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Feb 23, 2023 13 tweets 7 min read
In addition to #BadSources, @Knack & @lesoir published stories on a Brussels-based think tank, following up on our previous work and leads. They confirm that the South Asia Democratic Forum received substantial funding from offshore & opaque organisations.… ICYMI, the SADF is one of the Brussels stakeholders depicted in our EP Today and Indian Chronicles reports. We showed that its creation was directly tied to the Srivastava Group's efforts to influence policymakers in Brussels.
@lesoir sums it up here:…
Feb 23, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
#BadSources - our latest investigation into how Indian news agency ANI repeatedly quoted non-existent bloggers, experts, journalists and think tanks spreading anti-Pakistan/China narratives in India. 🧵1/N
#BadSources #StoryKillers To ease your reading, we've shortened ANI's #BadSources to BS in this thread. 2/N
Sep 27, 2022 22 tweets 10 min read
#DOPPELGANGER: How Russia-based actors cloned legitimate media outlets from multiple countries (🇩🇪🇬🇧🇫🇷🇮🇹🇱🇻🇺🇦) to spread disinformation designed to undermine the support for Ukraine.

Our last investigation: This independent investigation is solely based on open-source information and is built upon the first leads from @tonline. We also would also like to thank @AFPfaktencheck for reaching out to us.…
Sep 1, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Today, the EU DisinfoLab publishes an Open Letter signed by over 50 leading experts on disinformation calling on EU policy-makers to tackle disinformation head-on in the Digital Services Act 👇… Co-signatories include researchers, educators, journalists, academics, digital rights & democracy activists, campaigners against hate speech and online gender-based violence. We have organisations from across the 🇪🇺, including: 🇫🇷🇩🇪🇫🇮🇧🇪🇳🇱🇭🇺🇱🇹🇨🇿🇸🇰🇸🇮🇵🇱🇬🇷🇨🇾🇲🇹🇧🇬🇭🇷 & beyond 🇬🇧🇨🇭🇺🇸🇵🇰🇵🇭
May 12, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
#Thread: How YouTube’s inaction facilitated the spread of the French COVID-19 conspiracy documentary Hold-up, the Plandemic “à la française”. The French COVID-19 conspiracy movie Hold-up was released on 11 November 2020 & started to circulate on YouTube that same day. French fact-checker AFP Factuel flagged in Hold-Up more than 30 misleading or false claims linked to the COVID-19 pandemic. 2/n
Jan 25, 2021 19 tweets 14 min read
📢Today we release our publication "The Many Faces Fighting #Disinformation", a panorama of innovative, multidisciplinary actors safeguarding our information ecosystem. We wanted to understand their successes and their challenges. (1/19)

cc @fnfeurope The Many Faces Fighting Dis... They are rising to the #disinformation challenge with new types of expertise, like #OSINT, crowdsourcing, and data activism. They explore unusual partnerships and experiment with innovative techniques. This is a new sector taking shape. (2/19) Image
Jan 20, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
New research: Disinformation that wrongly links COVID-19 and 5G technology often remain undetected. @DisinfoEU researcher @NetoSessa examines moderation shortcomings on Twitter and YouTube. Thread ⬇️ (1/8)… As the pandemic unfolded, @Twitter and @YouTube vowed to remove content that breached their policy guidelines. They pledged to provide the community with reliable and real-time information, in particular regarding disinformation linking 5G technology to the coronavirus. (2/8)
Dec 10, 2020 20 tweets 15 min read
#IndianChronicles: Since yesterday, international media have covered our investigation, including BBC, Politico, Le Monde, EFE.
Here is what they found: 👇👇👇 In Brussels, @POLITICOEurope focused on the actors behind EU Chronicle – the same as behind EP Today last year: Madi Sharma.
They also reveal that MEPs @tobiszowski 🇵🇱 & @marctarabella 🇧🇪 claim to have been abused by #IndianChronicles.…
Dec 9, 2020 22 tweets 10 min read
REVEALED: Indian Chronicles – how a massive 15-year influence operation successfully targeted the EU & UN with 750+ fake local media and 10+ zombie-NGOs.

Executive Summary & full report:
Here are the facts 👇 (1/n) Image Indian Chronicles’ key objective is to undermine Pakistan internationally.

To do so, they resurrected dead NGOs at the UN.

They impersonated the EU.

They laundered content produced by fake media to real media - and reached millions in South-Asia & across the world. (2/n)
Jul 23, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read

A few weeks after the release of the Digital Services Act consultation, the European Commission has now opened the consultation on the European Democracy Action Plan.

We really encourage that anyone working to tackle disinformation shares their experience! 🗣️ What are these consultations?

These are public consultations for two crucial European regulatory files that will contribute to tackling disinformation. Public consultations are a key part of the European policymaking process.
Jun 15, 2020 33 tweets 17 min read
UNCOVERED: How two information portals - & - hide their ties to InfoRos – a news agency previously linked to Russian military intelligence (GRU) according to reports by @washingtonpost and @stanfordio (1/n)… In March 2020, we stumbled across an article from the French website “Observateur Continental” repropagating the false claim from the US law professor Francis Boyle about “COVID-19 being a perfect bioweapon”. (2/n)…
May 26, 2020 26 tweets 12 min read
1) Uncovered: How an anonymous Spanish alternative blog, which spreads disinformation items and polarizing content, has been using the Amazon Associates program to fund its activities. 2) La Verdadera Izquierda (meaning “the True Left” in Spanish) began in 2011 as a Twitter account and blog with the goal of "unmasking the lies of the left and socialism in this great country called Spain”. It attracted around 38K followers before its suspension in April 2020.
Jan 14, 2020 21 tweets 10 min read
UNCOVERED: How the so-called French media outlet “France Libre 24” – which uses disinformation to sow polarisation in society – hides the fact that it’s managed by a controversial Polish far-right media network. (1/20) Several months ago, our attention was caught by a newcomer in the French online media landscape - France Libre 24, which sounds like the French news TV channel France24. (2/20)
Nov 22, 2019 16 tweets 8 min read
BREAKING: We uncovered 2 Facebook pages managed from Ukraine that support Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon – leaders of 2 major French political parties (far-right and far-left).
They contain a substantial amount of disinformation.

Thread ⬇️ (1/16) Our investigation began when we stumbled across – a website with some content that had already been fact-checked by AFP and Libération CheckNews. (2/16)
Nov 13, 2019 10 tweets 6 min read
BREAKING: We uncovered a worldwide network of 265 fake media outlets in 65 countries, targeting the US, Canada, Brussels, Geneva and many more, which all serve Indian lobbying interests. (1/9)

Thread 👇


Interactive map:… Have you heard of New York Journal American? It was a daily newspaper until 1966. Recently, it was resurrected online by the network we uncovered. (2/9)
Nov 7, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
And... we’re back! Previously, we talked about fake media outlets such as EP Today and Times of Geneva.

But did you know there’s also a fake press agency based in Geneva? Ladies and Gentlemen, meet…

4NewsAgency. (1/8) During the last episode of DisinfoEU:
- We shed light on Times of Geneva — an obscure media outlet mainly providing coverage on Pakistan minorities issues;
- We showed how this “media” is closely linked to NGOs specifically working on these topics.
Nov 7, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
You’ve now heard of EP Today, but have you ever heard of Times of Geneva? This, and many more “news outlets”, are part of a worldwide network of influence managed by the same group of people and organisations. But first, let’s explain how we got here. (1/8) Previously on DisinfoEU (in case you missed our last episode):
- We looked at the strong links between EP Today and WESTT;
- We wondered how IINS and other organisations are also connected to EP Today.

Nov 6, 2019 12 tweets 6 min read
Hi everyone! Since there’s been so much coverage from international news outlets, we have updates on our EP Today investigation. Warning: multiple thread(s) ahead concerning fake media outlets and international influence. (1/11) Remember when EP Today claimed that they’re “not a lobbying organisation” upon publication of Politico's article on Indian interests behind EP Today? (2/11)…
Oct 9, 2019 17 tweets 10 min read
Hats off to @EUvsDisinfo for their exposé on the @EPToday website, which was featured in @PoliticoEUROPE’s Brussels Playbook this morning @florianeder… We've named this thread: "How to hide your Indian interests behind American and Russian content"
Sep 11, 2019 25 tweets 12 min read
Good morning everyone!

Today, we're releasing our latest study: "How you thought you support the animals and you ended up funding white supremacists"

Get ready for a long thread! How did everything start?

On the 27th July, the fact-checking team of the French news agency AFP @AfpFactuel published a tweet on a story which falsely attributed the death of an Italian policeman to “Two African migrants” when in fact the culprits were American tourists.
Aug 8, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Certains comptes hyperactifs avaient déjà été identifiés :
- 2,8% actifs dans les 2 premières heures des Macronleaks
- 9,43% avaient propagés au moins 3 rumeurs durant la présidentielle française
- 27% étaient présents dans les comptes partageant le plus RT et Sputnik en 2017 Nous avons identifié 9 désinformations sur l’affaire Benalla dont seules 3 avaient bénéficié d'une participation médiatique.