Jonathan Greenblatt Profile picture
@ADL CEO and (((proud))). Boards: @TAAForg, @RonBrownScholar. Previous: @WhiteHouse, @Starbucks, @EthosWater, @GOOD, @All_for_Good, etc. #RedSoxNation
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Apr 22 8 tweets 2 min read
I spent yesterday afternoon at @Columbia, walking the streets, meeting Jewish students, and observing the situation firsthand. I was shocked by what I found. 🧵 Jewish students have been explicitly threatened, increasingly menaced and physically attacked. Internal agitators and external provocateurs have laid siege to the campus. Public safety officers are incapable or unwilling to help.
Oct 12, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Today, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is leading a “Day of Resistance” to mobilize its chapters nationwide in “support of [the] resistance in Palestine and the national liberation struggle” and to “continue to resist directly through dismantling Zionism.” 🧵 In their “Day of Resistance Toolkit,” SJP makes clear that it advocates for Palestinian forces to militarily conquer all of Israel and applauds the violent and horrific Hamas terrorist attacks on Israeli towns near the Gaza border.
Oct 8, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ Watching the horror unfold in Israel, I find myself saddened by the tragedy, pained by the massive loss of life, and enraged by the absolutely warped coverage in the media. 2/ Watching Palestinian leaders and their proxies in the West rationalize the execution of the elderly, the rape of women, the kidnapping of teenagers, the humiliation of children, the slaughter of entire families, the mutilation of corpses -- evil is the only word for it.
Aug 8, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
David Miller is a textbook case of a toxic antisemite dressed up as an anti-Israel activist. It’s peak hypocrisy for someone who works for PressTV, the English-language propaganda arm of the tyrannical Iranian regime, to accuse Jewish students of being a "pawn" for Israel. 🧵 Miller did the same thing at @BristolUni, where he was fired in 2021 for antisemitism. While his slander against Jewish students is revealing, Miller has long spewed an almost endless stream of hateful rhetoric. Read on...
Jun 8, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
For years @TuckerCarlson slyly wove anti-Jewish conspiracies into his show on @FoxNews — attacking George Soros, slandering Paul Singer, and making other unfounded claims. Now the mask is fully off. 🧵 He opened his new “show” on @Twitter by describing Zelensky as "sweaty and rat-like" and "a persecutor of Christians." Complete lie. Even if you disagree with US foreign policy, invoking antisemitic imagery and tropes is a perverse and prejudicial way to build a case.
May 17, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
🧵 As the leading organization fighting #antisemitism, @ADL welcomes the @WhiteHouse's partnership in releasing a National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism later this month. To succeed, we believe the strategy must be comprehensive and do the following: - Address antisemitism across the political spectrum
- Include @TheIHRA definition as an indispensable tool for identifying & combating the many forms of antisemitism
- Combat antisemitism on college campuses & protect Jewish students
- Recognize & confront online antisemitism
May 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
At #NLS2023 today, I spoke about building a future for the next generation of Jews in America. Ultimately, it comes down to this: we must come together and do the work.…… We at @ADL are committed to doing the work of fighting #antisemitism – gathering data, taking action, holding people accountable, stopping hate before it escalates to violence and supporting those responding to hate-fueled attacks.
Dec 27, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Yet again, #WhoopiGoldberg’s comments about the Holocaust and race are deeply offensive and incredibly ignorant. When she made similar comments earlier this year, we explained how the Nazi regime was inherently racist. 🧵Read on... The Nazis set out to exterminate the Jewish people, whom they viewed as inferior to the mythical “Aryan master race.” They used pseudo-scientific theories of race to justify their anti-Jewish "race laws" and systemic slaughter of millions.
Nov 29, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Today's guilty verdicts for Stewart Rhodes and other #OathKeepers who played a key role in the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol sends an indisputable message that extremism does not pay and that you cannot undermine American democracy. The fact that the jury found Rhodes guilty of seditious conspiracy -- a difficult charge to prove -- shows the tremendous weight of evidence against him. This is a *crushing* blow to the Oath Keepers, one of the largest and most dangerous armed militias in the US.
Nov 20, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
For @elonmusk to allow Donald Trump back on Twitter, ostensibly after a brief poll, shows he is not remotely serious about safeguarding the platform from hate, harassment and misinformation. As we've said before, Trump used Twitter to foment intolerance, issue threats and incite a violent attack against the US government. Moreover, he has shown no indication that he would do anything different if given the opportunity.
Oct 21, 2022 5 tweets 6 min read
It took just two days for @adidas to (rightfully) take action against @WestHam's Kurt Zouma for hitting cats. Yet weeks of virulent #antisemitism from @kanyewest has resulted in silence. Join us in demanding @adidas #RunAwayFromHate. Contact them here:… When Teyana Taylor cyber-bullied @rihanna, @adidas dropped her saying, “We evaluate our relationships with partners based on the values we hold.” What values does adidas have that keep you partnering with Kanye and his rabid #antisemitism?…
Jun 15, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
After a recent speech I made, some took issue with my comparing the antisemitic threat of anti-Zionist orgs, ie @NationalSJP, to that posed by far-right extremist orgs. In a recent @TimesofIsrael piece, I explain how & why anti-Zionism is #antisemitism. 🧵… To be fair, the threats of the far-left & extreme-right are very different. As @ADL's documented for yrs, far-right extremism is a singularly lethal threat to the Jewish community, other marginalized communities, & to America. But the anti-Zionist far-left is also a major issue.
Apr 29, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
This @thecrimson editorial endorsing #BDS is beyond disturbing. Contrary to its claims, endorsing BDS does nothing to help Palestinians & only serves to delegitimize Israel’s existence, and isolate & intimidate the Jewish community, especially on campus.… Moreover, equating #Zionism w/ White Supremacy is outrageously false, & calling Israel an apartheid state is absurd (➡️…). The anti-Israel display mentioned in the piece shows no understanding of the region’s past or present. It just spreads misinformation.
Feb 27, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
For people alarmed about what is happening in #Ukraine (and that should be everyone) and who want to do something, here are some suggestions. A thread: .@TheJDC is accepting donations:…
Dec 12, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Throughout her speech Ms. Billoo blamed America’s Jewish institutions – from civil rights orgs to respected campus orgs to charitable orgs to virtually every synagogue in the US – for a variety of America's illls, including Islamophobia. Classic conspiratorial #antisemitism. She discouraged engagement, dialogue & partnership with the Jewish community. By her standard, no synagogue from any major Jewish movement—including the OU, USCJ, URJ, Reconstructionist, or Renewal— should be welcomed, because they are all her “enemies” and “polite Zionists.”
Sep 22, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
It is unconscionable that a small group of Members of Congress -- the so-called "Squad" -- demanded that the House leadership strip out funding for Israel’s Iron Dome before they would approve the CR. The Iron Dome is a defensive system designed to protect civilians. Innocent people of all ethnicities & faiths -- Jews, Muslims, Christians, Druze and others -- depend on the Iron Dome for protection when terror groups like Hamas + Hezbollah launch thousands of rockets at them.
Mar 21, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Thread re: today’s story from the @Nytimes on Trump pardons. This is a real issue that merits attention but nonetheless, this article is problematic in its coverage of Orthodox Jewish organizations.… For example, what does the Orthodox Jewish nature of the org. have to do with the point of the story? Did the journalist identify the religion of every person exonerated and identify a pattern? This isn’t a wink and a nod toward some Jewish conspiracy, it’s outright misleading.
Jan 8, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
We cannot allow the historic & horrific events of the past 48 hours to fade without significant consequences. In our 100+ years of history, @ADL has never called for the President of the United States to be removed from office. Today, that changes.… What occurred on Wed. was inexcusable. An act of domestic terror was encouraged by President Trump & organized on social media. It will be remembered as one of the darkest days of our democracy & makes it unambiguously clear: President Trump is unfit for office & must be removed.
Jan 7, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: In the wake of the violence at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, @Twitter must enforce its rules suspending accounts that post & spread QAnon conspiracy theories that glorify violence, target democratic institutions & seed militant insurrection. QAnon played a key role in the terror attack on the Capitol. QAnon accounts on Twitter and other platforms hailed the violence as a first step in a civil war. According to reports, QAnon supporters were among the first militants to enter the Capitol.…
Sep 15, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
Facebook recently made some announcements in response to demands that the civil rights groups in #StopHateForProfit called for earlier this summer.

It's been a few months, so @ADL has taken a look at how they’ve done in addressing our common sense requests.

Our findings👇 Are ads still running next to hateful content?
The answer is clear: yes.

Not only are they still running, but hatred festers and isn't particularly hard to find. See these few examples below.
Dec 11, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
(1/5) We at @ADL support bipartisan efforts to combat #antiSemitism on campus and in all venues, offline and online. (2/5) I've seen a draft of the EO & I can tell you it:

➡️Protects Jews and other religious minorities from discrimination under Title VI, but does NOT break new ground on identifying Jews as a protected class

➡️Adopts @TheIHRA definition of #antiSemitism