Mickey Djuric Profile picture
Politics + policy reporter @Politico 🇨🇦 mdjuric@politico.com
Nov 8, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Former LGBTQ students say they have been discriminated against at a government-funded Saskatchewan Bible College. Students say they have been fired from jobs or had their degrees taken away from them after being outed

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regina.ctvnews.ca/lgbtq-students… #skpoli The Canadian Press interviewed eight former LGBTQ students from across Canada who attended the college over the last two decades. They said they experienced homophobia, abuse and discrimination that left them fearful and vulnerable.
Nov 1, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Premier Scott Moe's Saskatchewan Party government introduced a bill Tuesday to amend its own constitution, signalling the province is gearing up for a fight with Ottawa over its environmental policies.

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ca.news.yahoo.com/isnt-fed-bashi… #skpoli #cdnpoli Justice Minister Bronwyn Eyre said the bill could help establish a legal basis for challenging federal regulations. The bill would help in court cases surrounding jurisdictional debates, said Mitch McAdam, director of the provincial government's constitutional law branch #skpoli
Jan 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Channelling the spirit of a "one-team" mentality, the Saskatchewan government is asking public sector employees from other departments to help the health-care system in the coming weeks.

calgaryherald.com/pmn/news-pmn/c… #skpoli #covid19sk In an email to executive council staff, who provide support to Premier Scott Moe, his cabinet and committees, workers were asked to volunteer as care aides in hospitals, long-term care homes, COVID-19 testing sites and public health clinics. #skpoli
Sep 21, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
I’m covering the @peoplespca headquarters for @CdnPressPoli where @MaximeBernier has just arrived to cheers and handshakes. One supporter even baked him a Saskatoon berry pie. #cdnpoli #Elxn44 Organizers are pleading with the crowd at PPC headquarters to wear masks as per Saskatoon Inn’s policy, but most remain unmasked including PPC leader Maxime Bernier. Seats have been added and the room had to be expanded as the room is packed

#cdnpoli #Elxn44
Sep 19, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Saskatchewan broke 3 #covid19sk records today:

- highest daily new cases: 543
- highest hospitalizations: 249
- highest ICU admissions: 55

Reminder: the health care system is bracing for the worst, with plans in place to begin making life-and-death decision by Sept 30 #skpoli The thresholds that would push our doctors to make life-and-death decisions are in this thread below 👇🏻 #covid19sk
Sep 18, 2021 15 tweets 8 min read
A #COVID19SK 🧵: Today @drsusanshaw graciously spent 40 minutes with me over the phone discussing the state of Sask’s health-care system that is overwhelmed by COVID. She says it’s important to talk about/share this information. Thread continues below..

theglobeandmail.com/canada/article… Saskatchewan is already in Stage 1 of its triage plan. Surgeries are getting delayed so that those who are in a car crash or have COVD-19 can have immediate access to an ICU bed. #covid19sk
Aug 25, 2021 9 tweets 8 min read
🧵Takeaways from today's media scrum with Sask's Health Minister Paul Merriman on #COVID19SK.

The minister says you'd have to ask Dr. Shahab if we're in a fourth wave, but "we're seeing all of the signs we're entering a fourth wave."

Read more: cbc.ca/news/canada/sa… #skpoli Sask's Health Minister Paul Merriman says if people don't want to get vaccinated, then that's their choice.

"I think you're infringing on people's personal rights if you're mandating things." #covid19sk #skpoli
Aug 6, 2021 16 tweets 11 min read
🧵 : Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak declared at Parkside @Extendicare on Nov. 20 (that killed 39 LTC home residents), the facility had 13 other outbreaks between January 2020 to July 2020:

- 11 respiratory
- 1 vomiting/diarrhea
- 1 scabies

#covid19sk #skpoli .@saskhealth officials said in the ombudsman report that:

- Parkside @extendicare had more outbreaks than any other facility in Saskatchewan
- That's because residents were housed four in 1 room - The "infrastructure does not lend itself to disease control”

#covid19sk #skpoli
Aug 5, 2021 28 tweets 20 min read
Here’s what happened at Parkside @extendicare during Sask's deadliest COVID-19 outbreak, per the Ombudsman's 120-page report:

- In 62 days, 170 of 173 residents got COVID-19 (20% or 39 died from COVID-19, 3 others died from other causes)
- 132 staff infected #covid19sk #skpoli Patient Zero at Parkside was a direct care worker:
- They worked 2 shifts prior to being symptomatic
- Then worked 8 shifts while symptomatic
- Didn’t seek testing right away when advised by doc to do so
- Was unmasked + close contacts w/ 3 other direct care workers

Apr 30, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
In April, 56 Saskatchewan residents died from COVID-19. They were fathers, mothers, parents, educators. They leave behind children, co-workers, family and friends.

Below are some of their stories from @CBCSask journalists. 1/8

#covid19sk Ali Syed, died of COVID-19 days after his wife gave birth to their third child — a daughter, who will never meet her father. 2/8
