️Mike Fricker 🇨🇦 Christian Priest AuDHD CPTSD☯ Profile picture
ENM writer ordained in Jesus's name to teach, correct errors & call selfish Christians to repent.🏳️‍🌈Ally. Book/D&D PDFs via link. Message me & I'll block you
Jun 13, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
1/4 The war between #good and #evil is not one fought with #guns as much as evil wants it to be. It is a battle between #compassion and #selfishness, between the courage of vulnerability and the fear of others as ruthless competition. It is a struggle against selfishness in 2/4 order to grow, mature, build strength community and hope while serving the common good. Selfishness serves the ego, putting the individual above the group, with a zero-sum attitude that benefits the self only when others suffer or are harmed. The compassionate must unite in
Jun 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵1/4The #Bible says nothing about #abortion. It does say that life begins when breath (and thus the spirit, according to the concept) enters the body. Christ was concerned with compassion for the least of his brothers & sisters, & not harming children, already among us. It is 2/4 said in the church that some souls are so advanced they only need the briefest time embodied and are ready to pass on. This is used to explain miscarriages. But our Father chosen when, where, and to whom we will be conceived with full awareness of what the consequences
Jun 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵1/4 The term #autism originally meant "morbid self-admiration and withdrawal within self" which is another way of saying we live in our heads and have trouble connecting to others. This can be beneficial. On here, if I mute or block someone, or someone has me blocked or locked 2/4 out of seeing their tweets or comments, they simply don't exist in my world. They have no impact on me and soon are forgotten. I only keep those I value in my world, and only can remember the names/handles of those with whom I regularly interact, if my #PTSD isn't messing up