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Jan 9th 2021
#twitterPurge Ans #Parler shutdown shows that many opinions are, to certain groups, unequivocally evil.

They can’t debate the ideas, so they equate them to terrible ones, then ban those who have them.

It is a way to control the dialogue. Linguistic control and suppression. 1/6
If you think that different life outcomes have a variety of causes, then you’re a racist.

If you think that people should be rewarded for their work, you’re a blood-soaked capitalist.

If you think immigration should be managed, you’re a xenophobe.

If you think a culture affects people’s success and character, you’re a bigot.

If you think free speech and dialogue is important, you’re a fascist.

If you think men and women are different, you’re a misogynist.

Read 6 tweets
Jan 9th 2021
Signs of a major political Twitter purge ongoing:

By my count I've lost over 2% of followers in past few days, most of it in last 12 or so hours
Lost a few more followers in ongoing #TwitterPurge
Now at a 2.3% loss in past days.

Many others reporting same:

It appears this major Trump-supporter Twitter presence was hit with a nearly 3.0% follower loss today:


Read 35 tweets
Jun 7th 2020
Slightly non-populist take on his whole hand-wringing over @Twitter and FB policing online content. 👇

It's their platform. They get to decide what stays and what goes. It's there in the Terms and Conditions. You signed up for it. Now you can't whine! #TwitterPurge
If I lent you a car, and said do whatever, but don't go from City X to City Y, would you shut up and conform, or say that violates your freedom of movement?

I give you my car, I set the rules.
Same goes for a SM company's online servers. #TwitterFactCheck
What that no longer makes them, is just a bulletin board where they're not responsible for content, but with the element of moderation and decision making, an active participant in the content.
Read 11 tweets
Dec 17th 2017
I got a Gab account at startup. Haven't been active. I like Twitter because it's a mix of the wise, the foolish, & people across the political & non political spectrum. So far, that's not Gab.
But, if Twitter bans me tomorrow☛……
My opinion of Gab is mixed.
On the positive side; No "like" option! If a post is worthy, you RT it, if not you move on. That's how it should be here.

On the negative: Gab seems to have attracted a lot of racists--white ones. Haven't seen any black ones there yet.
Alternatives haven't seemed to work well on these interwebs; take Google+, for instance. Much better than Facebook, but hasn't been able to get any traction because it's seen by many as a "not Facebook" ghost town. Gab is going to face the same hurdle.
Read 5 tweets

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