How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App'm sceptical that a patent waiver will quickly resolve shortages in low-income countries, & concerns about longer-run negative effects are serious. But it is the lever to ensure the pharma co.s behave responsibly. e.g. 1:1 #COVAX donation for hi-income-country sales. is a lot of detail in the report, but the key message on needed vax rates - in most cases: 2 shots - is: it simple, we'll just look at the total additional nominal fiscal marge de manouvre for the period 2023-30 (without feedback effects) opened up by 5 options.🇻🇳 ppl currently rely overwhelmingly on motorbikes for private transport, but cars are increasingly common as the middle class expands . Trade agreements are also leading to cuts in hi import duties. Congestion and air pollution are huge problems in urban areas. basic economic insight is: there has been a persistent effort over an extended to open up the legal space to make the recent ruling possible. countries can subvert agreed EU procedures and institutions, on which the highest EU court, the ECJ, has made a ruling, using national (constitutional) courts, & deriving a legitimacy from their own national constitutions, we are on a slippery slope indeed.