Graham Hughes Profile picture
The first person to visit every country without flying. There's such a lot of world to see. I now run Politics Social:
Dec 27, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
"The tangible benefits of #Brexit." A thread.

For the EU, the tangible benefits of Brexit have been immense. Not just in the way it has galvanised support for the EU across the bloc, but in the way that the UK has made itself...

...the least competitive advanced economy in the world. Don't forget -- we're no longer a trading partner of the EU, but its main trading rival, and considering both their population and economy is 7x bigger than ours, we don't stand a chance.

Dec 10, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Have the people of Kent grasped how deeply unpleasant their lives are going to be after the #Brexit they voted for? The miles of queuing lorries. The diesel fumes toxifying every breath. The low, sonorous & incessant hum of 7,000 idling engines, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. /1 Human excrement seeping from tens of thousands of plastic bags, strewn along the grass verges, hanging from leafless trees & metal barriers. Bottles of piss lining the hard shoulder of the M20. All this left for the youth of Kent to somehow deal with. What a job to aspire to. /2
Nov 27, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
Remarkably, there's yet another layer of misery that #Brexit is about to heap on the country, this time on hard-working British families that wish to stay together when a loved one becomes ill.

I know from bitter experience how tough it is to get ANY help from the government (if you didn't go to school with the posh thieving bastards).

In January 2018 I applied for Carer's Allowance to help look after my dad who is suffering from vascular dementia. £67.25 a week.

Nov 12, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
➡ Businesses will collapse
➡ The car industry will die
➡ Farmers will go bankrupt
➡ Healthy food will be more expensive
➡ Empty shelves in the supermarket
➡ Children will go hungry
➡ The UK will become the least competitive advanced economy in the world

#BrexitReality ➡ Domestic industry will be decimated by Chinese knock-offs
➡ Substandard US food will be the norm
➡ EHIC cards no longer valid, making travel insurance more expensive
➡ Working in the EU? You'll need a work permit
➡ No more mandatory free roaming

Nov 10, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read

Here is a map of the world. The countries and territories marked in blue are regarded as having an "advanced economy" according to the IMF.

Not many, are there? Image The sad fact is that the majority of the world's population simply cannot afford the products & services the UK exports. The countries in blue must be our focus.

However, the EU & US have made it clear there'll be no FTAs if the UK govt doesn't change course. I'll remove them. Image
Oct 9, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
In May, the UK government promised a “world beating” Test and Trace system. Here is my experience of using that system.

I’m currently at my parent’s house in Liverpool helping my mum look after my 83-year-old dad who suffers from advanced vascular dementia.

In August my dad stopped eating and refused to drink. At the start of September he was rushed to hospital with kidney failure. He spent two weeks on the ward before being discharged. We now have carers coming to the house four times a day in minimum PPE.

Sep 8, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
I'll give you one example of how devastating #NoDeal will be. AstraZeneca is a British-Swedish pharmaceutical giant. It accounts for a full 1% of the UK's export GDP. Just AstraZeneca. On its own. (For reference, our *entire* fishing export GDP is a mere fraction of that.)

AstraZeneca has a huge plant in Macclesfield, a town to the south of Manchester. As of March last year, the site employed a total of around 3,500 people in a variety of operations including IT & science as well as the manufacturing arm, which accounts for around 900 workers.

Sep 5, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
25m tonnes worth of imports come into the Port of Liverpool every year, so that's roughly 2,400 massive 40ft container-carrying lorries a day.

Since we're leaving the EU's Customs Union, after Jan 1st they will ALL will need parking space in a secure "bonded facility" for inspection by customs officials (that don't yet exist). 100 lorries an hour. One every 36 seconds. 24 hours a day.

Jul 20, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Remainers are getting a wee bit giddy about the #RussiaReport proving what we've known for years... that 🇷🇺 interfered in the Brexit Referendum.

Why did they interfere?

Because they knew that leaving the EU would be economically and socially ruinous for 🇬🇧.

They could get their revenge for the sanctions we helped put on them in 2014 by paying a handful of privately-educated upper class elitist millionaires -- Farage, Cummings, Johnson, Rees-Mogg, Banks, Wigmore, Gove etc -- to trick 🇬🇧 into slapping trade sanctions... on itself.

Mar 27, 2019 12 tweets 2 min read
Consider, for a moment, what it would be like if 51.9% of those who voted in the Scottish referendum had voted YES… off the back of Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon making utterly unrealistic promises to the Scottish people. /1 £350m extra a week for the health service, loads more trade and investment (from... somewhere!) and Edinburgh being in a position to dictate terms to London. They tell people that they “hold all the cards” and that “London needs us more than we need London”. /2