Jordan Pennells Profile picture
Postdoc @CSIRO Food Innovation Centre: building a digital platform for plant-based meat extrusion ~ PhD from @UQ_EAIT on upcycling crop waste to nanocellulose
Aug 26, 2021 35 tweets 13 min read
"Sorghum is a compelling bioresource for the sustainable production of cellulose nanofibres"
Our new research in Industrial Crops & Products made a reality with the help of @Crooked50 @Godwin_UQ, Darren Martin et al. #bioeconomy #nanocellulose #sorghum… The engaging graphical abstract was born from a creative collaboration with @cautioushopeful, which wouldn't have been possible without @LifeologyApp's science-art platform!! 👐
Sep 25, 2019 13 tweets 6 min read
PING @UQ_EAIT. This semester I've had the opportunity to tutor '#Biomaterials in Medicine' (CHEE4305) & today was the most fun I've ever had in a class at UQ!

The topic was @elonmusk's revolutionary tech startup #Neuralink, aiming to develop implantable brain devices.
A THREAD! So what makes Neuralink so revolutionary?

Historic Biomaterial revolutions - pacemakers, hip implants, bionic limbs - have changed what humans are capable of doing. However, Neuralink has the potential to change who we are as a species!…
Nov 20, 2018 13 tweets 7 min read
V. thought provoking seminar today @TRI_info by Prof John Huss entitled ‘Ecological medicine & medical ecology’. Discussed were ecological strategies for #coral remediation and the #microbiome. But more interesting was unpacking the #philosophy of biological research!.... (1/12) The field of microbiome #research is still very young, and it’s hard to get a handle on what is established and where exactly the field will progress (2/12)