Hematologist/Oncologist | Interests: HLH | Master Gardener | Personal Finance | Home Brewer | Cyclist | Forever learning | Opinions are my own
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Apr 27, 2020 • 38 tweets • 14 min read
Proposed COVID-19 Pathophysiology [Part 3 of (now) 4]:
Coagulopathy Strikes Back.
What happens when #COVID19 clashes with the world of hematology?
Buckle up again for a long one.
...let’s dive in like this macrophage (exploring all directions):
First, what do you think is the predominant mechanism by which thrombosis occurs in COVID-19?
Apr 16, 2020 • 24 tweets • 11 min read
Proposed COVID-19 Pathophysiology [Part 2 of 3]:
Enter the magnificent macrophage.
What do #COVID-19 and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (#HLH) potentially have in common?
...let’s continue our journey onward into the cytokine storm.
First, let’s briefly summarize what we covered before:
What mechanism may be partly responsible for heterogeneity of COVID-19 disease phenotype as well as its severity?
Apr 9, 2020 • 26 tweets • 11 min read
Proposed COVID-19 Pathophysiology [Part 1 of 3]
What do #COVID-19 and #Dengue fever potentially have in common?
The answers have significant potential clinical implications in COVID-19.
Buckle up. It's a long one.
Let’s take a hematological walk on the zoonotic side.
Dengue is a flavivirus that is called “breakbone fever”, a nod to bone-breaking pains that occur during the infection.
There are four serotypes of the dengue virus.
Infection with one serotype does not fully protect one from contracting a different serotype.
(At our institution we have moved away from the no-steroid dogma and anecdotally had good results in avoiding intubation with the use of high doses at the onset of worsening hypoxia or CRS)
[2/4] Currently we've been using:
1. Methylprednisolone 125 mg daily 2. Decadron 10 mg IVP or PO BID 3. Prednisone 1 mg/kg PO in less severe cases
Which have you been using? If other, leave a comment below.