Nicolas Petit Profile picture
Prof @EUI_EU & co-founder DCI @fordynamism. Raised lawyer, autodidact economist, radical centrist. Tech & antitrust. Nothing to disclose.
Apr 19 15 tweets 5 min read
The great @StiglerCenter conference yesterday showcased what @ZephyrTeachout called a series of ‘history panels” on antitrust #StiglerAntitrust24. A thread on why so much focus on history in US antitrust debates 1/n Image That intense emphasis on history is a fascinating intellectual phenomenon. In contrast, European discussions about antitrust reform are more focused on present-day issues such as concrete policy impacts, legal administrability, and economic soundness 2/n Image
Jul 10, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
The arrival of a new kid on the block in social media holds three lessons for competition in digital markets. A thread on @Threads 1/n 1⃣ A theory of 'broad-spectrum' competition amongst monopoly platforms has strong descriptive power. As I wrote in my book, each dominant tech firms exerts a degree of competitive pressure on the other 2/n…
Jan 27, 2022 52 tweets 8 min read
What happened yesterday in @EUCourtPress Intel v Commission, T-286/09 RENV? Hot Takes. For antitrust geeks only 1/n… The General Court (GC) was asked for 2nd time to review legality of an EUCommission setting a > €1 Bi fined against chip maker Intel for abuse of dominance. 2/n
Jan 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
V simple. The ‘win’ / ‘loss’ framing is polarising. It’s not useful 1/n Now the law. Annulment proceedings can be understood as a « procès fait à un acte ». EU law does not follow the adversarial model of litigation of anglo-american legal systems. « We » is inappropriate 2/n
Nov 17, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
Sharing my prelim analysis of the main points of law raised by last week's Google Shopping judgment of @EUCourtPress Not my final word. The General Court approached the case as in Intel v EC, trying to clarify the law
Nov 16, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
Presenting this morning #7thBiennial on Growing Market Power and Concentration #CCIER #GlobalConference #Economy #Law #PolicyMakers Slides 👇
Nov 15, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I mean every hyperbolic word here => latest convo of @LeConcurrential w/ Bill Kovacic is gold mine of antitrust wisdom… 1/n The requirements of practice makes antitrust laws converge toward rebuttable presumptions, quasi rules, and structured standards 2/n Image
Jun 2, 2021 37 tweets 10 min read
Long thread w/ color commentary of IMCO amendments to draft #DMA. I focus on what struck eye, leaving aside the small stuff 1/n Tightening of clause allowing presumptive gatekeeper to escape designation => “exceptional circumstances” and “compelling” evidence 2/n
Jun 1, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Short thread w/ provisional thoughts on draft EU #AI regulation following gr8 Roma Tre/@EUI_EU/@PoliTOnews seminar yest 1/N 2/N
Oct 16, 2020 22 tweets 4 min read
Quick thread on the Opinion of the AG in Deutsche Telekom and Slovak Telekom (DT & ST) v Commission (C-152 and 165/19 P)… For antitrust geeks only 1/n Image The Opinion asks whether a firm w/o an indispensable infrastructure can nonetheless abuse a dominant position by way of margin squeeze. 2/n
Sep 11, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
@randypicker discussion of static monopolization in #Fortnite v Apple displays substantial parallels with the problems faced by antitrust towards tacit collusion 1/n That is: should antitrust law deem unlawful business coordination without an explicit act of collusion? 2/n
May 29, 2020 27 tweets 8 min read
Long & geeky thread on yesterday @EUCourtPress judgment that annuls the @EUCommission decision that blocked the merger between Telefónica UK & Hutchison 3G merger (T-399/16) 1/n. In a nutshell, this is a judgment on the *substantiality* of the market power effects required to enjoin a merger 2/n.