Ian Benecken, B.Eng. Profile picture
@isunet #SSP24 #Houston - Social Media Editor for ESA reserve astronaut Nicola Winter - project manager for BVSR CASIMAR rover for ESA/DLR LUNA Analog Facility
Mike Harmon Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 13, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
So based on the current scheduled missions going to the #ISS and need an IDA docking adapter. The earliest time there will be a docking adapter availble for the #OFT2 mission will be the 2nd half of November 2021. So after the departure of the #Crew2 mission currently scheduled for the 8th of November, however the #Crew3 has to redock their capsule from #IDA2 to #IDA3 first. However on the 5th of December SpaceX Cargo Dragon #CRS24 needs that docking port again.
Aug 3, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
Per morning DPC: #OFT2 launch weather I think I understood 50% go, and the crew asked for @nasa TV to be uplinked to them so they can watch. #ISS #Exp65 Pressure on the #ISS: 752mmHg and on the Prk: 176mmHg.
Jul 23, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Good morning everyone! #ISS crew is now back awake and is just having their morning DPC (daily planning conference). Seems like the activities for undocking of #Pirs will actually take place today! #Exp65 #MLM #Nauka Russian #ISS crew members are also doing some tasks today to prepare for a potential contingency EVA if that becomes necessary after #Pirs undocking and before #Nauka docking.
Jul 22, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
On board the #ISS many activities regarding #Pirs undocking have been canceled indicating that the undocking tomorrow based on the current status of #MLM #Nauka has been canceled. #unconfirmed #Exp65 Ok so the OPM (optimal propulsion maneuver) to reorient the #ISS to the undocking attitude for #Pirs is still on schedule! MCC #Houston reminded @Aki_Hoshide to close the window shutters for that during morning DPC (daily planning conference)
Feb 16, 2020 67 tweets 74 min read
Upon multiple request I will try to recreate the construction of the #ISS with the recent released @LEGO_Group model in this thread (if you find any errors please let me know): On November 20th 1998 the first #ISS module #Zarya aka #FGB was launched from #Kazakhstan with a #ProtonK rocket. It was built in Russia but funded by @nasa but operated by @roscosmos. Its purpose is cargo storage