🇺🇸 Michael J. Golub 🇺🇸 #PresidentBiden! Profile picture
#Resistance ✍️Ballots! #AbolishElectoralCollege #DumpElectoralCollege #BLM #SocialJustice #UniversalHealthcare #IncomeEquality #MeToo🏳️‍🌈 🚫$DMs!
Mar 13, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
If #FormerGuy was a test of the strength of the principles of our legal and democratic institutions, we’ve so far, failed miserably. If it was a test to reveal the depths of the soul of each and every American, it worked! We may not like what we’re seeing, but it is what it is! We have, each of us, been exposed to the unvarnished, unfiltered core of each others’ true essence. In some cases, families have been torn asunder. In others, families have been drawn together in activism to save our very Republic!

Whatever happens now, we’ll never go back to
Feb 16, 2022 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Thread on College Debt: 1st, let me say that I believe it’s crazy that college costs what it does! The ONLY factor that should matter in how far a person can take their education is their innate ability and drive. Society reaps the benefits of a well educated work-force and society should collectively
Feb 13, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Everyone is, of course, entitled to their opinion. The frustration lies, however, with #Stans who won’t even *consider* facts which conflict with their narrative! Opinions are subjective. Facts are not. These days, conflating the two is destroying our society! Literally! If you don’t believe this, look at any of the anti-vaxxer web sites which are killing people under the guise of “free speech”!
Feb 11, 2022 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Feb 11, 2022 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
#BestPOTUS! I still believe that our country would not be in the current state of division had HRC won the presidency in ‘08. Conservative backlash against a Black #POTUS fueled the rise of #FormerGuy and pushed #TodaysGOP to out themselves as The #AmericanNaziParty. That said, he is still
May 31, 2021 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
Serious Thread (on #religion):

Organized religion teaches that #God is all-knowing (omniscience); all-powerful (omnipotent); has a plan (which suggests that there isn’t really free will). We’re also taught of God’s infinite love and compassion. If God is omniscient, omnipotent, and *THIS is their plan why would ANYONE worship it/she/he?

*THIS meaning hatred, racism, rape, torture, inequality, Holocaust, war, injustice, abuse, child-sex-trade, human slavery, authoritarianism, starvation, suffering, pain, disease,
May 26, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
This is personal: #ColonHealth If you’re male (or were born male), you should get a colonoscopy if you’re 50 or older. There are times when earlier makes sense (check w/your own doc) Years ago, I picked a stomach virus while in Europe or China (never definitively identified), that wouldn’t go away.
May 26, 2021 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
For the second time in recent years, my monthly #SocialSecurity benefit has gone DOWN because the premium for #Medicare has gone UP more than the #COLA adjustment to the cash benefit. SS isn’t an “entitlement”, it’s insurance into which I paid a fortune. Any insurance policy which doesn’t adjust for inflation in all of its elements (including healthcare inflation, which has ALWAYS run ahead of ordinary inflation), is poorly designed and needs fixing.

#UniversalHealthcare would literally solve the problems of funding for #MediCare overnight.
May 25, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
It looks like I’ve lost a few hundred followers after a series of tweets arguing that Israel is mis-treating the Palestinian People. I *am* Jewish, and thoughtful support of the Palestinians does *not* make me anti-Semitic, any more than being anti-#FormerGuy makes me unAmerican! There are Patriotic Russians protesting against the authoritarian rule of Vladimir Putin. Being a protester against injustice doesn’t make you unpatriotic, it is exactly the opposite! Only in this bizarre #SocMed influenced world can everything get so politicized that your POV is