Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #MRA

Most recents (24)

Jun 1st 2023
1) Welcome to a 🆕#accredited #tweetorial from @cardiomet_CE! Earn 0.5hr 🆓 CE/#CME by following this 🧵. Our expert faculty is Sanjiv J Shah MD @HFpEF, Cardiologist & Director, Northwestern HFpEF Program ( Director of Research, @NMCardioVasc
#FOAMed Image
1b) .@HFpEF will be sharing the algorithm he uses to treat #HFpEF based on evidence we have thus far and his anecdotal experience treating patients over the past 16 years in the @NMCardioVasc HFpEF Clinic.
#CardioTwitter #MedEd @MedTweetorials #HeartFailure
2) CE/#CMEcredit for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #nursepractitioners #pharmacists 🇺🇸🇨🇦🇬🇧🇪🇺.
Statement of accreditation and faculty disclosures at
FOLLOW US for accredited programs in #cardiometabolic space delivered wholly on Twitter!
Read 34 tweets
May 31st 2023
1) Welcome to a 🆕accredited tweetorial from @cardiomet_CE! We welcome back expert faculty @ChristosArgyrop to discuss screening for #CKD in pts w/ #T2D & the role of routine assessment for #microalbuminuria as an effective diagnostic, risk stratification, & patient ed tool.
2) Christos Argyropoulos MD, PhD @ChristosArgyrop is Division Chief, Nephrology @UNMHSC. #CKD is chronic #kidneydisease, #ESKD is end-stage kidney disease.
#FOAMed #nephtwitter #cardiotwitter @MedTweetorials @NephUCommunity @ISNkidneycare @KidneyDiseaseFm Image
3) This program is intended for #HCPs and is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Bayer. Statement of accreditation & faculty disclosures at
FOLLOW US for more expert-authored #tweetorials and earn #MedEd
Read 43 tweets
May 21st 2023
📍#SGLT2i should be initiated in all HFpEF patients without contraindications, ideally once stable during hospitalization for index event.

#HeartFailure2023 @MarcoMetra @HFA_President @WilfriedMullens ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Nov 19th 2022
Happy #Mensday2022 Everybody!!, or is it happy?

One of the most misunderstood international days is men's day, plagued with myths, it has been a day that people use to spread hate...

and well, today i'll give some info of what this day is for, and what you should do..
Since 1992, Men's Day has been a day where men raise awareness about the issues they face, whether if it's IPV or mental health.

This day is also to celebrate some of men's contributions to society, though this part has been the most criticized.

(Credit: Masculinistas Anónimos)
So yeah, to those people who joke around and say "isn't every day men's day?".

Well, if Men's issues and mental health were visible and a main focus every day it would be true, but most of the time govt's and people in general only care about women's issues every other day.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial, Update on New HFrEF Data from ESC 2022 with a Focus on Vericiguat. Our expert author is Giuseppe Galati MD, MMSc in Heart Failure, FHFA, @GiuseppeGalati_ , Consultant #Cardiologist #HeartFailure & #Cardiomyopathies
2) @GiuseppeGalati_ is at San Raffaele Research Hospital, Milan 🇮🇹 @SanRaffaeleMI. This program is intended for #healthcare professionals & is accredited for 0.75h CE/#CME credit for #physicians #physicianassistants #nurses #nursepractitioners #pharmacists.
3) This program is supported by an educational grant from Bayer. See archived programs still open for credit at Statement of accreditation & faculty disclosures at🙏 FOLLOW US !
Read 43 tweets
Sep 7th 2022
1) Welcome to our new #accredited #tweetorial on the Pathophysiology of #DKD in #T2D: Traditional Teaching and New Insights. Our expert author is Hans-Joachim Anders, MD, @hjanders_hans from @LMU_Uniklinikum of @LMU_Muenchen
2) This #accredited #tweetorial series on the foundations of #kidneydisease #DKD through the lens of #T2D is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance and is intended for healthcare providers.
3) This activity is accredited for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #NPs #pharmacists. Past programs still eligible for credit can be found at Faculty disclosures & accreditation statement are at FOLLOW US!
Read 48 tweets
Aug 23rd 2022
1a) Welcome to one of our favorite events on the @academiccme #accredited #tweetorial feeds: a takeover of our programming from @GoggleDocs! The focus of this tweetorial is data from #ADA2022 on #SGLT2i beyond cardiac disease. Our expert author is @GoggleDocs' @drpatrickholmes. Image
1b) Check out our other #ADA2022 recap #tweetorial by new @GoggleDocs family member @Ines_VFonseca who focused on the cardiac data presented:
2) This program is #accredited for CE/#CME #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #pharmacists #nursepractitioners & is supported by an educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc and Eli Lilly Company. It is intended for healthcare professionals.
Read 59 tweets
Aug 3rd 2022
1) Welcome to our new #accredited #tweetorial which is Part 2 of a 2-part "highlights" program on new #SGLT2i & #DKD data presented at @ERAkidney #ERA22. #Physicians #nurses #pharmacists #PAs and #NPs can all earn 0.5h CE/#CME by following this 🧵!
2a) @ERAkidney #ERA22 is a primary international scientific symposium for interaction and exchange among basic scientists and clinicians working in #Nephrology. Our expert author is Dr. Clara García Carro (@ClaraGCarro) from San Carlos Clinical Hospital (Madrid, Spain).
2b) Be sure to check out the first half of this #ERA22 recap from my colleague @shbermejo, and get MORE 🆓CE/#CME at Join me in following @ckd_ce for the BEST in #cardiorenal education delivered entirely by #tweetorial!
Read 48 tweets
Jul 14th 2022
Medical Therapy for Functional #MR

#GDMT is the first step and prevails as the mainstay in the treatment of #FMR

This review addresses the medical Tx options for FMR Mx and highlight a targeted approach for each FMR category

#HeartFailure #VHDs… @CircHF
#GDMT plays a pivotal role in LV reverse remodeling (LVRR) in FMR and leads to reduction in severity and improved outcomes for both atrial and ventricular #FMR

#GDMTWorks #VHDs #HeartFailure
Studies report 28% to 50% reduction in grade of #FMR from baseline in patients receiving optimal or maximally tolerated doses of #GDMT (including diuretics) in both ischemic #cardiomyopathy and non-ischemic CMP

#GDMTWorks #VHDs #MR
Read 8 tweets
Jun 20th 2022
Ireland's GRA 2015 was "an extraordinarily high-profile piece of legislation, with all the accompanying media coverage, political debates and processes", claims Mulally, in @IrishTimes. Check Google search results for the topic from 1/1/2014 - 31/12/2015:…
Google Trends data for 1/1/2007 (the year of Lydia Foy's High Court win regarding changing factual birth cert to one recognising "legal gender") to 31/12/2016. The GRA was enacted on 15/7/2015 (blue peak on graph below). Does this look like it was "extraordinarily high-profile"?
The #DentonsDocument lobbying playbook recommends piggybacking gender ID legal changes on more popular reforms, citing Ireland's marriage equality legislation as providing a "veil of protection" to GRA, which was "more difficult to win public support for".…
Read 10 tweets
May 13th 2022
🚨 #URGENTE Más imágenes del terrible accidente ocurrido hace minutos sobre la ruta Transchaco.
🚫 La distracción + imprudencia fueron los factores que agravaron la escena, donde posterior al accidente, curiosos ocasionaron más percances graves.
Aparentemente, el conductor del automóvil Marca Toyota Vitz Color Azul, realizó una frenada imprudente en vista al accidente ocurrido, donde podemos presumir que el vehículo tipo Camión de Mediano porte también se encontraba distraído por la situación y terminaron chocando
Por si fuera poco, el Toyota Vitz azul, mientras era retenido por personal Policial para las debidas diligencias por el anterior percance, termina generando otro accidente contra un Motociclista que viajaba a alta velocidad. 🚨
#URGENTE #graveaccidente #MRA #viral #curiosos
Read 6 tweets
May 10th 2022
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial, Prevention and Management of Heart Failure in T2 Diabetes: The Diabetologist’s Perspective! Our expert author is Melanie J Davies CBE FMedSci @profmjdavies, Prof of Diabetes Medicine, U Leicester, Leicester Diabetes Unit @LDC_Tweets
2) This program is intended for #healthcare professionals and is accredited by @academiccme for 0.75h CE/#CME credit for #physicians #physicianassistants #nurses #nursepractitioners #pharmacists 🇺🇸🇨🇦🇬🇧🇪🇺. FOLLOW US for #cardiometabolic education from expert authors!
3) @cardiomet_CE is supported by educational grants from AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Eli Lilly Company, and Chiesi. See archived programs still available for credit at Disclosures at
Read 43 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
1) Welcome to our new #accredited #tweetorial on the Pathophysiology of #DKD in #T2D: Traditional Teaching and New Insights. Our expert author is Hans-Joachim Anders, MD, @hjanders_hans from @LMU_Uniklinikum of @LMU_Muenchen
2) This #accredited #tweetorial series on the foundations of #kidneydisease #DKD through the lens of #T2D is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance and is intended for healthcare providers.
3) This activity is accredited for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #NPs #pharmacists 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇬🇧🇨🇦. Past programs still eligible for credit are at Faculty disclosures are at FOLLOW US for regular programs by expert faculty!
Read 48 tweets
Apr 12th 2022
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on Cardiorenal Disease in T2D & the Impact of Blocking the MR in Patients w/DKD, another CE/#CME program by one of the @GoggleDocs, this time our friend @AmarPut, Diabetes & Endocrine Consultant in the West Midlands 🇬🇧. #CaReMe #FOAMed Image
2) This program is supported by an educational grant from Bayer & is intended for #healthcare providers. Author disclosures can be found at Prior programs, still available for CE/#CME credit, are at CE/#CME credit 🇬🇧🇪🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸
3) So first – the ‘triple threat’ . . . We know of the link between the 🫀 and the kidneys and the ‘#cardiorenal’ syndrome, but what about in the setting of #diabetes?
Read 55 tweets
Mar 21st 2022
In patients with #HFpEF, treatment with #empagliflozin improves clinical outcomes regardless of background #MRA therapy…
@JACCJournals #JACC @unic_cardiovasc @JavedButler1 @FaiezZANNAD #MiltonPacker @robmentz @BiykemB @HFpEF @ShelleyZieroth
#MRAs were used in 37% of EMPEROR-Preserved study participants. MRA use was higher in those with a more congested clinical picture, with more HF🏥 within the past 12 months, worse HF symptoms, mildly reduced EF, higher NT-proBNP levels, and more use of loop diuretic agents
The effect of empagliflozin to reduce HF 🏥 was more pronounced in MRA nonusers than in MRA users, particularly in the subgroup of patients with LVEFs ≥50% @HFpEF @DrRyanPDaly @AndrewJSauer @AnastasiaSMihai @DrMarthaGulati @ErinMichos @ShelleyZieroth @mvaduganathan
Read 8 tweets
Mar 15th 2022
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial from our good friends and #diabetes experts @GoggleDocs, specifically @drkevinfernando, @drpatrickholmes, & @AmarPut. They have put their 🗣️s together to provide us with a summary of the first-ever consensus statement from ...
2) ... @AmDiabetesAssn & @goKDIGO, which were discussed at the recently concluded #isnwcn congress in Kuala Lumpur. This joint document nicely summarizes important recent advances and practice-changing data for the management of diabetic #kidneydisease #DKD.
3) This program is #accredited for CE/#CME #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #pharmacists #nursepractitioners & is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance. It is not intended for US based healthcare professionals.
Read 29 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
1) Welcome to our new #accredited #tweetorial on risk stratification to identify the patient with #T2D and #DKD most at risk for rapid progression to advanced CKD. I am Christos Argyropoulos MD, PhD (@ChristosArgyrop), Division Chief, Nephrology, @UNMHSC.
2) This #accredited #tweetorial series on #kidneydisease #DKD through the lens of #T2D is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance and is intended for healthcare providers.
3) This activity is accredited for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #NPs #pharmacists. Past programs still eligible for credit can be found at Faculty disclosures are at FOLLOW US for regular programs by expert faculty!
Read 45 tweets
Feb 22nd 2022
1) Welcome to our new #accredited #tweetorial on #mechanismofaction & impact of meds commonly used in patients with or at risk for #DKD progression: #MRAs, #GLP-1 receptor agonists & #DPP-4 inhibitors. I am Sophia Ambruso DO, @sophia_kidney, from @CU_Kidney. Image
2) This #accredited #tweetorial series on #kidneydisease #DKD through the lens of #T2D is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance and is intended for healthcare providers.
3) This activity is accredited for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #NPs #pharmacists. Past programs still eligible for credit can be found at Faculty disclosures are at FOLLOW US for regular programs by expert faculty!
Read 62 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on currently available treatments for mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) antagonism (#MRA), the differences among them, and how these differences impact on treatment of cardio-reno-metabolic diseases #CaReMe #FOAMed
2) Our expert author is Dr. Patrick Holmes MB BS, MSc, DipTher, MRCGP (@drpatrickholmes), a GP Partner at St. George’s Medical Practice, Darlington for 23 years. He is a Trustee for the Primary Care Diabetes Society and is Associate Editor for Diabetic Medicine @diabeticmed.
3) This program is supported by an educational grant from Bayer & is intended for #healthcare providers. Author disclosures can be found at Prior programs, still available for CE/#CME credit, are at CE/#CME credit 🇬🇧🇪🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸
Read 35 tweets
Feb 7th 2022
Lie ) She accused MS of being Harrasser?

Truth) She said that MS let the guy who harrassed her speak AND DIDN'T REMOVE HIM. IN FACT HE TURNED BACK AND ASKED HER ABOUT NASEERUDDIN SHAH

This behaviour is called


She felt that they enabled++

Lie) How can you throw MS host under the bus. There were tweets against her

Truth)The MS made someone feel that he enabled the harrasser. They were well within their right to feel so. The tweets on MS were made by a lot on Twitter


Lie) MS doesn't harass people?

Truth) That's a strawman. Cause that isn't even accusation


Lie) Abuses can't be tolerated

Truth) The current cohost used TH0T which is a slang for calling a woman WH0R€

He is Co host currently
Read 50 tweets
Jan 19th 2022
(1) Welcome to this #accredited #tweetorial, on recent & emerging data on finerenone, a non-steroidal mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist. We’ll discuss what it is, what evidence supports its use, & where it might fit into future #renal guidelines. I am @drkevinfernando.
(2) This program is supported by an educational grant from Bayer and is intended for #healthcare providers. Author disclosures can be found at Prior programs, still available for CE/#CME credit, are at
(3) Let's start with a knowledge check.
The following therapeutic options have demonstrated a significant reduction in the progression of both #CKD and #cardiovascular mortality in people living with #T2D:
1. ACEi's & ARBs
2. Spironolactone
3. SGLT2 inhibitors
4. Finerenone
Read 38 tweets
Nov 26th 2021
Do You keep slamming Your face because You missed the 1st #HFA @escardio Clinical Practice Update Course on #HeartFailure, orchestrated masterfully by MC Mullens?

Are You particularly disappointed to have missed the clinical pearls of #HFA giants @kevin_damman & @FinnGustafsson?
Catch up for 2 months on the platform on demand:…

I'll release just a teaser under the form of a clinical case below. You might call on my partners in crime @Ph_Bertrand & @petranijst to do the same...

Have fun & see you live without #COVID next year!
@Ph_Bertrand @petranijst 61 y/o woman
PMH: Chronic HCV, hypertension, poorly controlled diabetes (HbA1c 9.6%), obesity (BMI 32 kg/m²)
Currently no meds

Found in apartment with motoric aphasia & right hemiplegia due to ischemic stroke (middle cerebral artery)
R/No thrombolysis (subacute), thrombectomy!
Read 27 tweets
Nov 1st 2021
Don’t miss a new accredited #tweetorial launching TOMORROW here on @cardiomet_ce. #Emergencymedicine researcher and devotee of deep understanding of drug mechanism of action @md_pollack will be considering why being #nonsteroidal means better #MRA. Don't miss it! @GoggleDocs
1) Welcome to a #tweetorial where we’ll explore the mechanism of action of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (#MRA) & consider why it's so #vogue to be #nonsteroidal. This program is accredited for 0.50 credits for #physicians #nurses #pharmacists. I am @md_pollack. #FOAMed
Read 51 tweets
Oct 11th 2021
Intracranial Atherosclerotic Disease #ICAD

#ICAD leads to changes ranging from minor wall thickening to #hemodynamically significant luminal stenosis and is one of the most #common causes of #stroke worldwide…

🧵 Image

✅10% of stroke, based on autopsy studies
✅More prevalent in #African Americans, #Hispanics, and #Asians as compared with whites

Other risk factors in table Image

In postmortem studies
👉degree of luminal #stenosis
👉% of the plaques containing >40% #lipid area
👉prevalence of intraplaque #hemorrhage, #neovasculature and #thrombus,
were higher in those #plaques associated with #infarct
🔹… Image
Read 13 tweets

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