Kyung Lah Profile picture
CNN Senior Investigative Correspondent, covering the western US and beyond
Mar 17, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
Got robbed. Again. @jasonkCNN & I were at city hall in San Francisco to do an interview for @CNN. We had security to watch our rental car + crew car. Thieves did this in under 4 seconds. Security stopped the jerks from stealing other bags. But seriously- this is ridiculous Our hired security guard tried to grab the crooks (I’m glad he didn’t get hurt!) but he got this picture of the getaway car.
To the jerks who stole our stuff— I hope someone on this site sees your plate and you get caught
Nov 12, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Maricopa County Sheriff (@Penzone4sheriff). “It’s important to have an adult in the room when others are acting like children” says the sheriff, as protesters continue their ‘vigil’ outside @MaricopaVote Sheriff Penzone cites @WendyRogersAZ tweet as "giving him pause" that led to increase in security at @MaricopaVote. He then credits @charliekirk11 for tweeting out for protesters to stay away from the Elections Dept. Penzone supports any help to stop crowds so work can continue
Nov 12, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Two envelopes that were sent to Kari Lake's campaign headquarters in Phoenix last Saturday did NOT contain powder or harmful substances, the @PhoenixPolice Department tell @CNN Police responded on Saturday at 10:15 pm to reports of suspicious mail, police said. On Friday, the day before, a volunteer said they opened an envelope containing a "white powdery substance and a letter" that included vulgar language
Nov 6, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Full statement from @KariLake on campaign HQ threat:

“Yesterday, a member of the Kari Lake staff opened an envelope delivered to our campaign office that contained suspicious white powder.” (more) “It was one of two envelopes that were confiscated by law enforcement and sent to professionals at Quantico for examination, and we are awaiting details. The staff member is currently under medical supervision.” (more)
Nov 5, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
3 days to #electionday2022. We’re with ⁦@bgmasters⁩ ⁦@KariLake⁩ as they make a stop in Chandler .@RealMarkFinchem in his speech repeats debunked election lies. Crowd applauds and reacts at each lie. #election2022
Aug 23, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
Academia has its day w/@IamSandraOh in 'The Chair,' but don't miss Oh's authentic, hysterical & human portrayal as a single Korean-American working mom dealing w/culture & gender expectations & generational pull (and this show nails what the old gen says about dating a white guy) "Are you talking about me?" asks @jayduplass to @IamSandraOh. White people-- we are always talking about you.
Jul 24, 2021 19 tweets 9 min read
Outside the Phoenix, AZ rally that Donald Trump will headline, attendees are yelling at us, “No masks.”
We are indeed wearing masks. This will be an hours-long indoor rally as the Delta virus has led to an increase in #COVID19 cases. Here’s what it looks like inside. The front section is packed— the back and two upper levels are empty so far. I’ve seen 2 masks on attendees.
Jul 15, 2021 31 tweets 13 min read
Good morning from Phoenix where AZ Sen Pres Karen Fann is holding a hearing on the latest on the so-called audit. Seated at the front is OAN’s Christina Bobb, who has promoted fundraising for the audit and spread conspiratorial lies #AZAudit Former President Trump sent out an email blast saying, “Big hearing in Arizona.” We've been told this "hearing" does not include public comment or press questions. The room has quite a few spectators #AZAudit
Jul 14, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
I’m back as #azauditpool reporter, where the ‘machine count’ has begun. It started just a few minutes before 2pMT. @CNN is sending out the live pool signal for local stations. Pls record on your end, stations The man in the salmon colored top is Brian Blehm, Cyber Ninjas attorney. We were told the AZ Senate is running this machine hand count but Blehm is here & Doug Logan has also been here #azauditpool
Mar 31, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
#NEW poll finds most California likely voters (56%) would vote against the recall of Governor @GavinNewsom if the election were held today. Majority of all Californians approve of the way he is handling his job (54%), from Public Policy Institute of California poll Like rest of the US, poll finds CA deeply partisan: 79% of Dems say they would vote to keep @GavinNewsom in office, 79% of GOP say they would vote to remove him. Independents break toward keeping Newsom in office, 53% would vote against the recall, 42% support recall
Feb 27, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Denny Kim, pic (left) from yesterday, wks after 2 men broke his nose & beat him in LA Koreatown. "They called me chink, said 'You have the Chinese virus' and 'Go back to China.'" Kim didn't report initially bc he was afraid. Encouraged by others, he's got something to say (more) Kim, like many AAPI's, has heard all these racial slurs before but ignored them. He now says "silence leads to violence" and Asian-Americans need to speak out and defend one another by being visible. #StopAAPIHate
Dec 31, 2020 6 tweets 6 min read
I’m at the @Perduesenate @KLoeffler rally. No one has announced yet Sen Perdue is quarantined. Here’s a look at the crowd, yes outdoors, but few masks present. #gasenaterunoffs Here’s @Perduesenate 2 days ago at an indoor event in Forsyth, GA. @DJJudd shot these pictures. We don’t know when the contact with the #COVID19 positive person on the campaign was. But Perdue and those around him were indoors, not wearing masks
Dec 29, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
.@GaSecofState Raffensperger says results of audit of voter signatures of absentee ballot envelopes in Cobb County show “no fraudulent absentee ballots,” and found that the Cobb Co Elections Dept had “99.9% accuracy rate in performing correct signature verification procedures” Of 15,118 randomly selected ballot envelopes examined by GBI investigators, only 2 signatures were identified as a problem— a wife who signed her name to both her and her husband’s envelopes
Oct 20, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
A thread about keeping a foreign name in America: I'm not crazy about my name, Kyung. It's a pain in the a** & I have to spell it repeatedly... daily. FYI, it's pronounced 'Young with a K', not Kee-Young, not Kwang, not Koong, though I will answer to anything close (more) My father, who dropped his Korean name for "John" as a Chicago shopkeeper, urged me in the 2nd grade to change my name as we registered for school. We argued over the name "Lucy" because I loved the Peanuts. But I couldn't fathom being called something different so I refused.
Apr 29, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Worst economy in history, says Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. "We are going to see economic data for the second quarter that is worse than any data we have seen for the economy," Powell said #coronavirus #economy #Economy could begin to bounce back significantly in 3Q as businesses reopen, says Fed Chair Powell, adding while we won't go back to pre-#coronavirus levels for quite some time, 3Q could provide some economic relief.
Oct 7, 2019 10 tweets 7 min read
.@KamalaHarris spends Sunday dinner with the Grimm family in Ames, IA, part of her shift to more intimate meetings with Iowans #IACaucus Yes, that’s @KamalaHarris, wearing her apron to help w/Sunday supper at the Grimm home in Ames, IA. She’s talking about immigration & education, issues that this family is asking her about #IACaucus
Sep 15, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
.⁦@AndrewYang⁩ wades into backlash over new 'SNL' cast member's bigoted comments - CNNPolitics… .@AndrewYang's tweet lent the highest voice yet on the debate and anger raging on social media this weekend, focusing attention on Yang's identity as a man of East Asian descent running for the highest office in American politics.
Feb 19, 2019 19 tweets 9 min read
.@amyklobuchar says “We have to get to universal health care.” She says US could get there by expanding choice via Medicare and Medicaid & controlling drug prices #cnntownhall Public option is a part of it, but sees Medicare for all as “something for the future”