National Partnership Profile picture
National Partnership for Women & Families — improving the lives of women and families by achieving equality for ALL women for 50 years.
Mar 22, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Our VP of health Justice, @sinsipuede, will be moderating today’s #RaisingTheBar panel with Richard Bessel, Betty Chu, Carmen Green, Elizabeth Howell, and Aditi Mallick. #RaisingTheBar Image This is a puzzle we could easily solve. We have the knowledge and tools to do so. Right now at @BirthEquity we are entrenched in measurement. - Carmen Green, MD
Mar 22, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
CMS administrator @BrooksLaSureCMS is our keynote speaker this afternoon! #RaisingTheBar Image . @BrooksLaSureCMS: Overall we’re looking at all our policies agency wide… Perhaps nowhere is more important for us to address inequalities than maternal health care. #RaisingTheBar
Mar 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
NPWF @jocelyncfrye is getting us started with opening remarks. #RaisingTheBar Image .@jocelyncfrye: We’ve come together today because we share a common belief. I hope we all agree that as a society we should be judged by how we protect those most vulnerable.
Mar 22, 2023 8 tweets 6 min read
Today we've released #RaisingTheBar for Maternal Health Equity&Excellence, a practical guide made to support healthcare provider institutions in taking a comprehensive, tailored approach to providing high-quality care that realizes #maternalhealth equity. With #RaisingTheBar, institutions and advocates can improve quality of care and reduce health disparities by implementing actions that strengthen their clinical care and institutional policies.
Feb 24, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
One Black person dying during #childbirth is too many. During this #BlackHistoryMonth, and every other month of the year, we’re resolute on the goal of improving access to high-quality health care for Black women. Image FACT: When it comes to health care in the U.S., Black pregnant people experience the worst outcomes. The time is now: we must prioritize Black maternal health. So… how do we do it?
Dec 16, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
🚨 In 2020, 60+ million women either lost income or experienced someone in their household losing income.

👉🏿 Women of color were hit hardest by #COVID19.

📣 We urge Congress to #savechildcare, #extendUI, extend emergency #paidleave and #paidsickdays & more. #momsbailout 🚨 Women are projected to lose $64.5 billion in wages annually due to reduced hours and lower labor force participation during the #COVID19 pandemic. #momsbailout