress. The idea of mental exhaustion has a long history. A writer in Aristotle’s circle in c. 350 B.C.E identified ‘melancholia’ as an affliction that was particularly tied to learned men, including statesmen. 2/
Apr 4, 2022 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
How can we examine #ViscountCastlereagh's career through a mental health lens? Research has indicated that exposure to chronic stress is an important driver of poor mental health, and chronic stress manifests in many different ways. 1/
Several studies have proposed an overarching framework of six domains and 17 sub-domains of exposure to chronic stress (See table below adapted from Gollac et al 2011 and Boini et al 2020). 2/
Mar 30, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Continuing my tweet series for #Castlereagh200, today's question: How does mental health factor into the different hypotheses that have been put forward to explain Castlereagh's suicide? 1/
(Img: BM)
Psychiatric analysis has concluded that Castlereagh likely suffered from recurrent major depressive disorder with psychotic symptoms. However there have also been other hypotheses, most notably neurosyphilis. 2/
Mar 28, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Some key questions 200 years on:
Castlereagh’s underlying mental health has been a secondary and incomplete consideration. What can we learn by making Castlereagh’s mental health a consistent thread of analysis? 1/3
What role did social stressors play? How did social and professional stressors interact? What role did personal, professional, or societal expectations play? 2/3
In the last week I submitted my draft article on #ViscountCastlereagh and mental health to a journal for consideration. It's fitting timing, considering that August 2022 will mark 200 years since Castlereagh's suicide. 1/