Ronnie MB 🇫🇰 (Ronnie MacLennan Baird) Profile picture
Clyde built/Falklands anchored: freelance journalist/broadcaster, lawyer, legislative drafter, public policy consultant and tour guide - we multitask here!
Feb 14 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
The latest supplement to the Falkland Islands Gazette is out and I am going to snigger and quibble about the Regulations that have been gazette
Thread follows:
<rant> The preamble reads (in the name of the Governor):
"I make these regulations by order under section 22 of the Currency Ordinance 1987 in accordance with section 66(2)(e) of the Falkland Islands Constitution Order 2008 because in my judgement the matter is too unimportant."
Apr 20, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
A paper published ahead of next week's meeting of the #FalklandIslands Standing Finance Committee shows that the retail price index for Stanley went up 1.7% in the first months of 2022 and 5.2% in the year to 31 March 2022
#CostOfLiving in the #Falklands The paper says "The data points to an acceleration of price growth compared to previous quarters; although much of the year-over-year growth can be attributed to base effects on fuel prices (i.e. low fuel prices recorded one year ago)."
Dec 31, 2020 • 14 tweets • 10 min read
I've been tweeting a lot about UK #OverseasTerritories not being part of the #Brexit deal and a bit more has emerged ... #Falklands MLA @teslynbark has answered a q about #Brexit and the #Falklands on fb - highlights:

1 Original UK EU mandate didn't include OTs except for Gibraltar.

2 In May, EU said they didn't have a mandate to negotiate for their OTs and wouldn't negotiate on UK OT issues.
Nov 28, 2020 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Finally caught up with a bit more of what was said in the #FalklandIslands Legislative Assembly on Thursday.
It seems that the "ambitious" timetable for the review of the #Falklands constitution is now "impossible" and it won't be finished by May after all Mention on one hand of public hearings taking oral evidence in New Year and a suggestion on the other that there may not be the appetite for further work after all!
Jul 31, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
[Comment on Committee of the Whole: since when did Schedules have *clauses*? Paragraphs!]

Correction: the Bill was called the Assessment and Safeguarding of Adults Bill

The Bill has been passed. New Standing Orders have been drafted to reflect the Constitutional Modification allowing Legislative Assembly to have virtual meetings - likely to be used by 2 MLAs next month
Jul 29, 2020 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
This order published today allows the #FalklandIslands Legislative Assembly and the #SaintHelena Legislative Council to hold virtual meetings from 22 August ... Earlier this year, a request had been made by the #Falklands Executive Council to allow LegAssy to meet virtually during #COVID19, primarily because MLAs isolating meant there was no quorum ...
Jul 6, 2020 • 17 tweets • 11 min read
The new #COVID19 #quarantine regulations for the #Falklands have since been become available online:… The #Falklands have had a 14 day #quarantine (a quattordictine?) for some time ... but, initially, it was not legally binding and, latterly, it has been imposed by means of notices issued to individuals under other legislation (equivalent to Sch 21 of the UK Coronavirus Act)
Jun 5, 2020 • 11 tweets • 6 min read
There is an irony in the fact that, as Lord President of the Privy Council, #JacobReesMogg of all people will hopefully soon be advising the Queen to make an amendment to the #Falklands constitution that our MLAs requested to let them take part in Legislative Assembly remotely! The #FalklandIslands Constitution is an Order in Council under the British Settlements Acts - formally, it is made by the Queen on the advice of her Privy Council, of which #JacobReesMogg is the Lord President - a decision was taken here on 6 April to request an amendment ...
Apr 30, 2020 • 19 tweets • 7 min read
The #FalklandIslands are in the process of getting "lockdown" regulations to deal with #COVID19, though with no confirmed cases outside the MPC military base they are not going to be applied for the time being and an announcement about the existing measures is due tomorrow. The regulations have been made, but not yet formally published in the Gazette or on (the #FalklandIslands statute law database) and will only if and to the extent that a further declaration is made ...
Apr 23, 2020 • 10 tweets • 6 min read
#COVID19 restrictions in the #Falklands have largely been implemented by largely unenforceable guidance that has largely been followed ... but legislation is on its way now The new #COVID19 in the #Falklands will be adapted from the UK legislation but it appears an important lesson has been learned from the UK experience:
Apr 9, 2020 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
I have always wanted to explain to people how the #Falklands are run, so badly - #Blackadder fans will appreciate the importance of the comma!

Here's a thread about one aspect of that, inspired by this tweet:
The #FalklandIslands Constitution does not create a ministerial system, but a so called "portfolio" system has evolved.

There is no Prime/First/Chief Minister or Premier here, but MLAs take it in turns to be Chair of the Legislative Assembly ...
Apr 8, 2020 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
#Falklands #COVID19 Q and A session with invited media

First question is about business support
Business issues identified in survey include staff retention and liquidity
Household issues also relate to financial worries
Initial measures already in place
More next week 200 applications expected under initial scheme - 12 received so far and first payments about to be made
Mar 23, 2020 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
#COVID19 legislation in the #FalklandIslands just published
An order postponing Thursday's referendum on a single constituency for 6 months is quite straightforward, but the Infectious Disease Control (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 are a bit more substantial: The regs (made under the Infectious Diseases Ordinance 2003) are not yet on but are in a Gazette that has been emailed subscribers and are now in force with a 2 year sunset.
Mar 10, 2020 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Representation and voting weight are the subject of a referendum in the #Falklands in just over 2 weeks time ... (cont'd) ... For the third time in just over 20 years, voters in the #Falklands are being asked if they want to change from having separate constituencies for the capital (Stanley) and the rest of the islands (Camp) to having a single constituency for the whole of the #FalklandIslands ...
Jan 21, 2020 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
I had an unusual (for me) experience last week: I have sat on the press bench in the court the #Falklands many times, but, for only the second time in over 10 years, I was bobbing up and down at the lawyers’ table ... ... the reports afterwards by @roddycordeiro and @TraighanaSmith were fair and balanced (I haven’t seen @kyleknappett’s but have no doubt it was too) ...

... but there’s a (not critical of the people) but ...
Oct 10, 2019 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
#FalklandIslands to have Public Register of Beneficial Ownership by 2023

Thread ... ... It’s been announced that @FalklandsGov has committed to introducing a Public Register of Beneficial Ownership in the #FalklandIslands by 2023, in line with a timetable set by the UK Government and with help and support from the UK to overcome “unique challenges”. ...
Oct 9, 2019 • 10 tweets • 6 min read
Coverage of Tuesday’s session of the #UNGA 4th Committee:…

#Gibraltar was one #NSGT covered on Tuesday, as was #Anguilla and French Polynesia The @GovAnguillaUK representative argued that the relationship between the UK and #Anguilla is “... not a modern relationship, nor is it one that offers respect to our citizens.”
Oct 4, 2019 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
This tweet in which I am tagged wasn’t aimed at me (phew!)

It refers to a “charming” 19th century settler in Patagonia called Alexander MacLennan and nicknamed Red Pig or Red Hog! Some of his story is told here:… (via @jpberlinger, who wanted to know if I was related to Alexander MacLennan - not to my knowledge and almost certainly not)
Sep 12, 2019 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
I’ve been following recent constitutional developments in the UK with popcorn but also from behind the sofa.
8000 miles away in the #FalklandIslands, we do have a written constitution, given to us by the UK ...
(Thread) The #Falklands are on the third version of their Constitution since the events of 1982 and the current version came into force 10 years ago after a long process of consultation and negotiation. Last year, another constitutional review started ...
(Thread continues)