Grassroots Messaging Works Profile picture
Taking Back Our National Story
Duane Bindschadler Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 8, 2022 13 tweets 17 min read
For 49 years, Liberty's torch shone to ensure basic human dignity to women and their choices.

Now, #TeamCoup wants to roll back the clock to snuff out our torch.

#TeamYOU trusts you to make decisions for your body, your life, your family. Time to choose.

#WHPA #RoeVWade #GMW4U Over and over, Americans have had to stand up for their basic rights.

Today, #TeamCoup wants to control women's bodies. They won't stop there.

Time to stand up, fight back, and vote with #TeamYOU for the rights of ALL of us.

#WHPA #RoeVWade #GMW4U
Apr 21, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Principle #4: #TellYourStory

And not anyone else’s. A short Thursday Thread.

This means #TeachTheTruth—and not repeat Team Coup’s false narrative about schools.

#GMW4U Remember, the outrage is fueled by a hijacked academic term, a collection of words that became a talking point after many repetitions.

Most Americans want their children to hear the true, accurate version of our history, not the censored one.

Apr 20, 2022 11 tweets 11 min read
I carry the vision of America: the hope of prosperity, equality, and freedom for all.

I see a nation at a turning point. Perfect the union for all Americans or hoard its opportunities for a select few?

My light shines for #TeamYOU.

#TeamCoup #GMW4U I am Team YOU. Lady Liberty... We all dream of a better future for our families.

But some politicians only care about padding their donors' already overflowing pockets. They represent the few, not me and you.

Protect your dreams.
Renounce #Team Coup. Embrace #TeamYOU.

#GMW4U Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I...
Apr 20, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
Principle #1: #AlignAllMessaging
Principle #2: #Repetition
Principle#3: #CompellingStory

Not the spiteful, vindictive, resent-filled stories from #TeamCoup.

Our stories lift up the true American heroes: #TeamYOU.

We're #GMW4U—and for better messaging. Grassroots Messaging Works logo with slogan: "Taking ba The Dem Party and moderate and progressive allies have a great story—and a not-so-great message.

America’s founding values make a better life for all of us—when we live up to them, as a healthy democracy.

So why aren't we winning every time?

Apr 20, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
#AlignAllMessaging is one GMW principle.

Here's another: #Repetition. #Repetition. #Repetition

And unlike the two-faced MAGA faction, we don't just spout our principles, we live them.

So read this thread. Again.
#GMW4U Grassroots Messaging Works logo with slogan: "Taking ba The Dem Party and moderate and progressive allies have a great story—and a not-so-great message.

America’s founding values make a better life for all of us—when we live up to them, as a healthy democracy.

So why aren't we winning every time?
#GMW4U Graphic with our founding values from the Declaration of Ind
Apr 19, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
The Dems and their moderate and progressive allies have a great story—and a not-so-great message.

America’s founding values make a better life for all of us—when we live up to them, as a healthy democracy.

So why aren't we winning every time? Graphic with our founding values from the Declaration of Ind Democracy promises so much value to so many that the thread gets lost sometimes.

We all want a livable planet and for children to never go hungry. And equal rights and justice and dignity. And...

But what’s the simple, clear, repeatable message? Key deliverables of democracy: a livable planet, healthcare,