Karlo Basta Profile picture
Politics of nationalism, institutions, business. Wrote The Symbolic State https://t.co/EEk65u4MPq. Writing The Business of Nations. Sr Lecturer @edinburghPIR
May 30, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
The Symbolic State was published some 1.5 yrs ago now. This thread is about why those teaching in politics & adjacent disciplines might consider it for their syllabi. Read on if you work on 1+ of nationalism/eth. conflict, institutions, IR, comparative methodology, & area studies Image On #nationalism, the book links the everyday, sunk, *grounded* (@sini_malesevic ) dimension of nationalism with the more eventful (@wrbucla), ‘noisy’ and more immediately transformative angle. It does so by showing which types of political and institutional change gain traction..
Sep 12, 2021 26 tweets 6 min read
1/ These two images are how I recall the world of 30 years ago. It is the 30th anniversary – approx. – of the release of Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit. That’s the first image. It is also the nice, round 30th anniversary of the start of events that would push me into the... ImageImage 2/...wide world and bring me where I am today. That’s the second image, with Šibenik, Croatia, as the stage. How the two anniversaries are connected is what the following anecdote is about. And then I’ll tell you what I learned from having experienced state breakup, war, and...
Sep 1, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
1/A mini photo-essay on how we used to move/how we move & what is lost/gained in #postsocialist #capitalism. The first photo is of the railway terminal in #Sibenik, Croatia. While it was never large, during peak #socialism it was very busy, connecting the town to the rest of... Image 2/...the country. Long train compositions would depart for Split, Zagreb, even Belgrade, connecting people on the cheap. Now, it’s a barely functioning ruin. The one-wagon train pictured travels only as far as the nearby Knin. Nobody sane would try to get to Zagreb by rail.
Jul 21, 2020 19 tweets 5 min read
1/ I'm retweeting this because it resonates with thoughts I’ve been having over the past few days about how class and social privilege play out in academia. And especially the way in which that privilege influences not only social and cultural capital one has at their disposal... 2/...but more important than that – their intellectual confidence. I just submitted my first monograph yesterday. I am 44. It took, depending on how you count, between 7 and 14 years for me to complete this book. People publish books all the time. Many colleagues, especially in..
Jul 15, 2020 16 tweets 6 min read
As of today, my article in Political Psychology has a home: Vol. 41, Issue 4. The piece should be of use to anybody interested in #socialmovements, political mobilization, radical political change, #populism, #nationalism and #secession, #ethnopolitics ... onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.111… ...politics of #race, #climatechange, and is, I’ll be immodest, particularly timely in light of things that have been happening over the past few months (George Floyd protests in particular, but not only). The article thematizes what is far too important AND far too absent from..