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The home of the youth vote — empowering the most diverse and progressive generation in U.S. history to drive change at the ballot box. Text VOTE to 25998
Jul 22 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
🚨ENDORSEMENT ALERT🚨: Ballot Initiatives Edition!

We are laser-focused on the issues that young people care about. Today, we are announcing our 2024 state ballot initiative endorsements!

NextGen PAC is fully behind these ballot initiatives ⬇️: Image IN ARIZONA: NextGen PAC is opposing the 2024 Democracy Reform ballot initiative.

We believe that Arizonans should have the right to help shape the state's policies and rules. This initiative would make it harder for citizens to bring issues and petitions to the legislature. Image
Aug 16, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Happy birthday to the Inflation Reduction Act!🎂🎉

A year ago today, President Biden signed the most significant climate legislation in U.S. history into law.

How has this major clean energy plan turbocharged our economy and invested in our future? Check it out!🧵 Image 🚨So far in 2023, a record 15 weather and climate disasters produced over an estimated $39.5 billion in damages.🚨

And that doesn’t include the fires devastating Maui.

We literally cannot afford any days off the fight. That’s why the Inflation Reduction Act is so essential!
May 19, 2020 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Republican senators as trash cans ~ a thread ~

Susan Collins - ME Thom Tillis - NC
Nov 2, 2018 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
Pennsylvania Republicans think they can condescend to young people, but those meddling #youthvote kids won’t let them get away with it. Here’s who we’re ready to put in office. (1/9) #PApol #PAGov: Tom Wolf, who opposes right-to-work laws and supports a rapid transition to clean energy deserves re-election for governor. NXTGN.US/fka
Nov 1, 2018 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
Virginia is where the post-Trump bounceback began last year, and we’re determined to elect more progressive leaders this year—including an all-women slate of congressional candidates. #VApol (1/7)
#VA02: Elaine Luria will prioritize Virginians’ safety by working to protect access to affordable healthcare and working to combat climate change. NXTGN.US/fj6
Nov 1, 2018 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
Pundits have traditionally written off Arizona as a reliable red state. Not anymore.

The #youthvote and Democratic candidates are fired up to bring change. #AZpol (1/6) NXTGN.US/fja #AZGov: David Garcia has the chance to become Arizona’s first Latinx governor in decades. He fights for immigrants, students, teachers, and all Arizonans.
Oct 31, 2018 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
From the governor's mansion to the halls of Congress, Democrats across Michigan have the opportunity to reclaim the state from Republicans. #MIpol (1/7) NXTGN.US/fjf #MIGov: Gretchen Whitmer is the leader Michigan deserves. She supports affordable healthcare, the #metoo movement, and will stand up to Trump. NXTGN.US/fjg
Oct 30, 2018 • 9 tweets • 6 min read
The path to a #BlueWave runs through the Golden State. Meet the candidates in key flippable California districts. #CApol (1/9) NXTGN.US/fii #CA10: “He’s a newb, but a smart one.” Josh Harder supports the #DreamAct, #MedicareForAll, and debt relief for college students. NXTGN.US/fic