PluckyCanuck: Jimmy K. Profile picture
Teacher. Pragmatic Philosopher. Ridiculously content. Tweets always in good faith - or mildly sarcastic. I think you're fantastic: it's your ideas that suck.
Jan 12, 2021 21 tweets 9 min read
Political Violence – a Perspective
The next time someone on the Left tries to take the moral high ground re: #CapitolHill riot, to pretend like #Republicans are the violent ones, please show them this.

A thread

Let’s go back, way back, and see what the Left has been up to. 2/
Firstly, for comparison, lets look at the Right.

See below: all the Anti-Clinton and Anti-Obama and Anti-Biden protests.
4 listed against Hillary; None by Right-Wing groups.
9 listed against Obama; Only violence was in Greece.
1 (sortof) against Biden. Left-wing protest.
Jan 10, 2021 17 tweets 8 min read
Did #Trump incite violence on Capitol Hill?

Many seem to think so. But I just read through his speech and can’t, for the life of me, rationally come to that conclusion.

I’ll walk you through it so you can see what I mean.

Trump is not a great communicator. But like many politicians, he urges his supporters to ‘fight’ for their side. This is, clearly, not talking about physical violence.

He is clearly talking about being strong, about standing up for one’s convictions.

Jan 9, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
#twitterPurge Ans #Parler shutdown shows that many opinions are, to certain groups, unequivocally evil.

They can’t debate the ideas, so they equate them to terrible ones, then ban those who have them.

It is a way to control the dialogue. Linguistic control and suppression. 1/6 If you think that different life outcomes have a variety of causes, then you’re a racist.

If you think that people should be rewarded for their work, you’re a blood-soaked capitalist.

If you think immigration should be managed, you’re a xenophobe.

Jan 5, 2021 28 tweets 10 min read
COVID-19 Mega-Thread

On propaganda, fear, and conspiracies. 1/ Covid is real. It’s a real virus with real victims.

But if there is anyhing I’ve learned from the last year, its that media and governments are more than happy to spread fear and conjecture, instead of good information. This is propaganda.

Time to set the record straight.
Jul 5, 2020 5 tweets 11 min read
A thread on #Detrans

I just went down the rabbit hole a bit. This list is hardly exhaustive... but here are a few people that call themselves Detransitioners or Desisters.

Many have very compelling stories. I encourage you to read them to see how the system failed them. I often wonder at the damage that the #Trans community is doing to real people, in selling a one-size-fits, quick-fix solution to many young people.

The stories are heartbreaking. But these people are amazingly strong for finding and loving themselves again.

Thanks for sharing.