Jyoti Gondek Profile picture
Mayor, City of Calgary. Personal account. she/her.
Sep 20, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
1/This morning, I was pleased to receive a message from the Government of Alberta in response to the letter I sent them yesterday. That letter was a Hail Mary pass, a final effort, to see if it is possible to salvage some of the work that has been done on the Green Line to date. 2/We had a productive meeting between Premier Smith, Minister Dreeshen and I – together with our Administration teams. We discussed the value that remains in existing contracts, and how work that’s already been done may align with the new vision the Province wishes to bring forward.
Sep 16, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
1/This is a thread with facts on how the Green Line project was terminated by the Govt of Alberta on Sept 3. No attempt at a negotiation, just a letter pulling their support & funding. The impact is devastating. I’ll lay out how they are ignoring the facts & what it will cost us. 2/After many meetings with Minister Dreeshen & Premier’s Office in July, Minister sent a support letter for the amended Green Line alignment on July 29. He stated his support on air after Council’s July 30 decision. Then his tune changed, while nothing about the project changed.
Feb 1, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
1/The proposed gender identity legislation announced by the provincial government today is an infringement on human rights, including the rights of trans kids and supportive parents who are navigating a difficult journey. 2/For the Government of Alberta to create a false narrative, set to soft music, that focuses mainly on biological sex, surgeries and sports is irresponsible.
Feb 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
1/I’ll be unpacking all the “reasons” why enforcement teams & the Crown feel the street harassment bylaw & other existing bylaws/legislation are not strong enough to charge demonstrators who spread vile lies & hatred in public. And then I’ll be pushing for more. No more excuses. 2/Asking me to be patient & saying “we got this” didn’t work. We have performers being targeted for weeks & now vitriol in front of children at the library. These are not peaceful protests. This is hate. The kind of hate we rallied against for so long. It’s back, and it’s worse.
Feb 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1/4 Saddened & frustrated @chinookblast had to cancel a much anticipated show with talented performers this weekend. Why? Because of planned protests rooted in hate & fear-mongering. I respect the decision & the need to prioritize public & performer safety. But this cannot go on. 2/4 At Council on January 17, I pushed for a better way to address protests rooted in hatred. I have received confirmation that @cityofcalgary will leverage our street harassment bylaw to fine those who openly communicate hateful messaging, to stop them in the act.
Aug 28, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
1/I have been asked by some people why I haven’t made a public statement about the assault on our Deputy Prime Minister. To be blunt, I had to sit with my thoughts for a couple of days. Because this incident is not isolated & it brings up too much pain. And fear. Yes, fear. 2/Why on earth would I openly state that I feel fear after seeing that horrible video? Because you need to hear what actually happens to women after something like this. We have been conditioned to never show fear, but I think it’s high time we talk about it.
May 25, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1/They will tell you to grow a thick skin as a politician. It is the worst advice. Never grow a skin so thick that you can no longer feel. It is the inability to feel, to have compassion, to be a human being that is resulting in government apathy. Do not tolerate it. 2/Did you shed tears & feel horrified at the news of children being gunned down, a faith community being targeted by a gunman & Black people dying at the hands of an armed racist? Now ask if your elected officials felt the same way.
Mar 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1/4 I spoke with Beltline residents & businesses this morning. I was in the Beltline this afternoon. The weekly disruption this community faces is not a “protest”. It’s a parade. At Central Memorial Park, it’s a festival with merch & food vendors. Yet no permits or licenses. 2/4 So why not enforce the bylaws? Why is the standard response that this will “fizzle out”? It won’t. This is not about mandates. Those are gone. By waiting for this to die out, enforcement agencies have allowed it to grow. Telling residents/businesses to wait it out = shameful.
Feb 9, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
1/6 I have spent the last 12+ hours reflecting on the provincial announcement to lift pandemic restrictions. In that time, I have seen concern from healthcare workers, teachers, parents, businesses & many other engaged Calgarians. All feel their voices went unheard. 2/6 As municipalities have said throughout the pandemic, success in public health is best achieved through trust & partnerships. We pleaded for more engagement, more access to data, more input into mitigation measures. It fell on deaf ears, repeatedly. We were frozen out.
Feb 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1/4 Last night, there were insinuations from Premier Kenney that restrictions & exemption programs would be lifted next week. Today, I asked him to consider an urgent virtual meeting with all interested municipalities over the weekend. We need to be partners in public health. 2/4 The Premier had also mused about restricting municipalities from enacting their own measures. This comes after months of saying municipalities should do what they think is best for their people. We have the legislated mandate to act in the interest of public safety.
Dec 22, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
1/6 Today, I spoke with Murray Edwards, primary shareholder of Calgary Sports & Entertainment Corp (CSEC), about the future of the Event Centre project.

He informed me of the Flames intention to pull the plug on the Event Centre deal.

Why? Here’s what I know: 2/6 The deal struck in summer of 2019 envisioned a $550 m deal w/costs split equally between CSEC & the City. In addition, the City provided land, 90% demolition of the ‘Dome, excess flood/site remediation, & levies. Total City contribution: $275m + $22.4m = $297.4 plus land.
Sep 16, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
1/I’m not sure how many tweets this is gonna take so bear with me.

The provincial government has driven us straight into the most hellish pandemic situation in the country, but no one is resigning? Halfhearted apologies with no responsibility or accountability acknowledged? 2/And their idea of a press conference was to spend ten minutes outlining a lockdown & then basically yelling “Psych!”

Why wouldn’t you lead with: if you can prove you’re vaccinated, you can have access to services & amenities.

Just say: vaccination passports.
Sep 13, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1/4 I need to reiterate the obvious: I completely support healthcare workers who tirelessly work to save the lives of so many Albertans.

Recognize their efforts for more than the last 2 years. All of us have benefited from their expertise & compassion. cbc.ca/news/canada/ca… 2/4 Politicians have a role to play during this pandemic. We must unequivocally support healthcare providers & the mitigation measures they have recommended.

Yet, councillors like Farkas, Magliocca & Chu use “civil liberties & freedoms” for political gamesmanship.
Jun 24, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
1/Last summer, the Premier asked Calgary to make its own decision on masks, stating that provincial mandates made no sense because of varying contexts in municipalities. Now he’s upset that we’re prioritizing our duty of care for Calgarians. cbc.ca/news/canada/ca… 2/Perhaps the Premier’s advisors could brief him on what Council actually did. We asked Admin for rate/trend data so we could make an empirically sound decision, because the CMOH was not present. We’re taking duty of care seriously.
May 3, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
1/Why is Alberta the most shameful example of failure in North America at this stage of the pandemic? It’s simple. Our leader has failed us. His party has failed us. Not one elected member of the governing party in this province has the courage or compassion to say: “Enough.” 2/Not one member of the UCP has stood up & represented their constituents. Not one has said their constituents deserve better access to vaccines as they serve on the front lines. Not one has said our children, teachers & school staff are in harm’s way.
Mar 29, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
1/Allow me to highlight this nugget from the new #abed curriculum: “Freedom of religious practice is encouraged, but acceptance comes less easily - in part, because newcomers bring new and unfamiliar religious faiths and practices.”

A thread on this load of crap... 2/Newcomers bring with them similar hopes & dreams for their future in our city, province or country. They wish for their family to thrive & give back to community. They have the same understanding of kindness & compassion as “us”.
Mar 17, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
1/With the Guidebook for Great Communities coming to #yyccc on Monday, I have worked with several councillors & Admin to address what we’ve heard from communities. Attached is an amendment we will propose to clarify location of single detached homes & the engagement process. 2/With so much misinformation being circulated, we also worked on a one-pager to demonstrate the evolution of the Guidebook over time. Please see below.👇🏼
Mar 15, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
1/Calgary’s public high school education system gets hit again, with the proposed cancellation of an International Baccalaureate (IB) program. The savings? $16,600. Apparently, our kids aren’t worth that kind of money but $12 million to fight Bigfoot on Netflix is a fine idea. 2/March 17 is the last public opportunity for feedback on proposed programming cuts for public high schools in Calgary. These cuts are aimed at popular “alternative programs” like IB, French Immersion, Spanish Bilingual & Arts-Centred Learning.
Feb 2, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
1/Why would you hobble the ability of post-secondaries to nurture talent, encourage innovative thinking and produce a skilled workforce? I have no idea. But that’s exactly what the provincial government is doing. By draining funds away from advanced education, our future suffers. 2/Now is the time to properly fund post-secondaries in our province, to encourage the draw of local schools during a pandemic when many families rely on access to affordable education for their young adult children. Now is not the time to limit enrollment through massive cuts.
Nov 16, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
1/Let’s think for a minute about what’s going to happen between #yyccc & #AbLeg in the coming days. The province - responsible for health policy & related decisions - is wavering on how to deal with the steady increase in pandemic numbers. 2/They’re not keen on making mandatory restriction decisions & they haven’t allowed the fed contact tracing app to be deployed in AB. The number of cases continues to rise everywhere, most evident in places with larger populations like #yyc.
Aug 7, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
1/This week, our provincial government managed to dismantle a globally recognized emergency dispatch service, destroy parents' confidence in the public education system & obtain their #yyccc fiscal policy updates from a faithful scribe at the Sun. Can't accuse them of being lazy. 2/Terminating the contract for EMS 911 dispatch with the City of Calgary is a headscratcher. The existing service provides call response in 6 seconds, less than half of the 15 second standard. Dispatch time is 45 seconds, also well below standards. Why "fix" something not broken?