Nicole Saphier, MD Profile picture
MSKCC Physician • NYTimes Bestselling Author • Speaker • Mom of 3 • Married a 🧠 surgeon • Creator DROPrx 🌱 #MAHA I started it 📖 @foxnews
Apr 12, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Democrats say they're the party of science, but they've repeatedly ignored the science on Covid. They can't expect to be taken seriously when Biden's chief medical advisor says fully vaccinated people still shouldn't go to restaurants, travel, or even gather without masks on. 1/ Now that there's a light at the end of the tunnel, people are blocking it. The anti-science pandemic theater needs to go away (outdoor masks, obsessively cleaning surfaces). Two vaccinated people alone without masks are not where more dangerous variants are going to come from. 2/
Apr 1, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
The two things we have seen slow or stop the #COVID19 pandemic are personal responsibility and medical innovation. Americans are much better at the second one. (1/4) People wrongly applaud authoritarian methods, despite #China lying about results. Fans of #MedicareforAll claim universal #healthcare would help but Spain/Italy prove otherwise. Japan thus far has great results thanks to healthy population & culture rewarding precautions. (2/4)