Fair Vote Canada is a national citizens' movement for #ProportionalRepresentation.
Sign the Declaration and get involved at https://t.co/bWJxnU76Oj
Jul 10, 2024 • 18 tweets • 5 min read
1/ Was there really no consensus on electoral reform? Let's bust this myth once and for all with facts. 🧵 2/ The Liberal talking point has been: "There was no consensus."
But, what does the evidence show?
Before the 2015 election, three parties representing 62% of voters promised that it would be the last using first-past-the-post. No asterisks on that promise. 📜
Oct 24, 2019 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
This is a fantastic simulation of #proportionalrepresentation.
The key question is: "Now that Canadians have elected a minority govt, will the Liberals be influenced by the NDP and the Greens, who both have called for #electoralreform?"