How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Seila (2020), the Court said Humphrey's Executor only applies to agencies that are, like the FTC of 1935, quasi-judicial. Lina Khan's transformation of the FTC into just another a rulemaking agency have undermined Humphrey's @SenateJudiciary failed to publish their written testimony in advance. SOP is to publish testimony 1-2 day before the hearing to foster a more informed discussion. In 2020, Senate Republicans summoned Twitter, Facebook & Google CEOs for a hearing on their alleged "bias" against conservatives. The Dem chair asked why broadcasters weren't there. Gigi tweeted this: court refused to strike down the TX law as facially unconstitutional because of overbreadth, suggesting that it would have to be challenged as to specific applications's sponsors say they've fixed the bill. They haven't. Making the "best practices" "voluntary" doesn't help. The 4th Amd./privacy problem has always been come from exposing tech companies to such vast liability that they *must* monitor what users say & abandon encryption The bill would expose many websites to liability, both civil and criminal, for making recommendations. States will enforce existing laws & write new ones, and we'll spend years litigating them under the First Amendment emphasizes that Apple won't allow sideloading of apps onto iOS photos (as Google does)'s hard to know what's really on Parler because the site doesn't allow full text search: unlike on Facebook or Twitter, you can only search for user names and hashtags isn't subtle about the motive for the bill: he's trying to use #antitrust law to retaliate against a private company for exercising editorial judgment in a way that Hawley doesn't like Fairness Doctrine for the Internet is the opposite of what the right has argued for decades, as @AriCohn and I explained here ISPs to disclose how they block, throttle and prioritize is radically different from regulating how websites moderate content, let's stipulate that what the ISP is doing is galaxy-brain-level insane that proportional electoral college vote allocation would make it more likely that no party would have 270 electoral votes, in which we'd see coalitions form, as in every other democracy, with small parties to get over 270