Jean Boivin Profile picture
Head of @blackrock Investment Institute. Formerly Canada's G7/G20 Finance Deputy & @bankofcanada Deputy Gov. Disclosures:
Truthiness Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jun 13 8 tweets 2 min read
I see three key takeaways from the #Fed’s policy meeting yesterday where it kept interest rates on hold as expected. The first? It’s important to separate the #CPI inflation releases from the evolution of the Fed thinking… 👇 1️⃣ The May CPI release aside, it is unambiguously clear that a Fed that has long wanted to start cutting rates has gradually been adjusting to the reality that rates will need to stay high for longer – not only in the short term but also longer term.
Aug 18, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Taper is coming soon but I definitely see no indication from #FOMC minutes that taper is coming as soon as #JacksonHole 1/5 The #FOMC minutes deliberately attempt to clearly divorce taper from the timing of #liftoff 2/5
Jul 30, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Today’s personal income and consumer spending data for June reaffirm our view that the reopening continues to drive a powerful #restart — and there’s still room to run. 1/4 In the #services sector, particularly #leisure and #hospitality — which bore the brunt of lockdowns and restrictions — the #spending splurge continues as consumers make up for lost time. But spending is still a little more than 3% below its pre-pandemic level in real terms. 2/4