Kelly Rosati Profile picture
President of Kay Warren’s mental health nonprofit org, Hope for Brighter Horses, dogs, kids. Content in WSJ, NPR, CT, WP. Law degree
Mar 28, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
1- CW.. #Pro-Life, #WholeLife & #assaultweaponbans

If you don’t think protecting tiny school children from being slaughtered with military style assault weapons at their elementary school is a pro-life issue, will you at least consider re-considering? 2-But the 2nd amendment…

There were cheers when the US Sp Ct ruled in Dobbs that a right to abortion was not rooted in our nation’s history or tradition or explicitly enumerated in the Bill of Rights. I am among those pleased at the opportunity to protect all human life.
Sep 2, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
1- Lots of discussion about the Texas abortion situation. Genuinely pro-life people care about both women & unborn children. We are grateful for unborn children to be welcomed & protected AND support tangible support for pregnant moms—from both the public & private sectors. 2-Every serious person understands that a pregnant woman is carrying “a human life.” This is science. The disagreement centers around whether the human life is a “person” for purposes of legal protection. And then how to weigh the interests of the woman to bodily autonomy (cont)
Feb 27, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Thread/ #FosterCare #MentalIllness #Homelessness #Opportunity #Jesus I had the chance to meet the sweetest, most polite, grateful young man a few days ago. He was discharging from a psychiatric hospital, was homeless, jobless and without a single healthy person in his whole life 2- he spent his whole childhood in foster care & was then dumped at a homeless shelter when he turned 19. He had nothing. No job, no permanent family, no money. Nothing. Life on the streets brought drugs, crime, sadness, wandering, despair, suicidality.
Jan 23, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
1- Thread #Life In my 25 years of leadership in the prolife moment at the state & national level, I’ve observed only a few things that have changed hearts & minds toward life re: abortion. One is personal experience with an ultrasound of an unborn child. They just didn’t realize 2-But seeing w/ their owns eyes a helpless & vulnerable unborn baby did something no slogan or political campaign ever could. The second thing I’ve observed is an up close encounter w/ a child who many would say should “obviously” been aborted b/c of the circumstances involved.
May 28, 2019 19 tweets 4 min read
1/ Thread: Here are some reasons I think the TGC piece on the US Church and Orphan Crisis misses the mark in significant ways. I’ve been involved in the Christian orphan care, adoption & foster care moments for 20 years. I’ve testified before Congress on the subject, met hundreds 2/ of prospective & adoptive parents & churches in more than 25 states, was at the start of the discussions of the Christian Alliance for Orphans & institutional scholarships for trauma informed training about adoption for Christian counselors and have 4 kids via FC adoption and
May 2, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
Thread: Modern Day Racism & White Evangelicals. Most white evangelicals I know would give a hearty amen to this statement by @BethMooreLPM without a thought as to the somewhat commonplace racist thoughts, words and actions that, tragically, continue to permeate our communities. 2/ In my experience, just my saying this would elicit rye rolls, scoffs, ‘get a grip’s reactions from many (maybe most) in my community. I’m going to give specific examples in this thread in effort to help those who genuinely don’t understand why this is a thing. Do not think
Feb 26, 2019 20 tweets 5 min read
1/ #MentalHealth #Suicide #ParentPerspective #TeenSuicidality Just hung up phone with a family member of a teen girl who is suicidal. It’s a parent’s worst nightmare & it evokes pure terror. No one talks about it and parents often have no literal idea what to do. 2/ This thread is simply parent to parent support I wish I’d had. I share with full permission of my kids who share the belief that we want to comfort others with the comfort God gave us. (2 Cor)