Olesya Vartanyan Profile picture
Conflicts and security issues in the South Caucasus. Former senior analyst at @CrisisGroup and journalist at @NYTimes & @RFERL. @WarStudies alumna.
Jan 30 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ A Georgian delegation visits Armenia today after a recent trip to Azerbaijan. Despite grand rhetoric, these visits highlight the ruling GD party’s shrinking options. With sanctions looming and growing isolation, its immediate neighbors are now the only places left to go. 🧵 Image 2/ But this visit also challenges the belief - held in some Georgian political circles and beyond - that even if GD cements its power, Armenia can still remain the South Caucasus’ only democracy and help steer the region back onto a pro-Western track.
Apr 25, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
#Russia warns "consequences" for another negotiation format in the South Caucasus - Geneva International Discussions - devoted to conflicts in #Georgia. Recently Moscow voiced similar threats in #Karabakh context. Why contents of these complains have little to do with reality?🧵 In fact, this was #Russia that proposed to postpone the spring round of the Geneva talks. Its key negotiator Mr Rudenko was busy with talks in #Ukraine. There were some problems with logistics as well. 2/
Jan 11, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
1/ I am excited to share with you a brand new version of @CrisisGroup Visual Explainer for the #NagornoKarabakh Conflict: crisisgroup.org/content/nagorn… 2/ We have added many new and unique features, developed to reflect changes in the region since the 2020 war and to take advantage of all that graphics and data presentation in this format can do.
May 10, 2021 8 tweets 5 min read
1/8 Today is six months after the ceasefire in #Karabakh war. We at @CrisisGroup have been following the process of identification and reporting of casualties. You can see the most recent numbers in our visual explainer: crisisgroup.org/content/nagorn… 2/8 The current death toll is expected to rise with more identified through DNA analyses. We went through all the lists of civilian and military casualties published in coarse of the war and after it. Some names were removed, probably due to the initial mistakes in reporting.