Jochen Kleinschmidt 🇺🇦 ПТН ПНХ Profile picture
International Relations scholar. Lecturer & Research Associate @TUDresden_DE. Working on IR theory, conflict, political geography, Latin America. Views my own.
Feb 25 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
An important coda to the often historically uninformed debate on the East-West dichotomy in Germany.
The territories occupied by the Soviet Union in the aftermath of WW2, which then formed the GDR, were already statistically, demographically, culturally, and politically... 1/4 ...quite distinct from the rest of the country.
They contained the heartland of the Kingdom of Prussia, the Kingdom of Saxony, and mini-principalities such as Reuss-Greiz and Reuss-Gera, all of which were quite distinct from the more liberal Western areas, which had been... 2/4
Jan 7 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
I'm ready to believe this might actually happen.
That is to say, that the Trump administration might occupy foreign territory using military force.
For the techno-oligarchs backing Trump, such a coup could fulfill (at least) two important goals:
1/4 1) The resulting rollercoaster in global financial systems might facilitate the establishment of alternative monetary systems, that is to say, of cryptocurrencies.
This has been a long-stated aim of Musk, Thiel & consorts:
Dec 27, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
The boarding of "Oryol-S" might have interesting consequences.
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea allows innocent passage through other countries' territorial waters only for such vessels which, among other requirements, do not collect military intelligence. 1/6 Image Therefore, intelligence ships (or "AGIs", for "Auxiliary, General Intelligence"), which operate specialized equipment for that purpose - such as this German Navy Oste-class AGI - are generally considered incapable of innocent passage under international law. 2/6 Image
Sep 18, 2024 • 16 tweets • 6 min read
Last month, I had the opportunity to stay a week in Kyiv, and to have conversations with some of the best Ukrainian policy experts, as well as with military personnel, journalists, and academics.
I'd like to share some impressions and reflections.
1/ Image First, what is the general atmosphere like?
With some exceptions, I'd say that it is one of grim determination. The expectation is for the war to last longer. Facing genocide, the only option is to fight.
It is acknowledged that this determination might not last forever.
2/ Image
Sep 10, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Indeed, the Cluster Munition Monitor Report 2024 is out.
I've always found this campaign somewhat suspect, and some of its former leadership have recently voiced pro-Russian sympathies.
In any case, this report asserts that both Russian and Ukrainian forces had caused...
1/4 ...civilian casualties through the use of cluster munitions (pg. 12).
While that claim is documented regarding Russia, it's admitted that the Ukrainian case has not been verified.
Yet, it is presented as factual in the introduction to the Ukraine chapter. Without any sources.
Aug 18, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
There is much discussion of Kara-Murza's recent video. Whatever his opinion is regarding Russia's future, he and other Russian liberals are unlikely to have a say in it.
That's because there are no institutions through which they could take power in case of Putin's fall. 1/7 They are dissidents rather than an opposition - they publicly disagree with their country's government, but do not have a chance of taking power.
Instead, they count on their links to sympathetic Westerners to provide them with clout, peddling a vision of change in Russia. 2/7
Dec 20, 2023 • 15 tweets • 4 min read
The "Russian Analytical Digest" has a new issue out on "Perceptions of #Russia’s War in the Global South", to which I contributed an article titled "The View from the South: Latin American Perspectives on Russia’s War of Aggression against #Ukraine" 1/15 Image I discuss a number of possible explanations for the ludicrous comments on Russia's war offered by some democratic leaders in #LatinAmerica. While authoritarian leaders such as #Maduro in #Venezuela have obvious reasons for supporting #Putin, ... 2/15…
Nov 29, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
FĂĽr die #Ukraine-Analysen 291 (@laenderanalysen) durfte ich einen kleinen Beitrag ĂĽber die verwirrende Haltung vieler Politiker in #Lateinamerika zum russischen #Angriffskrieg schreiben.
Während die meisten demokratischen Länder der Region in der... 1/5… ...Generalversammlung der UN gegen die russische Invasion stimmten, äußerten sich viele Politiker, wie etwa der brasilianische Präsident #Lula, in hohem Maße ignorant über den Krieg und seine Ursachen. 2/5…
Nov 16, 2023 • 35 tweets • 8 min read
German parliament @Bundestag is currently debating the supply of #Taurus cruise missiles to #Ukraine. This is a crucial event in determining the degree and character of German support. You can watch the debate here:… @hahnflo from #CSU voicing strong criticism of the Scholz government for not supplying the missile. Image
Jul 11, 2023 • 18 tweets • 6 min read
Yesterday, I debunked a major German weekly's misinformed article on the effects of #clustermunitions. I absolutely did not expect that today, I would have to do the same for an article from... 1/x
...@ChathamHouse! With the enormous credibility that the institution usually enjoys, I was very disappointed to read this badly researched piece, and people not working in strategic studies or related areas might actually believe some of the claims. 2/x…
Apr 26, 2023 • 20 tweets • 18 min read
1/ Having been an #InternationalRelations professor from 2014-2020 (now a researcher in Latin American studies, but still an IR scholar...), I kinda felt compelled to comment on this. I know it's perhaps not the intention of the author, but this does sound as if IR scholars... 2/ ...represented pro-Moscow views on the #Russian-#Ukrainian #War in significant numbers. Now, in Germany, for example, there are roughly 120 tenured professors in IR and closely related fields such as security studies - according to this list from 2017:…
Nov 1, 2022 • 22 tweets • 14 min read
1/ As suggested by @PopovaProf, I'd like to comment on the recent remarks by the #Brazilian president-elect, @LulaOficial, on the #Russian war of aggression in #Ukraine. Needless to say, many were struck by the ignorance and brutishness of these utterances. A 🧵... 2/ But what lies behind this? Many European/US observers seem dumbfounded by the fact that a leader who is widely (and correctly) believed to have bravely stood against dictatorship in his own country would support a genocidal warmonger such as #Putin on the international stage.