Friendly introvert 👤
Thinker 💭
Ontological Naturalist 🏞⚛️
Humanist 👥
Chelsea FC ⚽🏆💙
Allergic to idiocy 🚫
RTs are FYI, not endorsements 🔁
Feb 19, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
In my opinion, the strongest fundamental problem with Nigeria is our decrepit value system. Specifically, we have placed money as the most valuable personal possession. This is the reason corruption is so rife and rich people get a different set of laws in action from the poor.
Money is so overvalued that corruption in all its forms is now seen as normal and even acceptable as long as it benefits oneself. This value system is a huge, huge problem that many of us hardly pay attention to. Values, particularly shared values, underpin national identity.
Dec 23, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Imagine a child being put through a maze by his dad where he experiences poisonous snake bites, electric shocks, broken bones, and blinded eyes. At the end, his dad says, "Hey son, glad you made it. I've prepared an eternity of biscuits for you. I'll heal all your wounds and ...
...grant you a new, fresh skin. And now you can have all the biscuit and candy you'll ever want."
How many of us would consider this to be a good father?
Yet, how many Christians think God putting us through a life of pain, suffering and misery only to give us an eternity of...
Nov 19, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
For your information: Nihilism is not the same as pessimism.
It is commonly thought that nihilism is the same as pessimism. I've had to correct several people, especially Christians, on the idea that nihilism leads someone to suicidal tendencies. It is not necessarily true.
Nihilism is, basically the belief that no meaning exists in any object, thought, communication, action or event.
Pessimism is, basically, the belief that there is no hope or that there lie only things not worth experiencing (e.g., pain and suffering) in the future.
Jan 25, 2020 • 16 tweets • 7 min read
There is this claim that has been going around for a while that a 2012 survey conducted by Durex @durexuk@DurexNG found that Nigerian women have the highest number of paternity fraud of the countries polled, suggesting that they're the most unfaithful women in the world.
I have been seeing this claim around for a while, and while I have attempted to debunk it several times, I have never written anything comprehensive on it. However, I was surprised to find @DrOlufunmilayo making this claim again today. I hope to put it to bed once and for all.
Jul 20, 2019 • 29 tweets • 11 min read
This is my unsolicited but humble REBUTTAL of every assertion made in this thread. I also dig some digging, and my answer is... Well, I'll let you decide. 😉
Yes, this is the reason Paul gave in 1 Timothy 2:12-13.
About your car analogy, as long as the Bible says a 1957 car model is better than a 2017 model, it is accepted as truth by Christians. So there's that.
Hi guys! Here are some of what I consider to be the best YouTube videos where you can easily learn about evolution from. Do well to read the sources in the "description" section of all the videos.