Today we're talking to you about the biggest protest in history- the #FarmersProtest!
This protest in India has hundreds of millions of farmers & labourers participating & is over 100 days old!
The biggest protest in history!? Over 100 days old?
Yes that's right! So why haven't you heard about it?
Well some of you may have, but the likes of @piersmorgan are too busy bashing #HarryandMeghan to cover the biggest protest ever, so good old Neville Southall has stepped in!
Mar 8, 2021 • 19 tweets • 10 min read
Hi, this is the Sex Workers Alliance Ireland (SWAI)! Thank you to Neville for letting us take over his account for 1 hour for International Women’s Day #IWD2021. We are a sex worker-led organisation that advocates for the rights of sex workers in Ireland @SWAIIreland
International Women’s Day celebrates all working women and because sex work is work, sex workers are included in this celebration! @SWAIIreland#IWD2021
Nov 18, 2020 • 57 tweets • 12 min read
So... briefly our stories......
I never wanted to be trans, it took me until 44 to accept who i am, overcome my fears & guilt (my own transphobia)
Spent my life trying to repress, ignore and overcome these feelings – I could no longer do that, being me was one of the hardest things I ever did /1
Nov 18, 2020 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Hello everyone ! We are @Nat_itsme_uk & @StubbornDogs taking over Neville’s twitter from 7-9pm. Huge thanks to Neville for the opportunity to share our experiences & issues. We want to help others learn about & challenge some of myths about being trans out there #Transtakeover
Its #Transawarenessweek why is this needed?
Hate crimes against trans people have quadrupled in 5 years 53% of young trans people suffered a hate crime over 12 months Most of the media has waged a campaign against us just like past anti-gay crusades…
Mar 27, 2019 • 46 tweets • 37 min read
Hello! Thank you so much Neville Southall for letting us use this account to talk about our message. This is @ladygrew tweeting for @SWAIIreland, the Sex Workers Alliance Ireland, a sex worker-led organisation, who advocates and supports all sex workers on the island of Ireland.
A major focus for us is preventing criminalisation of sex work. Today is the 2 yr anniversary of the Sexual Offenses Act in Ireland, which criminalised the purchase of sex, and doubled already existing penalties for escorts working in pairs or groups. #DecrimForSafety
Jul 31, 2018 • 13 tweets • 11 min read
Hi + thanks for tuning in to this @docsnotcops takeover so far tonight, here from 7-9pm. Now we’ll be talking about the public health impacts of charging migrants to use NHS services #PatientsNotPassports
This @docsnotcops takeover has health workers, activists, campaigners bringing the real stories of the harms of charging to Twitter - I’m a doctor in central London and can't stand how distressing and harmful the charges are @TheBMA#PatientsNotPassports
Jul 28, 2018 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Not everyone can travel to Northern Syria, of course. But everyone can do their part to defend the democratic, ecological, women-led revolution here – particularly people in the UK. (1/6) (@CommuneInt)
As we shared earlier, you can pressure the cowardly British government to bring Anna Campbell’s body back home.
You can also contact @KurdsCampaign to find out more about organising to support the Rojava revolution from the UK. (2/6)
Hi folks! It’s @SexWorkHive here for our Monday night takeover. Today we're tweeting from the International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam. We're here all week, drawing attention to sex worker issues from around the world. [Thread] @SexWorkHive Yesterday we held a Sex Workers' Networking Pre-Meeting and over 150 sex workers came along, from many countries all over the world.
Jul 13, 2018 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
This is my son and our first guest. J was 2 when he moved in- now, at nearly 5, he feels he has a big, Syrian brother. The love between the two of them is wonderful.
And this is my boy with one of our current guests, Y. Y and his wife and baby girl are from #Eritrea, so we have learned about East African politics, food, music and dancing.
Jul 7, 2018 • 107 tweets • 21 min read
Hi everyone! This is @brightonsolfed taking over @nevillesouthall’s account for the next two hours. We’ll be talking about: problems with wage theft in the hospitality industry and how we fight it, our Housing Union and the dire state of the housing market... we function as a revolutionary union and why we feel the need to organise this way, and how you can get involved in Solidarity Federation @solfed_iwa
Jun 20, 2018 • 22 tweets • 8 min read
@StubbornDogs I always knew I was different & didn’t feel like the ‘girl’ I was told I was. As a kid I was just one of the local lads - had short hair, an Action Man, played footie, war & fought with boys. Was labelled a ‘tomboy’ but secretly hoped one day my willy would grow...
@StubbornDogs It wasn’t so distressing for me as a young kid because I could mostly express my maleness without getting shamed for it. When I was 10 we had a Victorian dressing up day at school & I went as a street urchin lad. No one batted eyelid at me & it felt great!..
Jun 20, 2018 • 18 tweets • 7 min read
I never wanted to be trans, took me until 44 to accept who i am, overcome my fears & guilt of how i felt
Spent my life up to this point trying to repress, ignore & overcome these feelings – I could no longer do that, being me was one of the hardest things I ever did
For most ppl your body, your sense of who you are matches the sex you have on your birth certificate, (called Cis- Cis is short for ‘cisgender’) meaning somebody whose gender identity matches the sex they were given at birth. Basically, ‘not trans’.